Sunday, November 29, 2015

The rest of August...

Super Lame boring titles mean that I'm majorly playing catch-up.


As much as we loved going to the cabin this year, we realized with our busy schedules we'd only have one more trip up before school started.  And it was a quick one.  We stopped for pizza in a nearby town and made our traditional trip to the city park afterwards.  (It really is a great playground.)

As the ominous clouds in the photos above imply, a huge storm moved over us just as we were leaving.  We got to the cabin and it poured.  I LOVE RAIN!  So of course I was in heaven.  Then, the most beautiful double rainbow appeared.  It was the perfect departure to summer at the cabin.

Back to School

Boy went back to school first.  I mentioned his preschool in this post.  He was so excited to go!  His class doesn't start until noon and so he was a very impatient little boy all morning.  FINALLY it was his turn to go and we loaded him in the car...and then I realized I forgot to take his 'back to school picture.'  So we unloaded him from the car and made him stand on our doorstep.  The result was this jewel of a photo...

We finally made him happy and arrived at school.  He was 10 steps ahead of us.

It was weird at first sending my little baby off to school, but he absolutely loved it!  And I have to admit it's kind of nice having a few hours a week of uninterrupted shopping time.

Bean started school 2 days later.  True to form, I forgot to take her 'back to school' picture too.  So I made her and her cute little friend stop and take one outside of school.  Next year I'll remember.

Bean is excelling in school.  She loves every part of 1st grade.  And I can tell she's my daughter because she loves math.  She's trying to figure out multiplication and division on her own!  We love her teacher, too.

Anniversary Weekend

Broken Record.  I look forward to our anniversary more than any other day.  But it's TRUE!

This year S took me on a hike up to Timpanogos Cave.  It was my first time in awhile and his first time ever.  It was beautiful!  I love our anniversary being at the end of August because it's still warm enough to enjoy being outdoors, but the leaves are starting to change colors as well.

After we went home and cleaned up, we saw the new 'Mission: Impossible' movie (they keep getting better!) and went out to eat.  Then it was over just like that.  But it was a perfect way to end our very busy month!

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