
Date Night!

September 29:

Broc and I took a night out to the temple. It was definitely overdue! Broc's parents watched the boys for us, which was so appreciated! I have to say I have NEVER felt closer to my Savior than I did that night. It made me wonder why I let other things get in the way of going more often.

"This is the marvelous blessing that awaits those who come to the temple. May each of us live worthy lives, with clean hands and pure hearts, so that the temple may touch our lives and our families.

"How far is Heaven? I testify that in the holy temples it is not far at all- for it is in these sacred places that heaven and earth meet and our Heavenly Father gives His children His greatest blessings."

~ President Monson

"In the House of the Lord, we feel the influence of the Holy Ghost and draw nearer to God, our Eternal Father, and to His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ." (October 2010 Ensign)


Pumpkin Pickin'

One of my all time favorite pictures!!! I just love this boy!

September 30, Lesli (Broc's mom) took the boys and me to go pumpkin pickin'! It was so much fun to see Crew find pumpkins. He is at the perfect age where he knows what the holiday/season is about and is so excited about everything that goes with it!

He was so into the pumpkins... until he found these little guys.
He was so sweet with those kitties!

I'm not so sure they felt the same about him!

My attempt at getting some pictures of the boys. Kind of sad to think that this is our last fall, pickin pumpkins, enjoying the crisp air, looking at the beautiful leaves ... for a little while.

Jack really wasn't so excited about this! But even with him screaming his face off and Crew totally distracted by the cats, aren't they the cutest brothers?!!


Mixed Emotions

Up until today, I have been preparing myself for a 16 month long vacation! Looking online, trying to find cute sandals, swimsuits, hats, dresses etc. for me ... and stuff for the boys as well. Ultimately, I have felt excited, excited to be moving on with our lives, excited to move to a new place! I mean seriously, just look at the paradise we will call home in 3 months!

Feelings of excitement have filled my mind, along with me imagining how life will be in a place we have never been. However, today Broc and I received an email from a girl whose husband is going to school there now. It was helpful to read the advice she gave, yet it was a reality check for me. As I finished reading the email, I found a few tears falling. The reality of our new home was setting in. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't nervous, because I am. I wonder how the boys will adjust and how I will adjust. Broc and I have never had a lot. We have never lived anywhere really nice. But, we are moving to a third world country. A place where we won't have a car. We walk everywhere. It is a 30 minute walk to church! (Really, we have a hard time making it on time to our 1:30PM meetings!) A place where everybody just lets their kids run around in their diapers or underwear because it is so hot! (So all of those cute clothes I was looking at...?) Milk is so expensive that most use powdered milk. Crew LOVES his milk. Will he drink it over there, will he still like it when we return? The list goes on and on, I just shared a few examples. We aren't taking a lot with us. Whatever we can pack in a few suitcases will have to do. I know Broc's classes and studies will be demanding, so I am preparing myself to be a single mom of two... in a different country, away from all family and friends. It was today that I really started to feel a flood of emotions. We have heard that it can be one of the greatest, most memorable experiences we will ever have... or it can be the worst. It all comes down to what we make of it.

Early on we titled this blog, "Finding Joy in the Journey" (from a talk given by President Monson). It has summed up our experiences over the 6 years of our marriage. Some situations in our lives have been far from ideal, but it has always come down to what we make of life. It really doesn't matter what situation we are in, where we live, what we have or don't have, what trials we are facing, we can always look at life as an experience and find the joy in everyday. President Monson says it best, "it is my sincere prayer that we may adapt to the changes in our lives, that we may realize what is most important, that we may express our gratitude always and thus find joy in the journey." As I pulled up my blog today, I was reminded of this.

I'm sure today I just skimmed the surface of what is to come. And yet, amidst all of these mixed emotions, I truly feel that this is where we need to be. For whatever the reason, whatever we need to learn. That is what life is... finding joy in the journey!


Jack is 2 months!

Jack's 2 month check up:

Height: 24 3/4 inches - 90%
Weight: 12 lbs 3.6 oz - 50-75%
Head: 39 cm - 25-50%


*When he gets so mad when he is eating and then he'll just stop and look up at me and smile (it seems like it is a game to him)

*How happy he is the moment you lay him on his changing table! An instant smile appears!

*That he sleeps 7-9 hours at night!

*When he gets so excited to see his Mr. Star (his musical, light up star on his play gym)

*When he tries to talk

*His sweet little grunt that sounds like a goat

*How he smells

*His smiling face at 5 am



Jack's Blessing Day

We blessed Jack on Sunday, September 5th. He was a perfect little angel all day. I was so worried he was going to cry during the blessing, but he slept through the whole thing. Not one peep! I felt that the entire day was perfect. Of course I had my last minute stressers (hoping that Jack doesn't have a blow out in his blessing outfit, praying that we won't be late because Jack had to eat right before we left, hoping he doesn't spit up all over his outfit and praying he won't get a tummy ache during the blessing and spit up all over everyone.) Well my prayers were answered and there were no blow outs, we were on time for the blessing... (we walked in during the opening song) and no one got spit up on!

Broc gave Jack a beautiful blessing. I can't explain the special feeling it is watch your husband bless your children. There is nothing more beautiful.

Before church

After church

Sweet sweet baby Jack! Such an angel!

The final preparations for the dinner afterward. It was a little tricky trying to get everything set up and ready right after the meeting, since we couldn't really decorate before church. Thanks to my sis Jenn who left early to help get things ready!

The starving guests had to wait a little bit while we finished getting everything ready!

~the blessing book~

~the thank yous~

~cream cheese brownies inside~

We did a baked potato bar with various sauces and toppings, served with sliced ham and tons of amazing sides to go along with it. Thanks so much to everyone who helped bring something, it made one fine feast!

~the dessert table~

I felt like I was running in five million directions, trying to finish up. Note to self: next time make a list of things you need done so you aren't running around in circles trying to remember everything.

~the guests~

More of our little man!

Stealing some kisses!

This little cutie is obsessed with Jack. She is always trying to find him and will say, "Where's baby Jack?" "I wanna hold him." She loves him so much!


The guys who stood in the circle, minus: Bishop Burbee, President Clemens, and Uncle Dave

Dale Alan, Broc Alan and Jack Alan.
The unofficial tradition of the second born boy has now become a tradition.

4th Generation Picture

Wished you could have been here Gram Monson!

~the friends~

Becky, Corbin, Me and Jack

Crew looked so cute in his little tie. I feel bad I didn't get one picture snapped of Crew and Jack. This boy was too busy running around having fun with the cousins!

Jack is so lucky to have so many people who love him!

It was a beautiful day! We are so blessed to have you in our lives, little Jack!