Yesterday when Kent was speaking in church he was talking about growing up on the farm. He talked about our parents and what he learned from them. I just cried. We truly was blessed with a great childhood. Not perfect, but great. Funny how trials bring the emotions so close to the

Me and Brian

Me and Brian at Aunt
Coarolyn's wedding

When Kent was born

Seriously......check out those legs!

I got on today and my sightmeter said that I have had 20,000 visitors since June 2008. I think it is a great time for a giveaway! A while back, I went to the temple early in the morning and did a photo shoot. This is what I ended up with! (Red lettering not included LOL)

I wanna give one away. It will be an 8 x 10. I wanna show my appreciation for the love and support that you blogland friends have shown me. Leave me a comment! I will pick draw out a name in a few weeks!! Whoo Hoo!
Today was as a bummer day. We had to go back to Huntsman. When they do the surgery, they have to remove the tube to the bladder. So, there is problems with that so he has to go back in for more surgery on the 23rd of Sept.. It was a hard day for him. Please keep him in your prayers. It all really sucks. I think today was the first time I have REALLY asked WHY? and really meant it. It breaks my heart that he has to go through this and there is not a dang thing I can do about it. He is such a good guy. He has an amazing heart. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. He is so sincere and honest. I am so blessed to have him in my life. I just wanna scream!!!!!
We left at 7 this morning, and had about 45 minutes until his appointment. We went and walked around Temple Square. Boy, they are scrambling to get it ready for conference. It is Beautiful!

......And I am a new grandma.....I have a new grand dog. Ryan and Lucy! So stinkin Cute! And the dog's pretty cute to!
Today was a good day. I love Sundays. It is like Christmas every week. We do everything on Saturday to prepare, and then set back and enjoy it. It is a day for me to renew the covenants I made at Baptism. It is a day to worship and learn.
Today I attended the ward of my Brother and his Family. He was made "Bishop" It was very emotional for me. My parents and my brother were there. There to love and support Kent and Ingrid on this day. It is such a miracle that we were all together. That my mom was able to attend. I just cried. I am very proud of him. He is lucky that he is alive b/c there was a few times when we were little that I wanted to TAKE HIM OUT! :}

Our Family......Today! Kent, Brian, Dad, Mom and me

After church mom and dad came over for dinner. Mom's balance is getting better and better. She still uses her walker, but is doing so much better.
Tomorrow we will be going back to Huntsman. Jp's having some complications from the surgery. Never knew about all the after math of prostate cancer and surgery. It super sucks for him.
Ryan started his new job. Boy am I a proud mama! He just finished his training. It is hard and lots of stuff to know and remember, but he is doing good. I miss him and Syd tons. I hate that they can't just POP in for dinner.
Stacy is just working 2 jobs until school starts again. She has met lots of new friends and dating a ton. I love having her home. She is such a bright spot in my life right now.
Cole is having a blast in Utah. She works a ton and has met tons of friends. I love that she has a blog now. So fun to keep up with her life. She is amazing and I love her to pieces!
Yesterday we went jet skiing, probably for the last time this summer. Stacy invited a friend. They had a blast and I had fun watching him SOAK her!
Stacy and Zatl (pronounced......Model minus the M add a Z)





JP -n- Me


I had a friend ask me what photography course I am can CLICK HERE
It is not an online course. They send all the stuff, you work on it, take tests, and send in projects. I got my first test grade back and I got a "B" Not bad for an old dummy! :) I'm to old to be studying for tests!
Our 29th Ann. is on Sept 19th. We are going to drive to Boise and Stay with Ryan and Syd, then to Burbank Wa. to see my Aunt Ernistine and Uncle Richard. Richard is my dad's brother. Then on to a bed and breakfast that is owned by my cousin Virginia and her husband (Richard and Ernistine's daughter) Haven't seen them in a bizillion years. I am so excited. I hope and pray that it all works out cause with everything going on this year, all my trips have been CANCELED!This is the bed and breakfast. It is on a lake.

This is our room!

I am super excited!
"I pray that we will know how to open our hearts like a little child and take pleasure in hearing and practicing the word of God in all the power of its simplicity."
Gérald Caussé,
Last week when Cole was here, she told me that she wanted to buy my Rebel camera. She owed her dad some money, so I gave her the camera, and she bought this for me! I am so excited.
Not only is this bad boy 15 mega pixels, it is VIDEO! So you can be shooting video, then SNAP a still shot! Oh MY GOSH! Some women love diamonds, some fancy cars, some expensive jewelery.....ME..... CAMERAS!

The other night, my Visiting Teachers came! Check them out! They are the cutest!

Last night, I went over to the temple and took pictures for a sweet couple in our ward that just adopted a baby. They are having LILLY sealed to them tomorrow. What an exciting time for them. I love doing this for people and I LOVE playing with photoshop. I use Graphic Authority and it is so fun. I love the old, fixed up photos! These photos are taken with my new bad boy
To see more pics....Click HERE
What a great weekend I had! Spent lots of time on my knees thanking the person responsible for that! First of all, I wanna share a thought I heard in Sacrament Meeting.
"Don't worry about the blind horse, just load the wagon." I LOVED that. There are so many things we can't control, but we can do the stuff we are asked to do and the Lord will take care of the rest! So much stuff going on. So much sadness. All we can do is to be prepared. Just do what we are supposed to do. Let me give you an example. (hope it's ok Lynn) I have a DEAR friend that I learn so much about FOOD STORAGE from. She is the queen of food storage. Not only does she do it, but she teaches us sooooooo much. She never worried about the "blind horse" as in.... questioning why we do food storage ect. She just loaded her wagon. Well, I got on her blog yesterday and her husband was laid off from his job. I was sick for her. Then I thought., "She is so prepared for this" She is such an example to me. I try harder to do the things I am asked b/c of her! Hang in there friend!
We had a great weekend. Ryan and Syd came, so ALL of us were together for 2 days! We got up Saturday and did some shoppin'. Then Craig and Joyce brought the boat over. He is so good to my kids. He took them out wake boarding. He had to teach some of them, but WHAT A BLAST. I had my super duper zoom lens, so I got some great shots. I was all smiles.
Good Food

Friends and Family
Jp and Ryan

My Girls! :)

Stacy and Syd


Joyce and Jaxon









The Rockwoods

Then on Sunday, mom and dad cam over for dinner. So many miracles. Mom seems to be getting better all the time. I hope and pray that the patch continues to work!

Uplifting Quotes
"Good times only come into our lives when we open our hearts and let them in." Judy Pasley
"Nothing can be more bleak, than taking the World's Media Road to discover who you are.
Nothing can be more serene, than discovering who you are through service, love, charity and compassion." Lynn Crapo
"Trying to please others will not make you happy. Just being happy will in the end, please others." Lynn Crapo
. . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Walker
Remember how it started,
remember the happiness it brought to you,
and endure the heartaches to never let it die. Natalie Williams
The closest I will ever get to heaven is through a child. Natalie Williams
..."Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance..." Kazmin Nye
"When you don't get what you want it's because God thought of something better to give you." Holly Davis
"Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times he lets the storm rage and calms the child" Angie Guyman
"Memory making and moments come but once.
You can't bring back time, so the time you take is certainly priceless!" Lynn Crapo
"Tradition: a clock that tells us what time it is." - Elbert Hubbard
"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer