Showing posts with label Stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stress. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Donor Egg IVF Treatment Package

Thank you for your interest in the Donor Egg IVF Treatment Package. This package has been specially designed for those women who find themselves unable to conceive their own biological children. We realize that some of our patients may have endured years of pain and failed IVF attempts, and we want to ensure you are given a final kick, while you’re down. Our treatment includes some of the most negative attitudes and moods you will experience during your cycle. We will ensure you feel like you are the most unimportant person at the clinic…after all the needs of our patients come last.

Although our staff will have nothing to do with any of the logistics with respect to finding a donor and completing the psych counselling and legal paperwork, we will act as if we have done all the work for you, and will act annoyed when you ask any questions with respect to how things are progressing. We will turn a blind eye to the amount of commitment, both financially and emotionally you have invested into this one attempt, and will ensure you are kept in the dark.

With fresh feelings of grief and loss, you can rest assured our staff will make you feel like you don’t exist and that this treatment is a burden for all of us. We know you will be delighted with this Package that the staff here at the clinic have designed especially for you. We are here for you…and you can count on us.

Disclaimer: this by no stretch of the imagination includes my doctor who I think is the bomb…it is a select few at the clinic and the rest are lovely.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Raise your hand if you think your head might explode

How can I buckle down and work when I have so much swimming around in my head? Appointments and lawyers and psych evals and documents to sign and contracts and payments and ultrasounds and OMG my head is literally going to explode.

So as I mentioned, I wanted to discuss with S first about the new plan. It’s not much different than the old plan, other than the timing of things. I thought we would have to wait for S to have yet another cycle and I was concerned about timing. But after a long discussion with the doc, he's told me that he knows everything he needs to about S at this point, and we can get right on it. So we hope to have legal and psych ready within a week or so because S will start her injections within about 2 weeks!! Then she has 16 days of stims to her egg retrieval, and then her work is done. Thank you S. And from that point it's up to Chris’s little swimmers to make the magic happen.