Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2007

One Oil Refinery

Did you know that Iran has one, and only one, oil refinery that produces gasoline? I didn't, until I read a portion of the transcript of Hugh Hewitt's recent radio interview with Newt Gingrich:
HH: Now let’s get to the first major issue of the day, which is Iran. Mr. Speaker, if the United Kingdom feels obliged to use force, if diplomacy fails to get their people back, will you applaud?

NG: I think there are two very simple steps that should be taken. The first is to use a covert operation, or a special forces operation to knock out the only gasoline producing refinery in Iran. There’s only one. And the second is to simply intercede by Naval force, and block any tankers from bringing gasoline to Iran.

HH: Would you do, would you urge them.

NG: And say to the Iranians, you know, you can keep the sailors as long as you want, but in about 30 days, everybody in your country will be walking.

What stuns me is that I have heard this nowhere else. I had assumed that in the current hostage crisis we had no military options other than to pulverize Iran. I expect that virtually everyone else in this country and in Britain continues to assume that to be the case. Why isn't every politician in both countries trumpeting the fact that there is a powerful, low-violence alternative? Why aren't the media talking heads and "experts" doing so?

Monday, January 22, 2007

"This Holocaust Will Be Different"

Rather than moaning about how the evil "Bushitler" is destroying the world, you would be better off contemplating what real evil is and the probable consequences of failing to stand up to it by reading Israeli historian Benny Morris's essay, "This Holocaust Will Be Different."

I was particularly struck by this paragraph:

"This dilemma had long ago been accurately defined by a wise general: Israel's nuclear armory is unusable. It can only be used too early or too late. There will never be a 'right' time. Use it 'too early,' meaning before Iran acquires similar weapons, and Israel will be cast in the role of international pariah, a target of universal Muslim assault, without a friend in the world; 'too late' means after the Iranians have struck. What purpose would that serve?"
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