This blog documents the restoration, and conversion, of a 1965 Humber (Singer) Vogue to a fully electric vehicle. The Vogue will be powered by an 11kW(modified), 3 phase industrial AC motor, controlled by an industry standard Variable Speed Drive (VSD) or Inverter. To be able to produce the 400 volts phase to phase the VSD will need about 600 VDC of batteries. A big thanks to the contributors on the AEVA forum:

Showing posts with label Renewable energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renewable energy. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

More Robot Dogs

I love this stuff - it scares me a little but it's fascinating.
(I reckon they classify as EVs.)
Make sure you watch the last few seconds....

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

400ppm CO2 Threshhold About to be Crossed

Cape Grim in Tasmania, Australia is about to be the first place in the world where the CO2 content in the Earth's atmosphere is measured at 400ppm.

"The following chart, compiled by CSIRO researchers using atmosphere and ice core readings, show how CO2 levels have risen over the past 2000 years."

"Cape Grim's readings are significant because they capture the most accurate reading of the atmospheric conditions in the southern hemisphere and have records going back 40 years."

The 400ppm figure has been temporarily exceeded in the past but this time there will be no going back.

More here: Age Article

Oh, and the Vogue just passed 23300 Electric km on the Odometer.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Story of Stuff

31st-Aug-2016. Rusdy left a comment for another great site that I'll link to here.

Friday, September 5, 2014

CSIRO on Man made Climate Change

Perhaps some of our politicians might be a little more amenable to the idea of man-made climate change after CSIRO's latest report.

Sorry - I had to remove the picture as the CSIRO pages have changed.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Power to the People

[Soapbox on]
A recent Four Corners (a credible Australian current affairs TV show) explored the utterly stupid Australian government's bias against renewable energy development.

I really do not understand what the LNP (current government) think they are doing in this country.We are losing so much to a lie that the economy is in trouble and matters more than anything else.Australia is turning into the "bad guy", pushing it's coal when it should be planning and "doing" for a very doable sustainable future.

The discussion over electricity companies being in trouble from not "predicting" the private rooftop generation and renewable energy effect just points to a blinkered dumb attitude that failed to do basic research into clear trends. This is not "wise in retrospect". Many people predicted this and took action - just not some Australian power companies.
Of course this is just my opinion.

Four Corners article.

(We always need a picture.)