Showing posts with label mechanicum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mechanicum. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

20 more Mechanicum Mutants

I added another 20 mutants to the roster bringing the unit up to 30.  Plus the boss.  So 31 total and I still have the enforcer to build as well.  I'm think I may make the enforcer some sort of servitor to administer the combat drug injections for the unit.

I'm using the Mutant rules from the Heretics and Renegades list.  They are essentially conscripts with 2 close combat weapons.  You can give them combat drugs which give them Rage.  So 4 attacks on the charge, WS2, S3 but only 3 points a piece.  They also get a 6+ save and a 6+ FNP to represent their mechanical nature.  Fully decked out with the Boss with a power axe and Melta Bomb and the enforcer with a power weapon and drug injector is about 140 points.  Not a great unit by any means but I still love the idea of them and finally came up with a conversion that, I think, represents them well on the table top.

The next batch of conversions got a little more work.  I replaced spines with necrons spines, added some different claw hands from the Rust Stalker models and various other bits cut off from all manner of weapons and back packs.  All in all I am very happy with how they turned out and it's really got me reinvigorated about conversions.

Group photo of new batch of mutants:
 photo Mechanicum Mutant Mob 1_zpskybn5xjd.jpg

Here's a bunch of individual pics to show some of the details.  There were chosen at random but give a good idea of the over all look and feel of the unit.

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-17_zpsnljhqbis.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-36_zpsozw6jj1z.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-12_zpsy9shlwce.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-59_zpsnbcvpdko.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-40_zpsvcpez7iu.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-26_zpszqechk3z.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-13_zpsygqf2izv.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-55_zpshetpaox8.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-43_zpshixxmffw.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-25_zpsngdanpla.jpg

 photo Mechanicum Mutant-07_zpskm4lszdw.jpg 

Even the Boss got some nice new combat drug injectors.

 photo Mechanicum Mutant Boss-1_zpskubrki7l.jpg

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Expanded Mutants

So I really wasn't liking the direction of the mantic ghouls for the mutants.  They were just too plain looking and the variety of poses was very limited.  I raided my brothers bits box and 'borrowed' all him skitari bits and start hacking.  This is what I wound up with.  A more techno/mutant theme which I really like.  I'm treating them as archaic dilapidated combat servitors. 


For the mutant champion I decided to convert a chaotic tech priest of sorts.  Using bits from my brother and the chaos cultist champion I hacked this fellow together.  He needs some clean up work and some green stuff work but for the most part he's done.

I enjoyed making these mutants so much I decided to scrap the mantic ghouls and ordered 2 more boxes of GW ghouls.  I plan to add an enforcer to the unit and I am thinking of using a scylax or something similar to represent him.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

30k MKIII Iron Hands and Legio Cybernetica Thallax

After painting Necrons exclusively for quite a while I decided a need to switch gears.  I had an Iron Hands army sitting on a shelf that I've had for 10-12 years but I really hate painting marines.  All the broad flat areas just make it really boring and tedious to me.  However, the new forge world marines look pretty nice and with all the detail I thought I could probably enjoy painting them.  So I decided to sell my old Iron Hands army and build a new Iron Hands army.  My brother mocked me quite a bit for that. :)  I'm adding a contingent of Legio Cybernetica to the the force as well.  The models are just too nice to pass up and they fit in nicely with the fluff of the Iron Hands as well.

I don't care for painting black so I opted for a blue/grey base color.  I finished the test model for the Marines and got started on the test model for the Legio Cybernetica.

MKIII Iron Hands Marine:

Legio Cybernetica Thallax(PIP):