Sunday, 27 March 2011

Hologram Hexogram - chunky chunky glitter!

Hola everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I used a different topcoat over the Barry M Boots Ltd Edition on my right hand. This is two (thickish) coats of Barry M hologram Hexograms, with a bit of shuffling around to get the glitter evenly spaced:-

This glitter is amaaazing, it shines beautifully in the light - I chose to show you photos with the flash on though because its a more accurate portrayal of the base colour - it's a really lovely purple. I really wanted to keep this on a bit longer, I loved the sparkle! Despite having to use quite thick layers of this topcoat, it still dried pretty quickly.
Here's a blurry pic so you can better see the holographic hexs!
These polishes from the last couple of days have been from a few new ones I got on Friday - they have some great offers on in Boots at the moment, I rarely buy any new polishes unless they're on a special. Here is what I picked up:-

You can see the Hexogram, 17 crackle and Barry M purple that I've already shown you, but I also picked up another Rimmel Fruity, this time in Apricot Punch, a Lime Green Collection 2000 polish (I'm going to experiment with a shimmery topcoat to see if I can create my very own Illamasqua Radium haha) which I got free with the lighter foundation that I needed to match my Pasty Jane face. I also got a 17 polish in Orange Soda - I'm really drawn to the corals at the moment, it looks like! I can't wait to do some swatches and Nail Art with them for you!

I hope you all had wonderful weekends xxxxxxxxx


  1. awww this design is soo pretty! && i LOVE that purple color<3 xx

  2. I'm loving coral's at the moment too! They are just so vibrant. x

  3. ...damn now i really need to visit boots in the bullring tomorrow..ill blame you if my boyfriend tuts at me lol


    PS love the mani!

  4. cool dude ... Spring Party! I bet that hex glitter would look pretty hot over something dark too :D

  5. wow, the Barry M glitter is great!

  6. Have just ordered hologram hexograms, can't wait for it to arrive! So pretty :)

  7. I love that purple...too bad we don't have Barry M here in the states :P

  8. The Barry M glitter is so amazing!
