Friday, 27 February 2015

I sewed!

It's not all been decorating and knitting around here. But mostly. *g* I have done a wee bit of sewing for the Instagram "Make Friends Swap." This wasn't a secret swap, we were divided into pairs and given contact details and told to make friends! The swapping items were divided into 3 things we could discuss and choose - we settled on something from the zippy pouch category for my new pal, Mary, and I suggested a Sew Together bag since she had mentioned one. I had the pattern and had made myself one already so I was confident I could sew one I was happy to give away. She likes (amongst other things) sewing themed fabrics and I fell in love with these retro ladies. And hoped the measuring tape fabric might make cool binding.

I think it worked pretty well, yeah?

Inside is more thread reels and safety pins. 

And more measuring tapes inside the pockets.

Here they are close up. I was chuffed how these worked out.

And the reverse with a different part of the main fabric.

I admit, I am very pleased with how it has turned out!

Of course, Chookie has decided one will be perfect for her new pencil case for school. *sighs* They take a lot of work! But at least I have a use for that long hoarded Melody Miller Mustang fabric, eh? And I'm kinda thrilled that she's still asking me to make her stuff...


  1. I love it 💕the fabric is so retro and have to say I hanker after a fifties style dress oh and lots of sticky out petticoats. " your makes" always turn out so nice Well Done x

  2. Great job! I have that pattern but having 6 quilts needing to be finished I haven't even thought about it...great job! Love how the dressy ladies are in the middle!:)

  3. I love it! Can't wait to see Chookie's version!

  4. Fantastic, I love the fabric :)

  5. Perfect. Sounds like a great idea for a swap and a great item too! I'd be anyone's friend for a lovely like that :-)

  6. what a great bag youve made - happy hear your daughter is getting her wild mustangs

  7. Oh that is SEW cute - love the measuring tape binding. It looks fab.


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