Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!

I don't know what it is about the fourth of July that I love so much! Maybe it's the epitome of the season...being the only major holiday we celebrate during the summer. I love the parades and the crowds of red white and blue that line the streets to watch them. I love the early morning breakfasts and cannons going off first thing in the morning (they still do this in the town where our cabin is.) I love that all of the lays potato chips go on sale immediately before the holiday, signaling that a barbecue isn't too far away. And I love laying on the grass, watching the fireworks overhead. (That is one of my first, favorite memories with S, the summer after we graduated from high school.)

I've never had to serve in a war (or had anyone close to me do so.) I've never lived anywhere but America. I think freedom is something that we tend to take for granted and only realize what a blessing it is when it is threatened (think Sept. 11.) It's amazing to me how much S and I have been blessed with. We have a home. Two stable jobs. A little daughter on the way. We don't have to worry when our next meal will be. Although these situations do arise in our country, for the most part, it is a privilege to be able to live in a nation where these things can be afforded to us. It's nice to be able to have a holiday when we can recognize that.

So there's my sappy Independance Day schpeel. I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!


There is one additional thing that is most-definately blog-worthy...

S got into Medic School!!!! Not only that, but he placed first on his written test and interview! Talk about blessings; he has had so many doors open for him (thanks in great part to the tremendous amount of work he's put into it.) Saying I'm proud of him would be, simply put, an understatement.


Clint & Alicia McLaws said...

Congratulations to Scott!!! :D we're proud of him! :)

Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

Congrats Scott!! That is so great.

Linds said...

that's exciting news for you guys! way to go Scott!