Monday, November 1, 2010

2 Week Iron Man!!

At the South Jordan Rec Center where I work out, they are doing a 2 week Iron Man where you have to swim 2.4 miles, bike 115 miles, and run a full marathon (26.2 miles!) You can alternate the days how ever you like, as long as you complete them in the 2 week time frame. It started today and goes until November 15th. I thought it sounded like a fun experience, so I'm all signed up and ready to go!! I will be blogging about what I do to track my distances on my training blog, so have a gander if you'd like :) What a fun way to get motivated in working out!!


Savannah said...

Amanda this sounds so fun! How do you fit all this into your already busy life?? Amazing! I hope I'm as dedicated as you are when I'm a mom!

ashleyandcody said...

You are amazing! And really how do you do everything?! Good luck...I am in a slump right now not motivated AT ALL to work out...

Unknown said...

A marathon? Crazy girl. jk Good luck! :)