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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh the DRAMA!

NOTE: If you have left a comment on this post and are receiving negative, personal emails and/or blog comments from Tina White (white.tina86@yahoo.com) - please feel free to ignore and delete them as I have done. She also goes by the name of: "1sassypea" over at 2Peas... and "Linda-isms All The Rage"

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you all a heads up on a certain issue that has taken place over at the scrapbook.com site as of late.

Some of you may have no idea what I am talking about and some may already have heard a few things - So I wanted to let you hear the whole story.

There has been an enormous debate over at sb.com regarding scraplifting. I have had some issues in the past with a certain individual (who will remain nameless) blatantly copying my designs and not giving credit. Before I go on, I wanted to clarify my stance on the entire "scraplifting" debate. I personally think its perfectly normal and even expected to occur in this industry. I am actually quite flattered when someone wants to copy a design or technique they've seen on one of my projects. It means I've done my job as a designer for a manufacturer. They want to buy the product and make what I've made with it. Perfect! What I'm NOT okay with is having someone copy MY layouts and passing them off like they're their own. It's theft - plain and simple. Without giving credit (credit meaning 'inspired by' or 'lifted from') you are stealing intellectual property - this is not okay with me. Some people are fast scrappers. I am NOT. It takes me DAYS to create pages and for someone to lift it in a matter of 30 min and not give credit breaks my heart.

Okay.... on to the story...

I privately emailed the lifter about the problem and she flat out denied it and continued to scraplift my projects as well as many other designers' projects without giving proper credit. There were tons of designers who would email me on a daily basis to report another lift that this lady had done. There were a LOT of angry designers (including myself).

Needless to say, I just left it alone as it was causing me more stress than necessary.

LONG STORY SHORT: a forum thread was created on sb.com by some anonymous user "Tattle Tale" about scraplifting and it was targeted at the same lady who had lifted my designs. Of course the lifter assumed it was ME who created the thread. It was not me. The lifter then began posting accusing comments on her layouts stating that this "Tattle Tale" person was me, etc, etc.

Finally I had had enough.

I sent an email to the VP at SB.com as well as their Tech Support staff about the entire issue and how it had gotten totally out of hand and how this lady was basically creating a bad name for me and my manufacturers as well as slandering my reputation in this industry.

I am PLEASED to report that SB.com has since removed this individual's profile(s) and all her images from the site.

Many people are pleased. The lifter and a handful of her anonymous 'friends' are not as pleased and are now trying to make additional trouble for me - some have actually emailed my Design Teams in attempt to get me 'fired' I suppose?

SO..... just wanted to give you a heads up if you see any emails, blog posts, forum posts, etc. from people about how much 'trouble' I've been causing on the SB.com forum and site... Its not true. I simply took a stand against an individual stealing my intellectual property and not giving credit where credit was due.

Hopefully other 'lifters' will realize the hurt they cause designers when they copy designs without giving credit - that's all we ask. Lift away until your heart's content. Just a little 'inspired by' would make all the difference in the world.

So sorry for such DRAMA!!!!

Any thoughts on this? (oh lord, do I even want to open up these flood gates?? LOL!!)

PS - If anyone wants to educate themselves on Copyright in general or is interested in additional ways to protect 'original' works of art, etc. I find the following sites very useful:

U.S. Copyright Office
Creative Commons


Denni said...

Good golly girl! Why can't everyone just play nice??
I'm so sorry you are still dealing with such crazy drama. I hope it all settles soon.
Big {hugs} to you!!

Fleursbydesign said...

There will always be some people who just think it's their right to take other peoples ideas as their own. It's happened to a lot of people including me and it is WRONG! I am very proud that you took a stand for yourself and your incredible work. Anyone who knows you knows you would never do this lightly and without reason. I am behind you 100%!!

Love and hugs!

Natasha said...

Well said, Tara and I COMPLETELY AGREE with you 100%. I take about 3 days to scrap a layout and it hurts to see someone lift your work and get credit for it after having worked so hard on it. Anyone who is an active member at sb.com will know how many layouts this individual has lifted without giving credit. I could name a dozen off the top of my head. I would have done the same... I would have let it go until it started to affect my reputation and the reputation of the manufacturers I design for. As hard as it may seem, keep doing what you do and ignore the negative responses. Hugs.

Debbie Sherman said...

Oh geez Tara! I have been through this and when I confronted the person she told me that "nobody's work is really their own" What!! She stole my idea and it now sits on a front page gallery of a manufacturer. I couldn't believe it! It's amazing what lengths people go thru to "make it their own" It's stealing plain and simple.
Hugs girl!!

Unknown said...

Well, this was certainly tough but you made it Girl! You've said it loud and decided to fight for your rights! That's important!!!
I'm with you!

Anonymous said...

I think that so many scrapbookers take themselves much too seriously. In reality it is grownups playing with paper and glue and paying alot of money to do it!!

Unknown said...

Tara firstly I want to compliment you on your work..secondly about this scrama...we had the same story amongst the greek scrappers here in greece and my feelings are if somebody is "stealing"ideas,why do we not mention their name??why protect these copy cats??

Tara Orr said...

Anonymous, I agree to a point. I admit - I am one of those very passionate scrappers. I do take my hobby very seriously at times as I am representing not only myself, but other scrapbooking manufacturers who count on me to market their products. But in essence, it really is just a bunch of grown-up ladies playing with VERY expensive paper :> (could be worse though right???)

Zeffy - i think its all a matter of not stooping to their level - as hard as it may be.

Sarah-R said...

I totally agree with you Tara - it is stealing if you do not give credit where credit is due. I saw some of the posts at sb.com but wasn't aware of the history and full extent of the problem. No matter what some people think, scrapbooking/papercrafting is an art form and people's designs should be respected as just that - personal works of art. I am glad sb.com has responded appropriately and sorry you have had to deal with this drama.

Margie Higuchi said...

OMGOSH, Tara! I had no idea this was going on over there. SO sad. Totally agree with you and what you're sayin'. When you are on a DT, you are basically their creative PR/marketing group. I truly hope all ends well at SB.com. So proud of you to stand up for what you believe in! xo

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara
I am so proud of you. I went through something a few years ago that nearly destroyed me and it took me along time to get over what people do when all you are trying to do is help others. It is such a shame how people can behave but just remember that the the one who know you love you and the rotters can't take that away. Absolutely love you work and proud to say Tara is a fellow canuck.

Louise Williams said...

Totally not surprised that your work is lifted so much, it's stunning. However i totally agree regarding the lifting thing and am behind your stance 100%. I keep an eye on a certain scrapper who regularly lifts my techniques and then posts them on her blog as her own. Drives me mad and really is quite pathetic... I just figure I can't physically stop her doing it so will keep coming up with new stuff FIRST and make sure it's out there so when her imitation comes along it's already old news. Keep up your amazing work chickie, people know your talent and the wannabe that's trying to make a name off your back will get nowhere in this industry. xx

Luz Maria Bruna said...

I´m really so sorry my friend.I think that it´s too much that something we do for pleasure cause this kind of problems.I´m with you my friend.

scrappygal said...

So sorry to hear of your trouble. I agree with you 100%. I don't pay enough attention to others to even know if they are lifting from me. Maybe I should start.

Chloe said...

Hi Tara, I am so sorry that you have to go through this! It just doesn't seem fair does it! I must admit, I have only found your blog recently, and know nothing of sb.com, but I feel your pain.

Scossie Jane said...

I can't believe how dishonest some people are - they obviously have no scruples, and I think they should be named and shamed - as in, you should post on your blog, and the other designers that it happens to should as well - "look who copied my work, what do you think of their version?".

Would let the industry know it's not their original work and get the point across without stooping as low as them....

Some people are just plain scum....

I adore your work Tara, as you know. I could never pass it off as my own. Nobody would believe me!!!....LOL

Hugs xx

Jess said...

sorry to hear this Tara...i actually had this happen to me a long time ago...they copied a pg. and then had it published...i decided not to say anything because i felt that it was just a design and who is to say that she couldn't come up with the same thing on her own. plus her pg. did come out a ton better than mine..lol..

i am proud that you took a stand. although i wish i knew who it was because i am afraid that i follow her blog and i want to make sure that i don't play any part in something like that. but i understand.

i have seen this happen to a few other people also...bottom line you have to give credit where credit is due.


sheila said...

Tara, I adore your work and look forward to seeing what you come up with every time I visit your blog! I too have had a copycat only the woman who copied something I did decided to have a class and charge $25.00 a person to show them how to do something I came up with!!! So I understand why you are upset, it upsets me too and I am behind you 100% I only wish I would have stood up for myself and I admire you for doing just that! Good Luck and hold your head high, you have alot to be proud of. Keep on Scrappin!

Romaine said...

Good for you Tara! Your work is so outstanding! I can understand the scrap lifting, but not to give credit where it is due? I have shamelsslynscraplifted, but MADE SURE that I said who did the delightful original!
It is sad for her that she is unable to give credit....
I adore your work!
Glad to hear that something was done about it; ppl like that can really poison a place to share...

Denise G said...

Women can just be plain mean! I am sorry that this is happening to you. You seem to have handled it beautifully though! Thank you for sharing all that you do and for your incredible inspiration. I hope that you will never let this kind of stuff keep you from doing what you so obvious love.

JJ Sobey said...

and people wonder why I shy away from the large scrapbook sites... *sigh*... sorry you had to go through this.

Cindy deRosier said...

I read the drama on sb.com before the thread was deleted. Like many others, I thought you were "Tattle Tale" until you came on and said you weren't. While I'm glad Tattle Tale called out the plagiarizer, it's a shame that you and several others were unwittingly dragged into the fray. I'm so sorry that all this happened to you and am glad that you defended yourself, both here and there. And I'm especially glad that sb.com got rid of the perpetrator's account!

Pam S said...

I'm so sorry this is going on. I love your work, and I do know how hard you must work on each layout. I don't go to sb.com, just here, and I'm always blown away by the talent you have! Keep it up!

LISA said...

Tara, as a Designer, I totally understand how you feel and why you needed to defend your honor. I too have been put into a situation like this and kept it private. Bravo to you for bringing out to the open!! We work so damn hard on our work, and when it is copied in a matter of minutes and claimed as their own..Well, that is just wrong. A little mention of inspiration is all we want. I hate drama as well. I adore your work and your creative spirit. Please dont let this take that away from you!!
Big Hugs,

Melissa Vettorel said...

I feel your pain Tara. I had a feeling that I knew who this person was and I just tried to look at her profile and it has been deleted. The same lady totally copied one of my pages 3 months ago. Not just scraplifted, she copied every paper and embellishment and even picked a picture that looked very similar to mine. I understand that designs look similar, but there was no denying that she out right copied my page. She had no regard for my work and I was shocked when she posted her page 2 days after mine and didn't even acknowledge mine. I just figured that it was a one time thing and let it slide. I'm very proud of you for standing up for yourself and the other designers. Maybe she'll learn her lesson. You have to give credit where credit is due;) Take care!!

Sandi Clarkson said...

Tara, I am so sorry that this has happened to you .. I did read a post or two the other night and wondered what was up. It's too bad they couldn't have added the inspired by words and now they are banned from the site. Your work is so original and stunning that it would be a bit hard to lift from you and no one notice! Just keep doing what you do best .. scrap from your heart!

mow180 said...

I feel sorry for that lady. I don't know any of the story but I wonder what is missing in her life that she has to put herself forward as being more talented than she really is. I regularly visit your blog and one other because I am so inspired by the work. I notice my other favourite designer is copied regularly too.
I am glad that you stood up for yourself. Keep scrapping, you make so many of us happy.

LG said...

Was that the same person you mentioned to me before? WOW the nerves! So sorry to hear about all this Tara. I know you well enough that I dont care of any negative comments I might read elsewhere. You are a pure talent and have inspired a lot of us. I will support you all throughout

Kris Berc said...

I'm terribly sorry that you've had to deal with such a horrible situation. I am not active on that site and had no idea this was going on until I read your post. I totally agree with your stance and I applaud the action you took. Please don't allow this situation to hinder your incredibly inspiring creativity. I can't help but wonder who the lifter is.

Misty said...

Tara you are a super talented lady. I have really enjoyed you being on the BoBunny DT and am sad that all of this drama is going on. I hope it will all go away and you can still enjoy what you love. Thanks for everything, you are amazing!

~Valeria said...

Well good for you for taking a stance!!!! I love looking at your work and even though I cant even attempt to have anything look remotely close to yours (smile) ---- I'm appalled that there was someone who attempted to take that credit....

Breathe -- count to 10 -- U obviously got this under control!!! Good for you!

Corinne said...

Hi Tara! I am so sad to see trouble you have had since a few weeks. I didn't know all of this, because i have no time enough for looking at sb.com forum: i actually realky think it was better! Lol!! I agree with you, you are right to defend your honor and all your work! I know how long it is to make a lo or a project (days and days and days...!), and it's incredible that some people can lift your work without telling other scrappers they were "inspired by"! I really think those people may don't have cretivity andvinspieation enough to make lo by themselves! I must confess you are so inspirational for me and i am so lucky you share your work! Thanks a lot for that! Go on as you are, i have so much respect for you. Don't worry i m sure everything will be ok soon. Xoxoxo from France!

Silvia Mendoza said...

Tara, I am so sorry this is happenning to you. I think you did the right thing by not keeping quiet. It is sad that the same hobby that can relax us is giving you such stress. Hang in there God will not give you more than you can handle!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that you had to go through all this drama.

Scrapbooking is a wonderfully hobby (well it's really a lifestyle ;o) and I so wish people would stop being mean and steel creations.

A mention of inspiration is all it takes - good for you to take control!

finnabair said...

Tara, I'm really sorry reading what happened to you, but on the other gahand - I'm also proud you stood up and fought for your rights. I'm 100% with you - lifting is ok, but with creediting the inspiration. Your work is amazing, so no wonder people want to lift you :)
Hugs to you :* xoxo

Sophia said...

So sorry to hear about that Tara, cannot believe women can act like little children. What happened to Scrapbooking being lots of fun...

bethann said...

you should defend yourself and your work. it is your intellectual property just as any writer/painter/sculpter etc. of course we recognize when a world renowed piece of art (Mona Lisa for example) is "lifted"/altere/changed by another artist but it is more difficult in scrapping/stmamping to know who's idea was origianl. sure i've lifted, but... i don't post my work, i never copy directly, i usually don't have the same papers/products used, and imo it isn't as good as the origianl.and it only goes into my scrapbooks for my own use. is this OK, i think so. but not to post, claim it as my origianl work... that is wrong. sorry for long post

anazelia said...

Tara I LOVE your work and I often you use your pages as inspiration. I do not copy your style- as there is no way I could, nor do I have nearly enough supplies to do so- but your blog and your pages at ACOT are in my faves and when I need inspiration - mostly on those days that I am not actually scrapping- I go to you.

I am so sorry that someone is trying to ruin your reputation and are attacking you professionally. What goes around comes around, and they will get there's.

Thank you for all you do for this industry.

scrapsylz said...

Hi Tara,
I totally agree with you! You rock, girl! I am not surprised however that your work has been lifted, because all of it is just stunning. But giving credit is the least one could do, when lifting and putting it on the web! I'm sorry this happened to you and hope you will continue to surprise and inspire your readers with your art!

Anonymous said...

Tara, I followed the controversy and wanted to tell you that you did an enormous service to many by standing up for yourself. I'm sure you've discouraged others from doing what that lifter did. We're never alone in situations like this, although we women tend to feel like that when we speak out for ourselves. You're a fabulous artist, and by honoring your gift and your hard work, you honored all of us who work hard at this hobby.

Carin McDonough said...

I am so sorry to hear this Tara, I suppose some people are just trouble causers. I am not surprised they wanted to lift your work because it is all stunning but to not admit it and then cause all this trouble is disgusting. I don't think anyone will believe that you are a trouble maker so just ignore them :) I hope it is all over now and you can get on with enjoying your life with your beautiful family and creating your amazing layouts :) Lots of big hugs! Carin

Anonymous said...

Tara, I too, take DAYS to create 1 scrapbook page, so I understand how hard it would be for someone to quickly copy yours and post it for all kinds of praise. Good for you for standing up for yourself. A little white lie is still a lie, and stealing is stealing, period.

Anonymous said...

I saw all the drama on sb.com and I am with you 100%, heck I even commented on the thread. What shocked me is right after sb.com removed her, a ton of pm's went out that she had returned under a different name. Then again she was removed. People of her nature are never going to give credit where credit is due. I hope sb.com never allows her back. She lifted from a lot of designers, some who were her friends under the old user name and the new user name, beware of her.......Fantastic thinking Tara.

Unknown said...

You took a stand and I am so happy you did. She was making everyone's life a misery of sorts. Great job Tara.

Nadia Cannizzo said...

Oh Tara! Drama indeed. We were talking about this issue at the Nook forum and we all agreed 'what is the point of copying work and passing it as your own?" . And i mean..what is the satisfaction in that? We are all , no doubt, inspired by so much talent that we see online but to COPY someones work so blatantly and so OBVIOUSLY and then deny it and cause all this drama is beyond my understanding.

I wish you luck with this and hope it doesnt stop you from creating your amazing work!

Take care and happy Easter to you and yours!


Bonnie aka Cinnabon said...

I myself am not a fast scrapper by any means, so I understand your frustration. You do such beautiful work and deserve the recognition of anything you have inspired. This lady obviously has no self esteem if she has to steal others work. Good on you for standing up for yourself!

Diana said...

good for you! it seems more and more designers are having the same issue. you would think by now people would just give the credit... adding 'inspired by' only takes a second!!!

Anonymous said...

Hate to be the messagener of bad news but she has appeared over at TwoPeas and has the exact copy of one of your layouts on the site here:

This woman is unreal, doesn't she know you post there also.

Romy said...

Oh gosh, Tara, I know who you are talking about...I even commented on that layout of hers and too found her attitude a little bit strange....she just pretended like these were her own ideas. What was she thinking? It is just AWFUL! You're one of my most favourite artists, I love your work, you have a great personality, a very warm heart, and you really don't deserve anything like this. So sorry to hear you've had to go through this. I'm glad you succeeded in getting her profile removed from SB.com and Two Peas. Especially in the beginning of my scrapbooking I often scraplifted layouts, but I never posted those in an online gallery and if I did, I gave the person I lifted credits. I think that's just the least thing you could do. It must be so frustrating to see your creations, that took you many, many hours to complete, being scraplifted. Please don't take this drama personally. Believe me, you're an amazing person and I am so happy that I got to know you better by having been on the BB team together. Your work is amazing! Sending lots of hugs your way. Love, Romy:)

Romy said...

Oh, Tara, forgot to ask you something. I'm discussing our vacation plans for this summer with my parents...I'll probably go to the USA for the very first time in my life:) We're still doubting what place to go to: NY (shopping!!) or Chicago (CHA heaven:)). But I don't know if some of my 'online friends' are going there too. So I'm trying to contact some of them, to decide if it would be worth going there. Are you going too this summer?

phamil said...

OH Tara, I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I admire you for the way you have handled the entire situation. I hope that she goes away and I can not believe that one of her "friends" tried to cause trouble for you, that is just the worst. Your work is beautiful and unique and truly one of a kind, the scraplifts are only poor imitations of your work anyway. Hugs to you my friend, and again, I am sorry for the drama.

Unknown said...

Hey sweetie, glad it happened finally.....I really didn`t have the guts to tell this woman "Stop copying my work"...what I did was to yell at Facebook and complain about her! So proud of you!
I was always amazed when people were commenting on her layouts telling her how "creative" and "gorgeous" they are ...ROFL!!!!
You did a great job! Thank you!!!!!
Hugs your way!

Unknown said...

I read part of the drama and was appalled by the events that have occurred over this... if you lift.. give credit ....it’s the proper thing to do PERIOD.... ( this is really not a hard concept). We are playing with paper scissors and glue yes.... and to 99% of the people it is a mere hobby for personal enjoyment. There is however that 1% where it is a business venture. Designers work hard ... really dang hard to get their name and reputation out there ... Countless nights, countless hours, family sacrifices to fulfill their passion and enjoyment .. respect it ... a hobbyist does not see behind the scenes of what DT members go through and the dedication they must have .... to step or ride on someone else's coat tails is wrong to merely get comments, praise, featured, or whatever the thought process may be ... to merely take and not give back .... karma is a bad thing to tempt fate with .

Jane said...

Its such a shame that it went as far as it has and to cause you such stress Tara I can understand exactly how you feel I;m sorry to say that people like that are in all walks of life.....It will come back on them and you can hold your head high good on you I say for taking a stand ...I follow your blog from here in nz and take inspiration from your work not your style you have my support 100%
I love your work and integretiy...Jane nz

francie said...

Hi, Tara - I thought you might be interested in knowing that DT members are not the only ones who have their LOs lifted. Some DT members are quite adapt to lifting the humble scrappers designs without a mention of credit to the originator of the LO. In addition, some "lifts" are too far removed from the original design for me to call it a lift. So I guess you could say that a "lift" is in the eyes of the beholder. I have seen lots of LOs on several scrapbooking sites, many following the same general theme, and even product line. With kits being so popular, it's inevitable. I too would like to see ALL scrappers giving credit where credit is due. Sorry to hear about all the drama. Scrapbooking is supposed to be fun: It's not supposed to be stressful. I think most scrapbookers feel this way. Francie

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that this person and her friends are trying to cause you so much trouble. It's horrible to think that it has been taken this far and all people have to do is give credit when it's due. I can understand some people do have the same scrapbooking style but 1 layout may me a coincidence but majority of hers are like yours are highly unlikely. I totally believe giving credit is fair when you have used there design or a technique you did.

Nicole said...

oh girl, not good at all. From what I know of you, there is no way you would bring such a drama into your life. I've had a few lift me but not to that extent.

Here's wishing you lots of peace and someone to just disappear :)


Creations by Jolan said...

I'am so sorry that I did not know this before... Just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts! Do not let them get you down.You did the right thing. Those people are just jealous.
Kind regards Jolanda Meurs

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