12am - 2am
Trying to calm Max and get him to bed. If lucky he sleeps at 1-ish... He's a fussy baby at night. Sometimes, he fall asleep while feeding. The moment we put him on the bed, he gets up and cry for more. Sometimes, he just want to be held...
Sometimes I let him cries himself to sleep, since I can't find his reason.
2am - 5-ish
Sleeping hours... though sometimes we get lucky and Max gets up at about 6-ish for feeding... it depends.
5-ish - 7.30am
Feeding. Burping. Epressing Breatsmilk. You may wondering why I didn't breastfeed him at this hour, he always falls asleep... And it's faster to bottlefeed him and express the breastmilk. And I still have time to eat my breakfast or at least a cup of light oatmeal. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep till at 8am or so.
7.30am - 11am, as late as 12pm
The moment I close my eyes, I simply couldn't open them as early as 11am. Of course in between, I drift in and out sleep when I hear Max's cry, who these days would be sent downstair ,after 8am, for MIL to take care.
12pm - 2pm
Feed myself. Surf a little while having my lunch. Breastfeed Max, if he awakes, or expressing the milk out. It normally takes about 2 hours, if I breastfeed him then top up with formula before I can bath Max.
The bathing takes about 30-45 minutes for the last two days. I need to clean his poos first.
For the last 2 days I have to massage him first with olive oil. Then let it soak for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off before bathing him in Eubo bath. Lastly clean his mouth.
Then wash and boil the bottles and breastpump again, sometimes I do myself, and sometimes the maid. If I do it I stand at the stove and wait for the things to boil for longer time. I'm very paraoid, espeacially the breastpump, I try to wash and boil after every use, except midnight.
2pm - 5pm
Sometimes I sneaked out to get my haircut, do facial, and body slimming. They are very time-consuming.
If I don't go out, I breastfeed Max myself, then express the balance milk out, then breastfeed him again for about 2 hours. After the breastfeeding, I have to top another 2 ounces of formula or EMB.
5pm - 8pm
If I'm outside, rush home to breastfeed him or express the milk. them wash and boil the breast pump parts.
If I'm at home, I would take a short nap. But haven't been able to do that, as sometimes, I would have itchy hands, trying to clean a few things in the room, or go online.
Then quickly take a shower.
Dinner time.
This afternoon, I slept through the afternoon after the flu medicine... feeling a little better, and my throat is not as sore as last night.
8pm - 1am
Feeding and expressing milk hours. I have to watch something to keep myself awake. I tend to fall asleep too at this hour whenever I breastfeed Max.
As usual, Max would fall asleep during breastfeed or bottlefeed(if DH feed him). We try to burp him before putting him on the bed. But the moment he leaves our arms, his eyes would open and become fussy. Either no enough milk or for cuddle.
So "Ee...at, Ee...at..." DH and I would feed, burp, calm, feed, burp, calm... It would 1am again, before we know it.
Max would be drink, sleep , cry, drink, sleep, cry... before he finally sleeps.
Sometimes, get lucky can surf a bit like tonight.
There goes a day... and same things everyday.