Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Boy turns 3!!

For the past 5 years we've held big parties to celebrate the kids' birthdays.  With Bean's 6th birthday approaching, we decided she was old enough to have a friend party--which was a good enough excuse for me to stop the big birthday bashes.  Plus Boy is still young enough to not realize he's been shorted a few big birthday parties...!

Boy turned three on a Monday early in July.  The weather had been blistering hot right up until his birthday.  Things literally cooled down 20 degrees which made it the perfect evening.  We invited the grandmas and grandpas over for dinner and presents.  It was easily my favorite birthday gathering to date.

Boy is starting to figure out this birthday thing and he was so excited to open presents!

His biggest present was one that we couldn't wrap so we asked him to close his eyes...

...can you tell what it is?

His own balance bike!  Now he can go on bike rides with big sister!  (If she ever figures out the bike-riding thing herself.)

We got him an awesome Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday cake.  Adorable cake for an adorable kid.  (The bike helmet stayed on the rest of the evening, incidentally.)

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