Showing posts with label HELP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HELP. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I CANNOT change; Courage to to change the things I CAN; and the wisdom to KNOW the difference.

I feel like I have been neglecting my blog! I have not wanted to get on the computer because it was running so slow and everytime I would open up a blog that I was following it would pop up 300 bazillion windows. I fixed it so I am back!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bachelorette Party!

My Sister In Laws Bachelorette Party was a blast. Mission Accomplished! I want to give a special thanks to all you who helped give me such quick ideas to pull it together so quickly, I dont know what I would have done without you. Thanks to Crystal @ Olive Rue for the Bubble Gum game idea...It was SO FUNNY! Megan @ Live.Love.Laugh for great, quick decorating ideas and the buttons being handed out by the bride was a great idea too, it made for some great laughs, the soon to be MIL wore the Party Girl pin, which she is hardly the party girl, but it was funny! Jen @ Tatertots & Jello for your second on the game, I didnt have a bachelorette party either ;(. Shay @ Everyday Moments for her game idea! They loved it. And I too used your strangest place to get it on question! Also Ashley @ DomesticFashionista for the spa idea, didnt have time to use it this time, the scrapbook idea was great too...I made sure to get enough pictures to put into her scrapbook I am making her for the wedding. I would have never thought to have put pictures of the Bachelorette party in it. But we did put up some lights, you can see them on top of the cabinets. And we did a spin off of Truth or Dare, We did Never Have I ever...the girl with the most stickers and the girl with the least amount of stickers got a prize. Taryn @ The Colorado Desert had great ideas although Skinny Dipping was out of the question because was like -20 degrees here! And last but not least Julie @ Tattered Threads & Willing hands had me go to these {posts} and see her baby shower decor for inspiration. Loved it! Thank all of you so much. So now here are the photos to those of you that have been waiting. Sorry it took me so long to get them up, but it is 19 Days and counting until the big day. We have been busy little bees!

This is all of us girls at Agaves Mexican Restaurant in Fort Wayne.

This is the Bride to be in the middle, Mother of the bride on the left and Soon to be MIL on the right (the party girl).
We didnt have much time to decorate but here is a banner I found at JoAnn Fabrics. They have a section in the Wedding aisle that has bachelorette stuff, and balloons in the wedding colors spread around the house.
This photo is me asking the bride the bubble gum game questions. She was laughing so hard because she had a HUGE wad of gum in her mouth.
The Wad of Gum! HA!

Here is the Bride and (sister) Maid of Honor

Here is the Brides reaction after opening a card from some girls at work that displayed a naked, WELL endowed man on it. LOL!

It was a great party...cant wait to see all the girls again this Sunday for the Bridal Shower!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I need your help!

Okay so my sister in laws bachelorette party is TOMORROW and our plan was to go to dinner and then go out no need for decorations or entertaining ideas, well now (as of 5 minutes ago) we are not going out but coming back to her girlfriends house, and since the party festivities were planned by me I have got to come up with quick ways to entertain like 25 gals at one of their houses and have NOTHING to work with. HELP PLEASE.....I cannot even go and set up any type of decorations until 5 pm tomorrow and dinner is at 7.

I know you are all some amazing women so please help me come up with the RAD party they think "martha stewart (me)" can come up with to put together fast.

Thank you all in advance! I have gotta run to do some shopping, but I will be posting pictures of how tomorrow evening goes!!!