Showing posts with label Garbage Pail Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garbage Pail Kids. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2012

Top 5 Friday! My Top 5 Favorite Garbage Pail Kids Cards!

Waaaayyyyyy back in 1985, when I was in 7th grade, my friends (well, the dudes I sat with in art class) and I started this sort of club called Cabbage Patch Killers, which was born out of distaste for Cabbage Patch Kids. This led to us spending an inordinate amount of class time drawing pictures of Cabbage Patch Kids in various forms of mutilation, like slashed to pieces by Freddy Krueger or flattened with tire marks across them where they had been run over in the street. We thought we were so clever. It also occurs to me that my art teacher in 7th grade really didn't pay any attention to us whatsoever.

So imagine the mind-blowing moment when another kid in class (not a member of the GPK) brought in a stack of garbage Pail Kids cards! We instantly decided that we were all geniuses and had our thumbs firmly upon the pulse of the American satirical zeitgeist.

Needless to say, I spent the next couple of years collecting Garbage Pail Kids cards like there was no tomorrow. And here's five of them that always stuck in my head...

1. Jay Decay - In many ways, this one was probably my number one favorite. Zombies are awesome and the artwork on this one is stunning.
2. Reese Pieces - This one will forever stick into my memory because this is the card most given to me by other people. So many kids in my school thought that they were the first person to put together the fact that my name (although spelled differently) was the same name on this card. Eventually I would end up with about a 3 inch tall stack of nothing but this card.
 3. Roy Bot - Part little kid doll, part transformer. All Awesome.
4. Savage Stuart - Even back in 7th grade, I was a massive Conan fan and this card always reminded me of my favorite Son of Cimmeria. Crom!
5. Charlotte Web - Sometimes known as "Didi T", this card was always one of my favorites due to the sheer horror I felt when I thought of a giant black widow spider with a human baby face. *shudder*

That's it for this week! Another Top 5 list will be posted next Friday!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Top 5 Friday: Trading Cards from the '80s

What kid growing up in the '80s didn't collect trading cards? Even if you weren't an avid collector, you still ended up with a few packs worth of cards every now and then. In my school and neighborhood, trading cards were practically legal tender in our kid world. If one kid had a pack of Pop Tarts, you could get one of those Pop Tarts from him for 4 Superman cards. I once managed to get a whole shoebox of Return of the Jedi figures in exchange for a healthy stack of baseball cards. And we even once coaxed another kid into eating an earthworm for a Mean Joe Green card. I know, we were horrible.

Anyway, I was a full-blown trading card addict as a kid, amassing several boxes full of cards based on movies, cartoons and (occasionally) sports. So I thought it would be fun to list my top 5 favorite trading cards series that I was pretty much always willing to drop some lawn-mowing money on.

Most of these aren't going to be shocking to any of you, but here they are nonetheless.

1. Empire Strikes Back

Now, most of you are probably wondering why I didn't list the Star Wars series of cards, and I did own a metric crap-ton of those, but it was the ESB cards that saw my most fevered bout of collecting mania, and also represented my very first foray into trying to collect every single card in the series, which I eventually managed to do. Also, the ESB cards were just gorgeous, with their frames designed to look like brushed metal and their legendary "letter" cards.
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark

This is another card series that I battled and won in my efforts to complete the series. Sadly, I think I was about the only kid in my neighborhood that was crazy about these cards, so I never really had anyone to trade with. So I was on my own, and I bet if I had kept track, I probably single-handedly bought the entire box of these wax packs down at Bailey's Pharmacy all from bottle and can return money.
3. E.T.

At the other end of the spectrum to the lack of interest in the Raiders cards in my neighborhood and school, pretty much every kid I knew was crazy for E.T. cards. One of the best things about these cards is that we often found those big, long packs of E.T. cards, where you got like 30 cards or something, which some math-minded kid in our school figured out made the cards cheaper if bought that way, and of course, helped you complete your collection faster.

4. Garbage Pail Kids

These cards represent the trading cards that I probably collected for the longest period of time. These were an absolute phenomenon in middle school and every kid I knew collected them. I remember being sneered at by the cooler kids in 7th grade while we nerds huddled around our 3-ring binders packed full of Garbage Pail Kids cards (technically stickers, but you only stuck your doubles on stuff, and only then if they weren't good trade fodder). I would collect these cards all through 7th, 8th and even into 9th grade. Later, in my 20s, I would start to hunt down the other cards I missed in my teen years and thanks to their resurgence, I even bought a few packs recently. My love for these cards will probably never end.
5. Topps Baseball Cards

I know, I know, I wasn't exactly the biggest sports lover as a kid, but for some reason, especially through my Little League years, it seemed like an American rite of passage to collect baseball cards. Growing up in Michigan, me and my friends were often scrambling to be the first to collect every one of the Detroit Tigers team cards and that reached a fever pitch in '84 when the Tigers beat the Padres in the World Series.

The reason I specifically chose Topps brand baseball cards is because, for some reason, when we were kids, we all got it in our heads that only jerks and idiots collected Fleer. Don't ask me why. I have no idea where that came from.

Thanks for checking out my list. Another Top 5 will hit the blog next Friday! See you there

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vintage Garbage Pail Kids Giant Stickers!

This past Sunday, I headed out to my favorite bi-annual vintage toy show that takes place right here in scenic Seattle, Washington every April and October. I always come away with some cool stuff and this time around was especially epic in regards to my toy haul. So, expect to see several posts about all of my loot from this show for the next few days.

One of the finds that isn't exactly a toy, but simply radiates a warm miasma of nostalgia nonetheless are these absolutely pristine packs of Garbage Pail Kids Giant Stickers from 1986. These hail from a time when I, like all of my friends, we downright crazy about collecting Garbage Pail Kids stickers and I have a vivid memory of one of my best friends back then buying a couple of packs of these and him giving me one that had an image of a see-through kid that said It Takes Guts to be a Garbage Pail Kid, which I promptly unpeeled and slapped onto the dead-center front of my drawing folder (basically a Trapper Keeper folder with all of my loose sheets of artwork in it).

The guy I bought them from sold them to me for a whole buck a piece, and considering that they were that price in 1986, that's not a bad deal.

The stickers are basically postcard sized reproductions of some of their more popular artwork with added corny jokes. To be honest, most of these are total groaners and I think they should have just reprinted the cards as they were in the larger format and kids would have still been stoked.

By the way, anyone remember those GPK buttons? Man, I had like 6 of those on my backpack in 8th grade.

The are definitely cool and all, and totally worth the $2 I paid for both packs, but the one thing that made this purchase an epic score was when I was fanning through the second pack I opened to find this baby...

BOO-YA! Nostalgia BOMB!