Monday, December 31, 2012

I love the cabin

I posted the above picture to Instagram.
I love it.
I love the beauty of snow covered pine trees!
Sunsets over the ocean are my favorite, pine trees at the cabin are my second favorite!
I love going for walks at the cabin, so invigorating.

I bought the kids snow/brick making toys to make an igloo.
They take after their mom--not enough patience to make an entire igloo.

My favorite picture!
Love Peter.
Love how he is missing so many teeth.
Love how much fun he has!
He was non-stop!

Rachel is hiding behind me.

My beautiful kids.  
I love them!

Luke actually wanted to be with the family!  

I love the beautiful mountains in the background.
At this point all the kids were back at the cabin warming up.
Not Peter.  Steve and I watched with happiness as he played.
Until he took a dive into fresh powder-head first.  
He came up missing a hat.
Then he was ready to head back to the cabin for some warmth.

This little girl was such a trooper.  She was sick, but still tagged along on all the sleigh riding.

Peter putting out the vibe.

Rosey cheeks!  
Everything is a race with this girl.
She had to be the first one down the hill--every time!

This is me, right before we left.
It was snowing lightly.

This is not a site you see everyday.