On March 13th we put LB down. I scheduled it while Ryan was in Utah. I really wanted him with me, but we didn't want to make LB suffer any longer. I took these pictures before we left for the vet. His nose was constantly bloody and when the vet weighed him he'd lost half his weight in the last 4 months. The vet was really nice and empathetic. They asked me if I wanted to be there when they put him down, but I didn't. They made a little mold of his paw for us which I though was so nice. They gave us a few moments to say our goodbyes then we left. It was a really sad day. For the next few days I had to keep telling Hannah that LB was in Heaven with Jesus. We miss him.
I took Hannah to get her first real haircut on March 18th. It needed a lot of evening out. She was really nervous at first but was just fine once they gave her a sucker. It looks so much better and she even got sparkles in it.
The Singleton's came for Spring Training again and we got to join them for an Angels game. Always a great time with them.
My dad had to have surgery and have his eardrum replaced. It has still never quite healed right.
Hannah and I made this fun Easter craft.
We took a hospital tour on March 3rd and were very impressed. I'm delivering at Mercy Gilbert which is 3 miles from our house. The tour was in the evening and as we drove up to the Hospital we felt like we were at a resort. The streets are lined with palm trees and there are big lights. It's very nice. All the rooms are private. They have "nap time" from 3-5 everyday where you are encouraged to nap and no one will come in and bother you. I think I'll be very happy there.
This month Hannah started saying "thank you" and "please." She constantly asks to "watch Elmo." She sings "Elmo's World" "Popcorn Popping" and "I am a Child of God." On March 9th I started round one of potty training. I chose this date because we thought she was ready and Ryan was in Utah for his sister, Brianna's wedding. It went terribly and I did not like the way I was acting towards her so we stopped and decided to try again later. My goal was to get it done before baby came, but oh well. She has gotten wild. She loves Daddy and gets so hyper when he's home, she doesn't act that way around me. She loves to have us kiss her owies better then says "all better."
We started a music class on March 19th. There were only 3 kids in the class and it was a lot of fun. We sang fun songs and the teacher had bells,shakers and scarves for us to dance with. We also did a parachute. Hannah is 37" tall. She loves her arms and back tickled in bed.
On March 25th Hannah's top molars started poking through, yay! Of course she got a runny nose, as usual, but no more teething! Randomly, she told us the baby is "Joseph." We don't know where she got that from, but we definitely added that to our list.
I think we've hit the terrible two's. She is defiant, loud, and whiny. She still loves to read though and she talks so well. She says "hi" to everyone and follows big kids around, but as soon as she gets asked a question or we start FaceTiming with grandma/grandpa she acts shy She points to things and says "who dat?"
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