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Posts mit dem Label STOLLE werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Ralf und Stolle: abendsee

Two new tracks recorded live by my new project with Ralf. The session took place in my house, Feb.4th, Ralf plays Keyboard and I'm playing acoustic guitar (abendsee) and stylophones, synth and sampler (ohne wille). Slowly we are learning what this thing is about. Hope you enjoy it!

luv, stollllllllllllllle

Dienstag, 20. November 2012

STOLLE: bye bye 4-track

This is a new single by Stolle, celebrating my good old 4-track-taperecorder which is supposed to retire now, for I finally managed to get my first digital multitracker. I'm not quite sure yet if this will be an improvement, because I really loved recording tapes, the feel and sound of it - I guess I'm an analogue guy.
Side A is called bye bye 4-track and also features my new korg pocket synthesizer.
Side B, Down, comes from the first session of Ralf und Stolle, a new project. Ralf is an old friend from my hometown who started making music recently and played the breathtaking beautiful organ on this one.
Hope you like it!
luv, stollllllllllle

Donnerstag, 8. November 2012


This is a solo recording by Stolle, done live as a tribute to Lou Reed. Marcus and Member were gone shopping, looking for terrible things no one could possibly eat, ever, so I took the opportunity and recorded this thing.
After doing a basic drone on my Toy-Keyboard I established a groove with the Korg Monotribe, then messed around with the oscillators, went on to do two vocal loops and finally did a guitar freakout, trying to play like Lou did in his heyday.

Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008

Stolle - Wood Songs 2004

After finishing his LAST - album, Stolle took things literally and stopped recording as an Solo-Artist. In 2004, however he started recording again, this time featuring just his voice, his acoustic guitar (and ...errrr... a telephone), and mostly doing covers of stuff he found influential on him or that was requested by his friends (Member, for example, requested Radioaktivität). Thus returning to his roots as the semiprofessional campfire-musician he was in his teens, the result was pretty cool. A beautiful cover was made by Jürgen, - and nothing happened.
But then, last week, Jürgen came to the bar where Stolle works, had some Single Malt Whiskys, and so it came to pass that finally we have another Stolle record - the one after the last one. Never say never, they say...
Get three songs here:


get the one after the last one here

luv, stolllllllle

Samstag, 14. Juni 2008

Stolle - Last 2002

in 2001, stolle got increasingly dissatisfied with his project UBIK paint, which he finally left. Also, a relationship to a girl ended in a very heartbreaking way. this record is the result of a creative eruption to overcome these things. The title being almost prophetic, this is stolle's last solo record until now, and he considers it as his best, also.

Check out 3 songs:


get the last stolle record here

luv, stolllllllle

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008


In 2000, Stolle got some presents: first was a child's toy keyboard, and second was an old four track cassette-recorder. with the help of Member and Stephan from UBIK paint, this album was made. the lofi-approach of the music is contrasted by a professional worked out concept and cover art.

and the whole thing here


Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008


This is Stolle's first solo effort. In 1999, insprired by the renewed partnership with Member and the tremendous work done with UBIK paint, he did a series of homerecordings put directly on his new cd-recorder. Very spontaneously done and raw stuff...

get the blues here