This blog documents the restoration, and conversion, of a 1965 Humber (Singer) Vogue to a fully electric vehicle. The Vogue will be powered by an 11kW(modified), 3 phase industrial AC motor, controlled by an industry standard Variable Speed Drive (VSD) or Inverter. To be able to produce the 400 volts phase to phase the VSD will need about 600 VDC of batteries. A big thanks to the contributors on the AEVA forum:

Showing posts with label emergency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emergency. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Start/Run Control Circuit Diagram

The control interface to the Vogue has changed a bit over the past two years. It has got simpler and simpler.
Here is the almost-final circuit.
If the user tries to start the car with the Forward/Neutral/Reverse switch in either Forward or Reverse, it beeps at them. The contactors will only engage in Nuetral.
Also the contactors will only engage or stay engaged if the Intertia switch, Charger lockout and Manual disconnect are all closed.

Text in brown is wiring within the 8 way cable from/to dash to motor controller. Text in blue indicates existing wires in the Vogue loom.The multiple wires from dash to engine bay is because the SW60 contactors are on the passenger side of the engine bay whereas the DC-DC relay and EV200 is on the driver side.

(Note: Image updated 29th April 2011 and again 11th May 2011 when the Start/Run relay was relocated to the Engine Bay)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More Components

We are having a new back door fitted (to the house) so I'm home this morning and using some of the time to update the Vogue blog.
I have added labels to make finding things a bit easier in the future.
I bought enough of this plastic sheeting to try as a door liner. It's pretty light which is good but it may be too light to mount the front speakers in.

It's 3 mm thick. Should be a breeze to put holes etc. in but is it strong enough?

Now to track down some kind of thin padding and spray adhesive.

I can't actually do it until we have the fabric but I can cut it to shape using the old door lining as a template.

More retrospective blogging. From eBay again!

This emergency stop switch will mount in the dash where the choke used to be. The choke is the far left-hand knob on the dash in the previous post about the dashpad.

The forward-neutral-reverse switch will mount where the generator (yes, not alternator) light used to be.

100 Amp 700 VDC fuses. I bought 9 of them on eBay (again!) about a month ago. I only need three of them but AEVA forum people have committed to take a few.

They are 110 mm long.