Well, first of all, I need to take a moment and thank my Heavenly Father for all of this. I was told that I may never have children. One of the hardest conversations I have ever had. But 3 miracles took place and I was able to celebrate one of the greatest blessings of my life on December 28!
It has been a crazy fun filled week. Sunday was my Birthday……no time for one of those days! :} We made flowers for the reception and 500 little cupcakes!
Stacy gave me a pedicure for my Birthday and so her and I got up on Monday and went to have a pedicure together. Just the 2 of us….one last mommy daughter party before she got hitched!
We ran errands all day and ran our legs off, then went to the church to set up for the reception.
We frosted cupcakes:
Ironed Aprons:
Tied bows on chairs:
Then…..the long awaited day.
got hair done:
Headed to the Rexburg Temple:}
Married at last:
It was an amazing ceremony!
The Luncheon at the Legacy Flight Museum:
Perfect Luncheon! Then on to the reception:
And my very favorite picture!
It was a perfect day. I would not change a thing. And even th0ugh it was so much work, it is so fun being the mommy of a bride. My little bride! My little Mae. She was so beautiful and so happy!
So…one of the things I was so touched about was the help I received. Rockwoods helped all day on the 27th and it was their anniversary. Steve and Lisa Bearnson drove from Provo and stayed for 2 days…..to help!!!!! Shauna Storer and Carolyn Olson were the 2 sisters I never had, but always dreamed of. They manned the kitchen and worked there butts off. Kaz, Angie, Mindy and their girls helped all night. Abby and Marinda Robertson helped serve and clean up. Sydni tied bows and Ryan and Syd helped clean up. Mom and Darlene worked their hands to the bones. Jana and Kennedy were troupers and Jana did the decorating of the stage and the tables. Nicole was my right arm. She was amazing. Then Brother and sister Ray and Brother Cook brought in the young men to clean up, take down chairs, sweep and carry stuff out. Kent and Ingrid and their family loaded gifts and made a couple trips to drop them off in my living room. And many others….to many to mention. This was not a one man show.
This was a village that helped raise my daughter show up to love and support us. I am so touched. Thanks everyone.