Where Ya Comin' From?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Issues With Provo

Seems like every time I go to Provo, I leave someone there! Hate it! Well, we did it. We took the girls down and I am so lost.

But I do have good news. Stacy went to apply for a job this summer at the MTC. They told her not to get her hopes up because they have so many applicants. They sent her an e-mail that they were considering her. This week she got a call and they wanted to set up an appointment for an interview. That was at 2:30 on Friday. We left the MTC and headed to Walmart and she got a call. She got the job. She will be teaching Spanish! WHAT A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. She is so excited. She will be perfect working there! She will work 20 hours a week and the pay is good. Tender Mercies!

We dropped them off on Saturday and we were leaving Provo and I got this really strong feeling that this is where they are supposed to be. I LOVE THE HOLY GHOST! And Lexapro! It doesn't make me miss them less, but it helps to know that they are on the right track.

I fixed Sol-Rio Burritos for dinner the night before they left and Rockwoods came and brought them a going-away present. Hangers and goodies! How Nice!

Joyce, Nicole, Stacy and RockNew Hangers!Judy, Nicole, Stacy, Grandma and Grandpa
Ryan, Stacy, Cole, Grandma and Grandpa!
New job at MTC!Me and my girls!Jerry, Mae, Cole and Me!

To all you Mom's out here that dropped your babies off at college this year .... It really sucks! No, I really mean....Hang in there!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My August in a Nutshell

I can't believe that August is over...Wow. Here is a run down of mine.

August 2- Went shopping and bought Ryan N. a new book.

August 3- I am not losing a son-I am gaining a daughter. Ryan proposed to Sydni.They are so excited. I love watching them together, they are so in love. She is so good for him. He took her to Jackson to propose.

August 4- Left for trek- One of the days we were there we were given a few ounces of flour. That was the rations they had when the food started to run out. This really left an impression on me. Flour and water-3 times a day. And it wasn't even enough to get full. This is 4 ounces.

August 8- Cari and Clint's Wedding. Cari is my good friend-Judy's daughter. She and Clint got married on 08-08-08! It was a beautiful wedding!

August 11- Jerry, Bill, Nicole and Stacy climbed Table Rock. It was hard and they were sore the next day but it was worth it.
August 15- My Mom's Birthday-
August 16- Picnic at the park. We went to Scotty's and got burgers and met my parents at the park. The Twins-Ryan and Syd- played on the swings. It was a great day!

August 22nd- I did 3 batches of jam and 2 batches of applesauce- I have never done applesauce before- a pat on the back! I have a huge raspberry patch a 3 apple trees. It will keep me busy!
August 23- Went shopping for college and wedding stuff- and them everyone played in the water!

August 24- Ryan got ordained an Elder.

August 26- Stacy and I made a quilt for Ryan and Sydni- Watched movies with Stacy and Ryan.

August 27-Took Riley and Addie to McDonalds for Riley's Birthday. Went to Fred Meyer to buy Riley A present. These kids are my niece-Amanda's kids. They are so adorable and fun!

Went to Destiny and Taylor's to see new little Tayvian. Cutest baby ever! Taylor is my nephew. Destiny and Nicole were friends in High-school.

August 18- Packed the girls so we can leave in the morning for Utah!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last night we saw a flash out the window. The Rockwood's were backing their pickup up to our boat ramp. Craig wanted to go fishing. They launched their pontoon boats and Joyce and I drug our lounge chairs to the edge of the river to watch them fish and watch the sunset. It was so peaceful. It was a perfect night. Seems the summer is slipping away. I have loved it. Done anything really special? Nope! Just spent time with our family. After having to be separated for 18 months it is a blessing to have 4 months together. Have had a blast and as I watch the sunset on our summer I am excited for all the new adventures that I am about to experience. One step closer to grandkids!

And don't for get to read the post below and add your name to the pot for the give-away!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Give away!

We have been sorting all the stuff in the shop. When we moved, we put lots of our junk in the shop and shut the door. We have been going through it to find the "college" stuff. I ran across an "all about me" book and it brought back some pretty cool memories.

A few years ago I was talking to Lisa Bearnson. She is the founding editor of Creating Keepsakes Magazine. We are great friends. She told me that she had left-over books and if I needed them I could have all I wanted. At the time I was the Assistant Stake Camp Director. I said " Do you have 200?" The answer was yes and she donated the books to our girls camp. It was amazing to see the girls put together these wonderful books. Girls that would never have this opportunity otherwise. After girls camp one of the girls' mom called me and asked if I had any left. I told her I did and she said that their house had caught on fire and her daughter's book had been destroyed, and that was one of the things that she was sad about. I ran one over to the hotel they were staying at. What a huge heart Lisa has. She is always doing kind stuff for people. She amazes me.

I ran across this book, and thought, "what can I do to pay her back?"
I am going to give this book away on September 15th.
I love the blog world. I have been trying to keep up on who reads my blog, for my protection. I have considered going private, but I hate to do that. I love the communication. I just want to stay safe.
Just post a comment, and every one that comments will get your name put in a pot.
I will draw a name out on the 15th. Simple as that.
The book is awesome. I ordered mine on QVC! All of the pages are included with simple instructions on how to put them together. All you have to do is follow the intructions and add pictures! The book fits inside a green box, tied with a cute ribbon. What a wonderful way to preserve our memories!
I really appreciate your comments. I love that I can keep in close contact with my loved-ones.
I appreciate your friendship. I feel this is a way that I can say, "I LOVE YA"
And Thanks Lisa, Again!

Uplifting Quotes

"Good times only come into our lives when we open our hearts and let them in." Judy Pasley

"Nothing can be more bleak, than taking the World's Media Road to discover who you are.
Nothing can be more serene, than discovering who you are through service, love, charity and compassion." Lynn Crapo

"Trying to please others will not make you happy. Just being happy will in the end, please others." Lynn Crapo

. . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Walker


Remember how it started,
remember the happiness it brought to you,
and endure the heartaches to never let it die. Natalie Williams

The closest I will ever get to heaven is through a child. Natalie Williams

..."Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance..." Kazmin Nye

"When you don't get what you want it's because God thought of something better to give you." Holly Davis

"Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times he lets the storm rage and calms the child" Angie Guyman

"Memory making and moments come but once.
You can't bring back time, so the time you take is certainly priceless!" Lynn Crapo

"Tradition: a clock that tells us what time it is." - Elbert Hubbard

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer

Our Backyard

Our Backyard
Fun In The Sun

Hinckley Challenge