Showing posts with label Alice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alice. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

Some minitime

Recently found another little friend for Alice in Wonderland. Humpty Dumpty, from Sandra at Tower House Dolls 

Here he is !

And this is  where he is living now :

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I have some BIG trouble with Cobweb ( well, I always told anyone willing to listen that I am definitely not a builder...) Exchanged the two roof parts, looks idiotic now.
The only way I could save it if I would know anyone with a table saw to take tabs off the back roof.

Failing that, I think I will be better off trying afresh in the new year . No buying right now as posties are in overdrive this time of the year, anyway.

But on the bright side, I took Alice out , made her an apron, draped skirt and apron, made a branch for Cheshire Cat to sit on ( branch grows out of book chest :-) ) . OK, apron is slightly wonky , but I don't care !!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Cheshire cat

Some months ago I bought this awesome porcelain cat , made by Karen Siegrist . She had even poured it in lilac porcelain! I thought it would make a nice companion to my little Alice in Wonderland scene (doll still to follow, I am afraid). Now that I have the use of two arms again, I did paint the guy. Not really as in artisan , but I think it is nice nuff :-)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Long time no see

But had nothing fun to write about, sorry! I was unstrapped, have been busy trying to coach my shoulder to work nicely again and get back to work . Shoulder, unfortunately, is not listening to me, so I will probably be in for an operation ( prosthesis). But we will see about that later on, I am due for an appointment in 3 weeks.

I did stitch a bit on the Aubusson, not very much , though.

BUT , to show something....

Yesterday a friend ( Helma) came along to adopt my second Kendrew house. It is wonderfully built, but somehow I did not get any inspiration and I finally decided to look for another home for it.
Helma was the taker, she is over the moon and I am very very happy that , instead of sitting dejectedly in a corner of my house, this house is going to be loved. She has lots of plans with it.
She sent money to an animal shelter as a payment ( my usual fee ...)

However , she also made me these lovely presents:

One stitched kitty cushion ( neat , eh?? I love it!!)

And a wonderful open book of Alice in Wonderland

It is beautiful!!!

Later on another friend came to see my collection, she also brought some presents

Two open cans of kitty food for my cat lady

Kitty litter and a litter tub ( sorry, clearly in use :-) )

And some herrings with onions for the lady herself:. Well, if the cats won't snatch them, that is.

She also made a tin of sardines, but they refused to be photographed, the light is hopeless now. Gabriëlle makes the most inventive and fun miniatures.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Alice's rabbit done

I had a busy day today , mostly boring household chores, I am afraid. But I had finally puzzled out how to dress my Alice in Wonderland rabbit. I went to the hobbyshop and bought some textile pens ( they are heat-setting) and simply drew the design onto white lawn. Of course, reularly dressing dolls, I always have that in my stash.

With the help of the pleater I made an Elizabethan collar . I had wanted to give him a trumpet,too, but the ones I had bought for him were too big, so he will have to do without. Still  , he looks a reasonably happy guy ( in spite of my obvious mistake in making him up :-) )

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fair Apeldoorn April 2013

Sooooo, I am back from the Apeldoorn fair. The weather was lovely, the fair rather quiet. I do hope that the sellers did sell enough to make it worth their while, though.
My loot this time !

I bought a (pre-ordered) Jugendstil ( Art Nouveau) shop from Micropalacio , a German builder whom I saw for the first time. I loved this shop when I saw it on his website. It had to be slightly shallower, though, as it was too deep for my windowsill. My cats do sunbathing big time on these roomboxes, so you can imagine what would happen if it were wider...

Here it is !

Yes, you can also buy it as a kit, but I am not much of a builder...

And I fell for this lovely set of dolls by Christa Chayata .....

Of course I needed some Alice in Wonderland books and some others, too ( Dateman Books)

Found some Crafty cats files

And decided to go ( finally ) for that lovely chatelaine I had been seeing for years at Jens Torp's stand !!!!

 (I nicked the picture from his site, my photos were horrid.....)

Aaaaand errrr, well, you know I am an avid fan of Georgia Marfels....


rack of meat, boiling salamander ( I am afraid)

nasty stuff...

Demonstration by angry rats ( AGAINST !! STOP !!)

One rat pondering whether he will join the demo

Nasty mushroom

Little green devil

wasps and flies

I also bought some dollstands ( the clear acrylic ones and some other smaller things and some well made frames , nice for framing samplers and the like .

All in all a satisfactory day !!

Friday, March 29, 2013

White rabbit for Alice

Today I finished putting the White Rabbit together for Alice in Wonderland. As you can see, I am definitely not a gal for making miniature animals :-( . It is not the kit maker's fault, somehow it won't work for me, apparently ).
The kit was made up by Emily Farmer . there is  a frustratingly better looking prototype at her website...

He will get dressed, an Elizabethan collar and some card-themed jacket. In case anybody has a  good idea , please suggest ! Not printies, though, my printer ink fades fast !

Friday, March 1, 2013


I have started to make a  little roombox for an Alice in Wonderland project. The box is from Dolls House Emporium .

here is what I have done so far ... Not much, but there is a  little white rabbit that I hope to make soon now, and I have selected a doll to dress as Alice .