Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year!!!

It's late(ish), I'm tired and I've the last David Tennant Dr Who to watch so I'll be brief. I don't make resolutions (coz I never keep them!) but I'm hoping that the next year olds for me....

...lots of baking (I made these malteser cupcakes yesterday - they are yummy!).......

...sewing of one kind or another (this is my snake draught excluder from some weeks ago)....

...and most of all a happy and healthy family (this is most of my lot today, from the bottom left:Chookie, Special-needs Spouse, Beloved Wee Granny, Papa, me Mam and Daddy).

I hope you all have a grand 2010 and I see you about the great cyber world!!


  1. Happy New Year...what a wonderful family photo!

  2. Love the photo and "special needs spouse" I'm so nicking that title for Wookie's next weird look photo. Lots of baking is good and that family photo contains so many blessings right there - and SNOW :)

    Blessed to know you Lynz!

  3. I can't believe how fast the Chook is growing up! Look- she's drinking wine, now!

    Kidding- what a wonderful photo! I only wish you could have been in it, Lynz.

    "Special needs spouse"- rofl! Hey, mine's a clown, too, I know the feeling.

    I'm so happy to see the family - Wee Granny is adorable, Papa is handsome, the parents are stunning and now I see where you get your good looks. What a fun bunch! And the table looks great. Did you serve them cuppy-cakes, those looked yummy, too.

  4. ohh my Lynz so sorry to see your snake died, on its back, tongue lolling, etc, sure to keep the drafts out though.

    You, your daughter and mom look so much alike - do you have a 3 generation picture?

    Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.


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