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Posts mit dem Label Astrosound werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Astrosound - Modular Session Log 2014

A new Astrosound Session comes from the farest corners of outer space. This time Member visits Heiko in his Feldrauschen Lab in Offenbach to work with Heikos self build Modular Synthesizers. With them Astrosound will travel in farest outer space, acompanied by old friends, like, for example Juno 106 & MS 10.
This flight is a very glitchy and experimental affair. Have fun on your Journey through Astrosound Territory....

You will find the space monster here.



Freitag, 1. Juni 2012

Astrosound Live 16.6.2012

SPACE - Time Again. Legendary Electronic Space Project ASTROSOUND will perform live for the second time since the 90's.

If you love space and you are in germany on June 16th, don't miss this.

ProZwo Bar
Prämäckerweg 8
60433 Frankfurt
Start: 22:00.


Montag, 27. Juni 2011

Astrosound - Live @ Members Birthday Party 12.6.2011

Space, Far Out Space... Out there, beyond space and time....Captain Member speaking...Earth, can you here me...We're trapped in a Sound-Worm....Time is endless...there are dancers in the is pounding.... pulsing pulsing.....calm down now, mellow in mellow out...but the dancers are dancing to a land far a thunderstorm of sound, a storm of swords cuts loose....
Astrosound played Live....
played as a quartet with Stolle as the fourth man....
Listen to this, earth, you have to listen to this orgy of sound, the unbelievable Live Concert of Astrosound.

You will find it here and here.



Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

ASTROSOUND Live 12.6.2011

SPACE - Time Again. Legendary Electronic Space Project ASTROSOUND will perform live for the first time since the 90's.

Thomas - space guitar & space vocals
Heiko - space electronics, space vocals
Member - space electronics, space bass, space vocals

If you love space and you are in germany on June 12th, don't miss this.

ProZwo Bar
Prämäckerweg 8
60433 Frankfurt
Start: 21:30.


Samstag, 4. September 2010

Astrosound - Welcome Back In Space 2010

We did it! ASTROSOUND Reunion!
Space, you know, Space Space Space ... remember...
For the first time we met and played together in the original Astrosound formation - Thomas - space guitar & space vocals, Heiko - space elctronics, space guitar & space vocals & Member - space electronics, space bass & space vocals... and what did we do together? Yeah, right we make space music... Space Space Space Sound, it's Astrosound.
It was like nothing had happened in the least twelve years. There was this big and neverending spaced out soundworm, that threw you out of the window into the farest galaxy there no man has been before. A Cosmic Journey through time and space. Cosmic Music like it was, is and will be...

This is our first rehearsal, we will do some more and then we will make some concerts, time will tell.

So jump into the newest chapter of Astrosound and capture this cosmic journey in two parts.

Here It Is:

Part 1

Part 2



Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

Astrosound Sternenklangkonzert 2.8.1998

Chapter 4 of the Cosmic Tale of Astrosound.
This is the whole concert on Marcus' (Lay De Fear, MIRG) Birthday Party in 1998. It was an outstanding concert. Still we got our structures from the "Kosmische Schaltung"-Phase, but this time we were going wild again and expand the improvisation space, Space, Space, it's ASTROSOUND.
After that we changed our name, because Heiko was unhappy with the esoteric feel of "Astrosound" and we called us "Projekt 7" and after that a lots of others I can't remember now... "Space Modul" was one of these names that lastet a little bit longer. Months later I slowly get bored of the dance and party culture, worked with Stolle again and in 2000 i quit this thing. Sure we all stayed friends and from time to time I made sessions with Heiko and with Thomas I started the Project "Amphibius" (more about Amphibius soon on emptyblaukraut). Nowadays ASTROSOUND is history and in the last months we all thaught about a reunion concert maybe around next year.
I think with these four posts you get a very good impression what ASTROSOUND was.
Space Space Space Space Space it's ASTROSOUND!
Enjoy this Bomb  of Sound!


Astrosound Kosmische Schaltungen 1997 - 1998

Chapter 3 of the Amazing Astrosound Story.
Some Months later we are just a duo and developped our "Kosmische Schaltung". This was our new system or equipment setting. Everything is connectet and everyone played everything. We got a lot more of great synths, analog sequencers and drumcomputers by that time and our music is more groovy, melodic and mininmal, but still it's cosmic music, space you know, Space, Space, Space ... it's ASTROSOUND.
The Track "Cosmic Wings is one of the first recordings of the "Kosmische Schaltung" a tape side long session and almost some kind of ballad. After these early sessions we were working on structures, that we can use for live improvisations. "Dream of the raising fish" is the one of them I Liked most in these days. You can compare the studio version to the live version. And there is another live version called "Kosmische Phase". Both Live Versions were recorded at Weisskirchen Sessions I think.

Get Kosmisch!


Dienstag, 17. November 2009

Astrosound - 1. Weiskirchener Elektronik Tage 1997

Capter 2 of Astrosound.
Our second concert on the "1. Weisskirchener Elektronik Tage" The Weisskirchen Electronic Scene was centerd around Elektrasmus (Holger aka Zarkov & Uwe aka Yapacc), mostly shared with Guba and Astrosound. It found a home at Uwes place at this time, the house of his grandmother, i believe... We met there once in a week and doin live sessions in the cellar and invited some friends and once in the year we clebrated it in a great festival - The "Weisskirchener Elektronik Tage". It was the coolest and best hidden secret of the frankfurt techno scene in the 90s, öchem....
So this was the start of the Weisskirchen scene for me and Astrosound and the last concert with our guitar player Thomas. We decided to get more electronic and play more on Techno Parties and Raves. A drug influenced scene in that time and Thomas, the most psychedelic guitar player I knew, didn't like drugs and smoke-filled places and so we decided to go on as a duo, not that we were a drughead band, Heikos drug is the Lord and we were praying before we started playing. So you don't need drugs to be psychedelic and mind expanded. It was a spiritual sound search in endless space. Space. Space. you know... it's ASTROSOUND.
But back to this evening. I got a new synth - korg ms 20 and made strange things with turntables and heiko got a new old drumcomputer casio rz 1, which was a lot better in use for our type of music. So here we are a lot more groovy, but our space is huge and neverending.
A Psychedelic Mind Trip!
You can take it here.

Luv Member

Astrosound - Tell Me Something About Art 1997

Another Chapter in emptyblaukraut history. We're coming now to the wonderous story about Astrosound. For Member the Lay De Fear Experience lead to the beginning interrest in electronic music. In the days after Lay De Fear I wanted to play electronic music. By that time Air Liquide and similar artists have a deep impact on me. Live Techno Acts who made very spontaneous and improvised, psychedelic, wild, free form techno, or electronic groove music, call it as you will techno, acid, house, dub, trance, breakbeat it's all techno music. I made music on computer before, but I didn't like it. It wasn't spontaneous, it wasn't free. You had to use old analog synths, sequencers and drum computers to do real live programming. So in the beginning of 1997 I bought my first analog synth, a roland sh 2000, met some friends with the same approach and we founded the live electronic project Astrosound.
In the Beginning Astrosound were three people Thomas on guitar with thousands of effect units, Heiko on synths and drumcomputer and Member on synths and bass played through a bass-synthesizer unit. We weren't so rhythm orientatet, our aproach in music was space, the farest space an imagination can reach. When I listen to the early Astrosound today it reminds me more on bands like Hawkwind then electronic groove music. We had no real sequencers and our first drumcomputer was real shit, was the same one Lay De Fear had. But wow we were spacey, wow, Space, Space, Space, Sound ... we call it ASTROSOUND.
This is the first Astrosound Live Experience at the Kommunikationsfabrik in Frankfurt.
(Funny Thing: I play again this Friday at the Kommunikationsfabrik for the first time since 1997 and again with free electronic groove music, this time with Lover 303 (= Conni Maly (Lava 303) and Manni Neumeier (Guru Guru) More about this here.)
We played at an Exhibition. The Artist, a sculptor, made art out of scrap. The Exhibition was in a huge white room. In the middle of the room was a labyrinth with the sculptures in it and in a corner of the room was our place, but the moste place in this big room was empty space, space - you know.... It was a great experience to play here our first concert. On some tracks Uwe from Electrasmus jammed with us and it was a beginning for a new scene and stories and music to come, but more in the next chapter.
First Enjoy this and that.
