Sunday, 13 March 2011

Tropical Crackle

Well it's looking like the sunshine is getting me in the mood for summer - I tried the sponging technique for the first time today, creating a gradient from pink to yellow through orange. Heres how it came out!
I did this late last night, so sorry for the shoddy photography and lack of clean up!
I was suprised just HOW EASY this was to create, and it takes no time at all. Firstly, I painted two coats of Barbara Daly for Tesco in Neon Pink, then cut a little bit of sponge off a pan scrubber. I painted a bit of Barbara Daly for Tesco in Salsa to about halfway down the nail. If I were do it again I think I'd sponge in white first, then over the top in orange, just to get a more pronounced effect. I then sponged the tips in Miss Sporty Taxi! to complete the gradient. I love how Beachy this looks :D like a Cosmo cocktail!!
I love the Barry M Nail Effects Crackle Polish, but because the crackles have been so relentlessy blogged about recently, I havent done a post. But...I added it to this look :D

It annoyed me that theres a big black patch of crackle on the middle finger, would've liked to see it crack up a bit more, but oh well. I would have loved to top it all off with a couple of coats of Seche Vite, just to smooth the whole thing out, but I don't yet own the holy grail of topcoats. This looks great from a distance, as it's a really neat fade out. I'd like to do this base and then freehand some black palm trees in, like a tropical sunset, but alas! I am still waiting for my nail art brushes from Evilbay.

CANNOT ACTUALLY WAIT for the Models Own Crackle range - I need that Plum and the Turqouise.

Stay safe homies x


  1. Loving those colours and I can't get enough of Barry M Nail Effects!

    Keep meaning to do a proper gradient. Maybe you've inspired me now!

  2. I love it, and you're right it does look like a cocktail!

  3. It's so summery, I'm craving the beach now.
    I think that idea with the palm trees sounds amazing!


  4. oh this looks so pretty i wish my nails would grow abit more so i could try this on mine!! x

  5. This looks incredible, as soon as I saw it, "tequila sunrise" popped into my head.

    Also incredible?
    The models own range of crackles...look at the hot pink!! *__*

  6. Thanks so much everyone, it is one of my favourites so far!
    @JalJen - I'd love to see how you do a gradient, your manicures are always fantastically professional looking im sure you can do a better job than me!
    @Iloveleopardprint + Chaos butterfly - i bloody wish it tasted like one! im literally will be like an excited child on release day! stars in my eyes indeed!!!
    @safarE - you dont need long nails! mine are short atm, this looks great no matter what length and what colour scheme you use! promise :D
    @sammersaurus - i was wondering if theres a palm tree stamping plate image out there somewhere - freehand is sometimes betterhtough, even with my shakey-ass hands
    thanks for the comments everyone, i squeal everytime i get a new that youre enjoying my blog kiddos! xxxxxxxx

  7. Thats such a pretty mani! I definitely like it a lot without the crackle! The sponge trick is a great idea!
    Very summery! Reminds me of the beach lol!

  8. Makes me think of a sunset :) oh, and by the way Seche Vite really is amazing!

  9. thanks kayla!!!!

    yeah Johnna, ive caved and bought a bottle off ebay!!! actually cant wait til it gets here x

  10. I normally don't like the crackle look but, this look really nice!!
