Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Yesterday we took our kids to Lagoon. Ryan has been beyond excited for the last 2 weeks! In fact the night before, he could not sleep. He finally went to bed around 10:30 because he was so excited. My sister works at Harmon's and they have such a fun employee Lagoon Day. They have wristbands for the family and you can get food for super cheap to free. We got hot dogs and hamburgers. But I think the kids favorite foods were Cheetos and cotton candy. It was Ellie's first experience with Cotton Candy and I thought we'd have to hose her down because she was so sticky!!
I didn't know if Ellie would be able to ride the kiddie rides. She is so crazy that I didn't know if she would sit still, or if she would even be big enough to go on them. Of course, Eric told me that she would be fine and he was right. She went on tons of rides with Ryan and loved every minute of it. There were some rides that she could have cared less about, but she didn't complain, she just was along for the ride (literally).

She was waving at everybody while they were on the boat ride.

Waiting to go on the tilt-a-whirl
The Cotton candy mustache!
Her first bite! Look at the big eyes!!
Look at the Cheetos face.After the ride, he LOVED it!

During the ride, he just laughed and laughed.
Before the ride...a little scared.

Ryan LOVED all of the rides he went on. If I had to pick some favorites, however, I think they would be the tilt-a-whirl, flying aces, helicopters, the ride with the guns (I don't remember the name), well pretty much everything else. He was sad that he couldn't go on Jet Star 2, but I think in a couple of years, he'll be going on everything.

Eric and I took the kids home so his parents could watch them while we went back and enjoyed some time on the "big kid" rides. Ryan was asleep before we got out of the parking lot at Lagoon. He was so sleepy. When we got home, I picked him up and said that Grandpa Jones was going to come play with him because Mommy and Daddy had to go somewhere. I was not about to tell him we were going back to Lagoon. Ryan tried to look at me, but his head was bobbing around because he was so sleepy and with his eyes shut he said (in a drunken tone), "Mom I want to go ride some more rides). We will be going back in the next couple of weeks, and I think in the next couple of years we will be getting season tickets. I was so excited to go take the kids to Lagoon, and I was not disappointed. It was a child's heaven!
So, Eric and I went back around 6:00 to ride some more rides. We went on everything we could as fast as we could. By the time we left I was ready to throw up. We literally had to stop at a gas station on the way home so I could get a drink (I was not going to pay $3 for a coke at Lagoon). And when we got home, I literally went straight to the bathroom. I didn't throw up but sure felt like it. It gets worse and worse after each child. I think next time I go to Lagoon, I will take the fast rides a couple at a time, doing them all together was so not a good idea for me. But it was so much fun spending time with Eric. He is so much fun and I LOVE him!!!

The boats

Ellie on the gun ride, she clearly has an older brother because she knew just what to do with the guns!

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Tobi said...

Your kids are so dang cute! We should get together and play at a park. We have so much catching up to do!

Jared and Allyson said...

That is so wonderful that you all had such a great time at Lagoon. I've wondered if it'd be worth the money to take the kids, but haven't been confident enough to do it. Maybe I'll reconsider...

It's fun to see you blogging again.