Sunday, July 19, 2009

Despite my recent patriotic post...

...I have to admit I was throwing myself a bit of a pity party for having to work on the 4th of July again! That's five years in a row! I guess once I resigned myself to it, though, I decided I would make the most of it. Luckily my coworkers were game.

I got to work about 2 hours early that morning so that we could take shifts and watch the parade. Growing up in this city has definately made this the hometown parade. I even marched in it a few times when I was in dance class as a kid. Trust me, it's definately funner to watch it! Anyway, we missed most of the cool stuff but a parade is a parade, right?

Then on our way back into work, we ran into some local firefighters who were still totally enthused about having just been in the parade. They gave us the rest of the beads they had thrown out. I decided it was a perfect photo-op so we grabbed the other two coworkers and got a group picture. I love these girls!*note to self* If I am working next 4th of July I am totally buying some patriotic scrubs!

For lunch we had a great little barbecue (we know how to party it up in my department.) I brought the traditional Suddenly Salad. Hey, it's convenient and it tastes great. I even added red peppers.

And of course, what is a 4th of July without fireworks?! Naturally, we had to walk a ways to find a safe place to light our sparklers but once we did, we (okay, I) turned into kids again. (I remember how cool I thought it was that I could write my name in the sky.) Not exactly the same effect lighting them in the middle of the day, but it was still fun! Since someone had to capture the event, I am represented in this photo by my hand and half-burnt sparkler.

So there you have my humble little 4th of July celebration. And you know what? It was actually a really fun day!! S had to work too so I opted to go straight home after my shift (13 hours is a long day!) and listen to the celebration continue outside while I watched So You Think You Can Dance.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!

I don't know what it is about the fourth of July that I love so much! Maybe it's the epitome of the season...being the only major holiday we celebrate during the summer. I love the parades and the crowds of red white and blue that line the streets to watch them. I love the early morning breakfasts and cannons going off first thing in the morning (they still do this in the town where our cabin is.) I love that all of the lays potato chips go on sale immediately before the holiday, signaling that a barbecue isn't too far away. And I love laying on the grass, watching the fireworks overhead. (That is one of my first, favorite memories with S, the summer after we graduated from high school.)

I've never had to serve in a war (or had anyone close to me do so.) I've never lived anywhere but America. I think freedom is something that we tend to take for granted and only realize what a blessing it is when it is threatened (think Sept. 11.) It's amazing to me how much S and I have been blessed with. We have a home. Two stable jobs. A little daughter on the way. We don't have to worry when our next meal will be. Although these situations do arise in our country, for the most part, it is a privilege to be able to live in a nation where these things can be afforded to us. It's nice to be able to have a holiday when we can recognize that.

So there's my sappy Independance Day schpeel. I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!


There is one additional thing that is most-definately blog-worthy...

S got into Medic School!!!! Not only that, but he placed first on his written test and interview! Talk about blessings; he has had so many doors open for him (thanks in great part to the tremendous amount of work he's put into it.) Saying I'm proud of him would be, simply put, an understatement.