Showing posts with label SDCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SDCC. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

SDCC 20123 Toy Haul Report - Mystery Rock Edition!

Hey guys, check out this really cool rock I picked up...


I actually have no idea what the hell this glorious thing is, but it was a dollar and I had to have it.

Any clues, gang? The copyright on the bottom says "CBS Toys 1985".

Saturday, July 27, 2013

SDCC 2013 Toy (Not Really Toys) Haul - Part 5!

I'm not into Superman that much (although I've been giving his comics more of a chance) and I don't collect record albums, but I just couldn't pass these $2-a-piece beauties...

What is it with Supes letting kids ride on his back in the '70s?

Friday, July 26, 2013

SDCC Toy Haul - Star Wars Black 6" Boba Fett Edition

There were several SDCC exclusives that I had on my list to get this year, and it pains me to say that, try as I might, I only managed to obtain one. But of all the exclusives I wanted, this was the daddy of them all.

And getting one of these in my hands proved next to impossible.

I'm talking about the Exclusive Star Wars Black 6" Boba Fett from Hasbro.

I don't want to get off on a rant here, but I do feel the need to at least give a quick rundown of how insane getting one of these turned out to be. And all of my troubles were due to a series of inane blanket policies allegedly designed to keep scalpers from snatching everything up and then flipping them for a profit in their booths. Ha.

It all started on Preview Night, when I was informed that no exhibitors were allowed to purchase anything for the first half hour. Now, keep in mind that I was there as an exhibitor for another toy company. I was not a store owner looking for hot merchandise. I just wanted one for myself to display on my desk at work. But that didn't matter. To Hasbro, and exhibitor is an exhibitor and that's that.

When I asked "a half hour starting from when" I was told from the opening time of Preview Night. Now, Preview night started at 6:00 PM, this conversation was at 5:40 PM and thousands of people were already let in and standing in line at the Hasbro booth. So I had to come back at 6:30, which meant that everyone actually had an hour head start. Great.

So, I waited until 6:30 and returned, at which time the guy working the main table (a pretty rude chap, to be honest) informed me that the line was closed for the night.

I'm not going to lie. I got pissed. This was a stunningly unfair thing to do to people who are genuine fans of their toys.

But, I decided to calm down and just come back the first thing the next morning. I was going to get that damn Boba Fett.

Thursday morning came and I went straight to the Hasbro booth first thing. There was a completely different yet somewhat even ruder chap working the table this time who let me know that to get in the line to buy toys you needed a ticket. Just to get in line. And when I asked for a ticket, I was told that they had already been given out. When? I asked. The convention had literally just opened. The guy couldn't even look me in the eye and clearly just wanted me to go away. "At 6:00 AM," he said.


Given out to all of the people sleeping out on the sidewalk in front of the convention center.

Now, hear me out. Hasbro doesn't want scalpers to buy all the toys and then mark them up and sell them in their booths. So they institute a system that makes it impossible for the average Joe who simply arrives at the con when the doors open to even get in their line, much less able to buy one of their items. Instead, they give carte blanche to the people sleeping outside all night. And do you know what kind of people sleep outside all night hoping to get tickets for toy lines? GOD DAMN SCALPERS.

I admit that I lost my cool at this point and read the riot act to the poor sap working the booth, saying things like, "I can't believe you're treating your honest customers this way. You should be ashamed of yourselves." He didn't look at me once.

This went on for three days.

For three days I was denied even the possibility to buy a toy that I just wanted to keep for myself, to look over at every now and then throughout my work day for a brief second or two of enjoyment and inspiration.

And while I was being denied this chance, Star Wars Black Boba Fetts were popping up in just about every toy dealer's booth, marked up from $50 to $120. AND PEOPLE WERE PAYING IT.

There was actually a brief moment when I considered giving some scalper scumbag $100 for one, but just couldn't stand the thought of him getting my money.

Finally, late on Saturday afternoon, I decided to take action.

I simply walked up to the people standing on the outter edge of the cow feeder line into the Hasbro booth and just started asking random strangers, "Are you getting a Boba Fett? You are? How about you? Getting a Boba Fett?"

Eventually, one of the "line guards" came up to me and said, "Are you trying to get someone to buy you something?" I started to immediately get defensive, but he calmed me down and lowered his voice, "Dude, it's cool with me, but don't let anyone here see you passing money over. They'll kick you out." At that point, this amazingly understanding Hasbro booth employee, the only one who seemed to have a heart, proceeded to quietly ask people in line on my behalf. He eventually found a guy and beckoned me over.

I explained my situation to the fellow con-goer and he was more than happy to grab a Boba Fett for me. The Hasbro booth worker had me slip the $50 bill into an order sheet, hand it to him (further down the line, real 80s spy style) which he then handed to the buyer. The buyer gave me his cell number (we acted like we we're friends planning to meet up later) and I texted him so he had mine, and we made plans for him to text me when he was through the line.

I then calmly walked off and took some time to enjoy the warm wave of relief that only a collector who has just scored the one thing he was hunting for can understand.

About 45 minutes later, I got the text; time to pick up my Boba Fett.

I couldn't thank that guy enough (I remember his name, but I'm not going to mention it here). The one thing I wanted most was finally mine, despite Hasbro's efforts to keep it from my hands.

Take that, Hasbro.

Now let's look at this beauty...

From the moment I laid eyes on the box alone, I was in love.

I rarely decided to collect a series of toys without ever seeing one in person, but I had been wanting a line of 6" Star Wars figures for years.

Let's take a look inside...

The reason this figure is so special (besides it being the first release of what I hope to be a long-lived line of toys) is that it come specially packaged and with extra accessories that will not be available in the regular release, specifically a certain space smuggler encased in carbonite.

Even the inside of the box is a work of art...

The figure itself is everything I dreamed it would be, brimming with detail and packed with elegant articulation.

As angry with Hasbro as I am, I have to admit that they knocked this out of the park. This is the kind of toy that will spoil me for other, lesser toys.

They even included a stand so Han can "hover" above the ground while the dreaded bounty hunter guards his prize.

This figure is simply astounding and I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the 6" Star Wars Black line.

Now, I know that it is more than a little absurd for a 40 year old man to get so steamed over not getting the toy he wants. It's not my proudest moment. But it was the perfect storm, colliding my love for toys, my love for Star Wars and the unfairness with which simple, honest toy collectors were being treated that just boiled my blood.

Still, at the end of the day, Hasbro will get my money again. At least insofar as this toy line is concerned. So as much of a winner as I feel I am now, with my SDCC 2013 holy grail sitting on my desk at work, we all know who the real winner is here.

Well played, Hasbro.

Now don't even get me started on Mattel.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

SDCC 2013 Toy Haul - Part 3!

I know that these aren't the most exciting things in the world, but my recent love for all things old school Disney and my love for tin collectibles and my love for tiny figures all collided into one glorious set of objects in these old school Disney tin figures...

Seriously, I couldn't love these more if I tried. And believe me, I'm trying. But I just can't.

More stuff to come! We're just getting started!

Monday, July 22, 2013

SDCC 2013 Toy Haul Report - Part 1

Hey kids! I'm back from San Diego Comic Con! This year was beyond amazing and I have tons of stories to tell and lots of collectibles to show off, but practically no time to do either, so I thought I'd at least post a couple of pics when I get a chance.

Eventually we'll get through all the stuff I scored.

I also don't have a lot of time to wax poetically, so enjoy these pics of a handful of monstrous wind-ups I scored on the cheap.

The sparking monsters ones on the bottom are well known by just about any nerd worth his salt who grew up in the 70s and 80s.

But the two weirdos up top are a total mystery to me. But I've always had one rule: When you find wind-up toys of a gelatinous green brain and cadaver-gray eyeball with silver parasitic worms for arms, buy them.

More stuff coming soon!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Top 5 Friday! My Top 5 Pics of Me at SDCC!

Oh boy, this is the most self-indulgent post I've ever posted. Ha! Oh well. It's my blog, and I thought this would be a fun way to wind up my SDCC report week. So sit back and try not to cringe at my ugly mug as we look at my Top 5 Favorite Pics of Me at SDCC!

1. Me Doing My Best Bartman

This is one of those stupid momets where you're walking by something and then you mimic it and then some one takes a pic and it's really not that clever, but dang if I didn't totally nail that Bartman impression.
2. Me Meeting Larry Franks from the Dukes of Hazzard Collector Blog!

See?! I'm not the only Dukes of Hazzard collector on the planet! Heck, I'm not even the biggest Dukes collector on the planet. That honor has got to go to Larry Franks, whose collection makes mine look like a shoebox full of rocks.

Larry was great to talk to and I only wish we could have chatted more, but we were both working booths at the opposite ends of the convention center.
3. Me and Snoopy

If it really comes down to it, even more so than Batman, this adventurous beagle was my first hero. I also dig this pic because we're both wearing the same color.
4. Me and The Pizz!

A few years back, I was an avid reader of Juxtapoz magazine and was neck deep int he whole Kustom Kulture/Hot Rod/Lowbrow art movement and along with artists like J.R. Williams, Coop and Shag, I was all about the artwork of The Pizz. So I was stoked when he just came strolling into my booth.
5. Me Heading Home

I had to catch an early flight on Sunday, so I had to split a couple of hours before the con officially ended. Right as I threw on my backpack and grabbed my luggage, my boss held up his camera, and I gave him a sort of visual "fist-bump" as if to say, "We totally killed it, man." And we did.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My SDCC Swag Report!

You can't come home from San Diego Comic Con without your suitcase gaining a few pounds in pure loot. I actually tried to take it easy with the shopping this year, what with the Nerdatorium practically bursting at the seams with collectibles and more bins full of toys getting added to the attic every week.

Still, some stuff I just couldn't pass up and, full disclosure; now that I'm sort of "in the biz", I got a lot of free stuff from store owners and other toy makers. That sounded sort of arrogant. Didn't mean it that way. I swear.

Anyhoodle, check out all this sweet swag!

First up is one of Funko's Vinyl Invaders batman figures, and this one is the SDCC exclusive black and gold versions. This was given to me by the owner of Funko, who knows my boss because he bought Funko from him 5 years ago. Sadly, the box took a bit of a beating on the trip home, so (and this will make the Funko Funatics freak) I'll probably open it to display on the shelf.

I also picked up this sweet Atari controller luggage tag from Flapjack Toys (another company once owned by my boss). I already have a Rubik's Cube luggage tag and LOVE it, so I think this one needs to go on my laptop bag.

This year, it sort of got to be all about the free buttons. I got obsessed.The Peanuts buttons were handed out at their booth and you had to go every day to get the one for that day. I almost missed one on Friday, but one of the ladies working the booth were kind enough to dig one up for me out of her personal stash. God, I love Peanuts and everyone associated with it. Also, dig our Mixo button in the upper right. I designed it!

Oddly enough, I bought almost NO COMICS this entire trip. I'm not sure why. Mostly I think it had to do with me not having a lot of time to dig through comic boxes and I knew that I had a two foot tall stack of unread comics at home already. But I did get these freebies at the DC pavilion...

One total score for me was when I found these bizarre little robot Disney character toys at some random booth. Just look at how adorable they are! I figured there was a mickey in the series, but they didn't have one. I bought them anyway. After a quick eBay search, it looks like there was a Mickey and a Minnie, both of which I'll have to find, because these little spring-limbed critters are just too cute.

The one action figure I swore I would get was the movie Avengers Black Widow figure. Right before Preview Night opened on Wednesday, I went around looking for one. It took 7 different toy scalper booths before I finally found a guy who had one of these, and I never saw another one the whole weekend. She must be rarer than I thought. I almost can't believe that I shelled out $20 to a scalper for this figure, but... well... it's Scarlett. Full review coming soon.

Another great purchase I made was this fantastic Bigfoot neo-Mego style figure from Bif Bang Pow! that I got at the Entertainment Earth booth. You can bet your bionic eyeball that I'll be picking up the Steve Austin as soon as he's available. Stay tuned for a full review of this fuzzy bastard, too.

 This was another gift from my boss. He really knows the way to my heart.

We got the above Batman Bearbrick from the Toy Tokyo booth, while we were discussing doing a Mixo exclusive for them. The owner of Toy Tokyo is a swell guy, a real character in the collectibles world, and he was cool enough to cut us a deal on anything we wanted, so I snapped up these amazing Monster Cereals Kubrick figures...

This is weird, but the one comic I did buy was this Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew trade paperback for 75% off cover price. I used to love this book back in the day, and this is a relatively new storyline collection that I haven't read. i can't wait to dive into this silliness.

But the best purchase I made the entire weekend was this suh-wheeeeet 3-way lenticular Spider-Man ring, that one of my friends said looks like a class ring from Spidey University. The center section flickers between a portrait of Peter Parker to Spider-Man to an image of a spider hanging in a web. This reminds me of a ring I wore for my entire 2nd grade year and in honor of that ring, I wore this one (which I bought on Thursday morning) the entire weekend.

So that's it for this year's SDCC haul! I'll probably take closer looks at some of this stuff in their own posts later on, but for now, I just wanted to give everyone a rundown.

Thanks for taking a look, kids!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The SDCC Batmobile Display from Warner Brothers

One of the best things I saw the entire weekend was the Warner brothers display out on the lawn outside of the convention center (just in front of the Marriot) of all 6 movie Batmobiles (the '66 Batmobile was technically in a movie, you know). It was surreal standing in front of them. it was like I could just jump in any one of them and drive it away, and don't think I didn't think about it. Even my two least favorite Batmobiles (the Batman & Robin and Batman Forever ones) were pretty impressive in person.

Although I have to say that I feel a little cheated by the 'new" Batmobile. It's basically the same Tumbler from the other two Nolan Batman films, just painted all sandy camouflage style. Sort of lame. Also, the 1966 (my personal favorite) looked a little odd with the neon orange highlights, instead of the usual red. Not that that would have stopped me from totally stealing it.

Still, bat-awesomeness times a gazillion. Check it...