Showing posts with label roombox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roombox. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Witches' class progress

Long way to go yet !!!!

The books and scroll I bought from "The Miniature Scene of York ", who have excellent service, btw.

The rat is by Georgia Marfels ( of course) , who also made pesky flies and wasps, caught in the spiderwebs. She also made some other books, will photograph them shortly.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

What I am working on

In December/Jan I had started working on a witches' class . I had to leave the project for some weeks, however ,as I had boldly decided I needed new flooring in my bedrooms - my craftroom is one of the two ( meant : movers in , all stuff out, new flooring in, movers in, all stuff in again, finding stuff back😮 ). But now I have started to put it together.

Here was where I had got to when I had to take a break:

The basic instructions came from an old issue of DHMS (back from 2012) , a project called "" A Witches'  Hovel, by Kastle Kelm Miniatures, The fireplace is resin and I bought it from Melody Jane . 

I did add some more things, but here is a picture of some nasty-minded toadstools I planted today. as far as I remember I bought them from Loredana Tonetti on Etsy some years ago. I love them! Those Monday Morning Faces!!! 😀😀

                    In the meantime kitties are loving life, me being with them most of the time since I                                                                      retired 🙌....

                                        Sometimes they play games on my Ipad....😁


                                          And sometimes they are just happy lazy babies.... 😽😽

                                        or lazy and warm in windowsill...😽

Monday, February 29, 2016

Naughty boy and his bike

Last month I bought that naughty boy on a bicycle from Alicia Volta ( Portugal) . Unfortunately ( but Alicia did agree with me ) we both thought the bike did not quite match.
So I googled a bit , put my thinking cap on and e-mailed to the one and only maker I knew of who would/could help me : Yvonne and Carr Roberson . And yes, they could make one and yes, they did !

It arrived here last week . Yesterday I tried to glue at least on foot of that little ... to a pedal, but whtever I tried, nothing stuck, so I gave up and made a composition.

He has gate-crashed a picnic party before he will get off to his own home, but at least he is safe from playing kitties here ( Sad story : Poor Ann of Green Gables lost both her feet when Tiffany had discovered her and found a new kitty toy, sighs. Feetses never seen again).

                                                                       Here goes  :

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hmmm, late again...

Honestly I had hoped to be able to post earlier. I made up two kits by Arjen Spinhoven , a table and a drawer-chest. The making up-part was the easy one, but painting them was quite a different animal ! I ended up throwing the chest out ( it is no fault of Arjen's, just mine :( )

Here is the table

Not a great pic, but I had nuff after 8 tries or so  ! :

And , this week , two other dollies by Debbie Dixon-Paver did arrive, hale and healthy :

                               Anne of Green Gables ( complete with very small freckles...):

                                                         and this beautifl Edwardian lady :

Monday, June 1, 2015

Rheda !!! Long post , many pics.

Yesterday I visited the ( yearly ) fair in Rheda, Germany. If traffic is heavy , it can be a very arduous trip, but I was lucky this tme, esp in the morning. Roads were nearly empty so I could floor it ( and I did :-) ) . I even arrived before official opening time, a first for me .

I did restrain myself a bit. I missed several regular sellers, like Julie Campbell and Jain Squires (maybe too soon after Kensington) ; others were there allright, though. Unfortunately forgot to buy some things thatI saw while ambling about, but hope to be able to take care of that sometime later on !

Today I unpacked most of my treasures. 

These two little cherubs were made by Victoria Heredia  ( no website, sorry ). She makes them by hand, are incredibly tiny. Will look great on any fireplace- in a grand house, that is.

Time for tea at Miniaturen Schneider. I had hoped for some sandwiches, too, as they do make the most realistic sandwiches for a teaparty I have ever seen , but these were absent yesterday, alas.

So to comfort myself I bought some additional stuff from Georgia Marfels 

This time no rats or meeces , but rest assured, I WILL be back and she too, life permitting :-)

This little gel from Ankinaki dolls was whining so loudly that I decided to adopt her, providing she stopped bellowing of course 

I gave her a little sleepy cat from Shirley Scheibehenne, probably helped,too to stifle that horrid sound.

Was obvertaken by a wild desire to make a addict of one of the male dolls when I saw this ginormous needle, added an equally ginormous corkscrew. Saw some small plant here too, will do nicely for 1/24 scale:

I had heard of Vitreus Ignis from people who visited the Bishop Show in Chicago ; they were at this fair for the first time. The lady graciously allowed me to take pics at her stand :

And this is what I bought :

Got this little paperweight for free :-)

Of course, I also had to visit Elisabeth Bettler ( or Elisabeth Causeret, never sure which, she is a  lovely lady , unfortunately no website), to get more porcelain in halfscale , which I always loooove!

here is her stand, smaller scales on top ( halfscale on the right two rows, quarter scale on the left)

Caught some more nice halfscale pottery :

Headed for Susan Bembridge's stand , sorry , no pics now, was for wallpaper and flooring. Quality is outstanding. Wallpapers  safely rolled up for now, I am not going to disturb them , but here  you can see the design , the blue one. It is for the roombox, pics later on this post !

Then on to Ray Storey , as I wanted lights for selfsame box.

then some kits from Arjen Spinhoven 

                               ( these pics were nicked from his website to show you what I saw at the fair)

Be sure to check out his website , he has such great chests , some BIGGIES as well !

OK and now the roombox that I ordered at the latest Dutch fair from John Kilner at No1 Elite designs...
It is massive, it is oak, and of outstanding quality. Hmm, seems a  shame to use wallpaper, maybe use templates . Will see .

Front in place ( glaring, of course)

                                   Front glass closes with 4 small magnets, just like that.

                                 Wiring on the back , can chooose battery run or trafo

Inside. All panels can be lifted out. I have got extra sets of all of the with a blanc back too. Plus skirting. Plus a spare ceiling.It is lit, but that is hard to see/show in daylight. I have two packs of different background pics, they can be exchanged quite effortlessly using the selfsame little magnets. Lighting of the background is done by a vertical row of LEDs on both sides, like theater light spots.

And now sagging down , Hope you are still alive. But if you are, try to check out the websites, so many loverly things out there....:-)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Some minitime

Recently found another little friend for Alice in Wonderland. Humpty Dumpty, from Sandra at Tower House Dolls 

Here he is !

And this is  where he is living now :

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Teapots from Onlineshow

Last month the miniature Online show took place and I took a fancy to these teapots. These are from an estate sale, one by Christopher Whitford, one "English teapot"( I thoght they might be by Rachel Munday, but am not quite sure) :

                                           And here they are in my tearoom :