But I do have good news. Stacy went to apply for a job this summer at the MTC. They told her not to get her hopes up because they have so many applicants. They sent her an e-mail that they were considering her. This week she got a call and they wanted to set up an appointment for an interview. That was at 2:30 on Friday. We left the MTC and headed to Walmart and she got a call. She got the job. She will be teaching Spanish! WHAT A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. She is so excited. She will be perfect working there! She will work 20 hours a week and the pay is good. Tender Mercies!
We dropped them off on Saturday and we were leaving Provo and I got this really strong feeling that this is where they are supposed to be. I LOVE THE HOLY GHOST! And Lexapro! It doesn't make me miss them less, but it helps to know that they are on the right track.
I fixed Sol-Rio Burritos for dinner the night before they left and Rockwoods came and brought them a going-away present. Hangers and goodies! How Nice!

Ryan, Stacy, Cole, Grandma and Grandpa!

To all you Mom's out here that dropped your babies off at college this year .... It really sucks! No, I really mean....Hang in there!