Showing posts with label weekend art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend art. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weekend Art: Join me at the TCNJ Opening Reception for Art, Innovation and Ideas!

Opening Reception: Sunday, June 2, 2013 1:00-3:00pm

I am beyond honored to have art work from Bear Tavern in this highly selective exhibit.
Click Here for direct site

Weekend Art: Join Me today at Grounds for Sculpture!

Come on over to the GFS where I will be teaching a family workshop for the annual anniversary party! It's hot outside but the workshop is indoors. Lots of fun stuff going on! I hope to see you there!!

Anniversary Arts Party
Sat., June 1st from 11am - 5pm

Rain or shine!It's time to party and you're invited... It's Grounds For Sculpture's birthday! Come for the kids workshops. Meet working artists and tour the park with them. There will be musical performances throughout the day, free ice cream and cake (supplies are limited), and of course - everyone's favorite - the Peacock Calling Contest! Don't miss this annual blow-out!
For the most current Activity List for this event, please CLICK HERE.
Price: Free with park admission.
GFS website: please CLICK HERE