And here are the contents...
- Car Keys
-My Wallet
-Batteries (the good digital camera kind)
-Pens, Post its
-Bridal Registry, for my Sister In Law
-There was also crumbled up receipts, change, and movie ticket stubs but I didnt think it was picture worthy! ;)
Here are the rules for the tag:
____________________________________________________________________ 1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are today - not last weekend when you and your hubby went out to that fabulous restaurant. No cheating!!!
2. Tell us how much it cost. This is a no-judgment zone -- there will be no ridiculing or eye rolling here. And, if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I'd love to hear it.
3. Now tag some fellow bloggers and link back to this post so people know why you are posting pictures of your bag.
So now I am tagging...
Taryn @ The Colorado Desert - I love her, I am going to hire her to come and be my personal chef...I swear when I read her blog I get hungry. She is always cooking up something yummy or crafty.
Katie @ Katies Nesting Spot - She is such a sweet woman, I call her the SuperCrafterMomma- She is super crafty and such a great momma. She is my crafty momma! ;)
Tierra @ Building an Empire for my Family - She is a Sweet young newlywed who is new to blogging, and is soon graduating to be a Nail Technician.
Wendy @ Some of my Favorite Things - I just love Wendy...she is one of the first bloggers that found my blog and she is soooo sweet. Not to mention she is so down to earth and her I cannot wait for her posts.
Shay @ Everyday Moments - All I can say is that I love her...She cracks me up. She is thrifty and creative all in one, now thats my kind of girl. Not to mention she is soo sweet.
Sarah @ Mrs D.Lightful - She is so nice. I love her blog. She is one of those bloggers that you feel like she has been your friend forever. Her blog rocks, it is always filled with new and exciting things.
Sweet Caroline @ PitterPacker - I love her...she is so hip! You can tell that she is very proud of her family and friends. She shares my passion for beautiful things...her posts always feature all things beautiful. I love her taste.
Layla @ The Lettered Cottage - She is so talented...I wish I lived closer to her. Not only is she super sweet but she is SOOOOO Designer talented. I wish I had her talent. I would not doubt if she has a few color swatches in her bag...(which I would lie if I ever said that I didnt before, because I love a good color swatch, thats for sure!!!)
Ashley @ Domestic Fashionista - I swear she is my twin! Not only are we both Ashleys with Domestic love, but we have love for a lot of the same things. She is so sweet, I would not be suprised if she has a lot of the same things in her bag that I do. Love her!
Olive Rue - She is the sweetest! I love her blog. She definatley shares my design love. Plus I love visiting her blog because her header is just the cutest. It shows her personality. Her comments are just always so heartfelt and special. I am glad that I blogged into her. ;)
Just because I didnt put you on this list does not mean that you cannot participate in this fun post...I would LOVE to see what all of you have in your bags...I just dont have too much time to write about all of you...My laundry is calling my name!!! So please post a comment on here if you wanna join in on the fun! It is a great way to get to meet other bloggers.

Hey Sweet, Ashley. Thank you so much for thinking of me, and for the sweet blurp on your blog.
I would love to participate with you on this but, I've got a ton of things going on right now and throughout the weekend. If fact, I just blogged that I would be taking the rest of the week off until Monday.
I need a clone. But hopefuly the next time I will be able to participate. I still love ya though. :-)
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for thinking of me. I just blogged my purse.
Wendy :)
Oh how funny this is going to be! I just found my purse in my car about two hours ago and thought, 'what the heck is in here?' NEVER to my dismay would I share it with anyone! HA HA HA HA HA HA
This will be fun! I will have it on today! I love you, too!!!
Oh dear, I don't know if what I've got in my purse is really ready for least there aren't any dirty nappie in it!
Will post this tag ASAP, thanks for thinking of me and for the shout out!
OKIDOKI Girl! I did it!!! that was fun! thanks for thinkin about me! I could carry a village in my purse!!
Love being able to see what's in your purse!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi Ashley I loved seeing what was in your bag! It is so cute! Thanks for taking part in the game.
I have a lot of those things in my purse too!
Wow, you really don't have that much in your bag!!! At least not compared to mine, which I'm about to show on my blog soon.
And just wanted to say thanks for following!! :)
Hi Ashley! What a fun post! Nice to "meet" you! I'm so glad you visited me...I'm really enjoying your blog! :)
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