Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1st day of School

I have been slightly sidetracked lately by a never ending kitchen remodel and a baby that seems to be growing faster and faster every day. Here is the kids on their first day of school.

Jordan is in Kindergarten this year at Brookwood Elementary. It is one of the highest performing elementary schools in the state. The only problem, he doesn't get to ride the bus, we literally live across the street (from the back of the school).  Sorry Bud, maybe for Junior High. On the first day of school, he got mad at me for picking him up. From now on, he walks home alone.  Lucky for me, I can see him as soon as he walks to the back side of the school all the way to our house. 

Isabella is going to her 1st year of pre-school. She is attending Oakwood Elementary preschool. Its GREAT! It is the same school that Jordan went to, same teacher, Mrs. Karen, (we love her!) and they just rebuilt the school so its brand new!
This is a picture from the open house.  Loving rug time!

And just for fun, here is Levi, growing up way to fast. He started crawling at 6 months and at 7 started pulling himself up on the couch and table.  These pictures were taken last month.
 He always does this with his eyebrows.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Big Brother J

Jordan is the BEST big brother. He loves Levi so much.  A couple of weeks ago, I came into the family room and saw this.

The kids were watching Disney Channel and Jordan wanted to snuggle with Levi on the couch. Jordan even got the bottle out of the fridge himself, just in case Levi got hungry.  
 After a minute in the kitchen,  I heard Levi whine a bit and found Jordan feeding Levi. Love the half look at mom for the picture, half watch TV pose he has going.
 After several trips back and forth to check on the feeding and finishing the dishes, I found Levi burped and asleep with his big brother. Yes, Jordan likes to burp Levi, he doesn't like it when he spits up on him but burps him anyways. I don't know what he was watching but it must have been good. We wouldn't want to interrupt with another picture.

 Thanks for being s great big brother Jordan!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Growing Up

It seems like just yesterday Jordan and Bella were as small as Levi, especially since Levi is wearing a lot of Jordan's old clothes.  Nate and I are constantly taking time looking back to 5 1/2 years ago.  Crazy how time flies.

Jordan is now doing this....


And Bella loves to do this...


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Brother Levi

Welcome Baby Levi.

Baby Levi was born on February 8, 2011.  It was a planned induction. I was determined to get an epidural this time and thankfully, my doctor understood. My mom, Dad and Katelyn came over to our house at 7:30 am on Tuesday morning, Katie watched the kids and got Jordan off to school. My Dad helped Nate give me one last priesthood blessing.  We arrived at the hospital at about 8:00 got all checked in and an epidural.  Everything went well, I didn't feel any pain!! After the last 2 natural births, this was fabulous for me. My Mom and Dad stayed and chatted, and sisters, Brittney and Brooke came for a quick visit right before the delivery and Dani came right after.  At 12:00 I felt a little pressure and Levi was born at 12:14.  The experience was wonderful.  Levi was 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. From the first moment, he has looked like his brothers twin.  It did take us a while to determine a name.  After much back and forth we finally came up with LEVI JAMIE DOWDLE.

 All the Koch Cousins.  I didn't think they would be allowed to come visit but the nurses said ok.  It was chaos for a few minutes but all went well. 
 Jordan is one proud big brother. He loves to hold his brother, give him kisses and sing to him. Jordan was the first one to get spit up on. It scared him a little, he thought Levi was sick. I had to explain that babies do that sometimes. 
 Bella loves her brother too. Loves to give kisses and hold him. She loves to call him baby brother, even though she does know his name is Levi.

We are one HAPPY Family! (even though we couldn't get Bella to Smile.)