Far Away Land is a simple little fantasy game that leans hard into gonzo. If you've ever seen the cartoon Adventure Time then you'll get the vibe. It's a d6 dice pool game but after rolling you only keep the highest die rolled. If you roll multiple sixes then the first six counts as a six and the others add one to the result.
The first step in character creation is to create a concept. I want a barbarian type character.
Next, stats. There are three stats in FAL: Brute, Dexterity and Wits. You have six points to distribute among them and they can't start higher than 3 or lower than 1.
Hit Points: BRT + 10 = 13
Armor Class: Armor soaks damage. I'm going to start my barbarian out with Leather Armor so his AC is 2.
Actions: FAL has an action economy during combat. A player spends Action points to do things like
move (which costs 2 ACT) or melee attack (3 ACT). ACT: DEX + 3 = 5.
move (which costs 2 ACT) or melee attack (3 ACT). ACT: DEX + 3 = 5.
Luck: A character always starts with 2.
Boons: Boons are skills that characters have. They add bonus dice to appropriate activities. The rules say that a character can start with up to five. I'll choose three. Alert, Athletics and Melee.
Flaws: A character also has flaws. You roll a d3 to determine the number. I rolled a 2. I'll choose Naive and Reckless.
Gear: Leather Armor, Battle Axe, Dagger, 8 GP.
Rolf Teethgrinder
BRT: 3 DEX: 2 WIT: 1
ACT: 5 Luck: 2 LVL: 1 XP: 0
AC: 2
Boons: Alert 1, Athletics 1, Melee 1
Flaws: Naive, Reckless
Spells: None
Gear: Leather Armor (2), Battle Axe (1d6+1), Dagger (1d6), 8 GP.