I’ve written about David Gimelfarb numerous times since he went missing and took some serious ‘HITS’ for my last post: David Gimelfarb- What's the STORY? It was not intended to be offensive, on the contrary, it was meant to raise questions, raise awareness about the situation and keep David in the forefront of people’s thoughts. I stand by the post but see why MANY people took offense.
That said, the Gimelfarb situation is still somewhat perplexing to me. It appears, or at least hoped; he’s roaming the area, somewhat living off the land but confused, possibly from some sort of head trauma. I can’t help wonder about David. It’s said this would “not fit his personality” from the people closest to him.
So I have a few ‘new’ questions.
* Is David a survivoralist of some sort, is he even CAPABLE of ‘living off the land’ so to speak… and in Costa Rica where the terrain and rain forest etc can be unforgiving?
* Is there any reason David would want to fall off the grid?
* Same question, sort of, if David is ‘confused or frightened’ does he have the survival skills to stay 2-steps ahead of his rescuers indefinitely?
* Has some sort of amnesia been considered?
“Boy, are you a narcissistic douchebag that believe the world revolves around you or what? Who gives a shit if you are "frustrated"- especially in light of the emotions his family and friends are feeling….”So, I realize my ‘2-cents worth’ is exactly that.
And I SWEAR, I’m not being *glib* but if David Gimelfarb is in fact found ALIVE, it would be one hell of a ‘Movie of the Week’…… just sayin.
I hope both the David Gimelfarb family and the Michael Dixon family find the answers they deserve.
*Not really appropriate for an entire post at this time, but David's and Michael's stories should be a WAKE-UP call for people considering traveling to foreign countries alone. Not saying you shouldn't, just saying you need to be doubly AWARE of your surroundings at all times and have an understanding of the potential dangers.
For up-to-date INFO about David and Michael and how you can HELP, visit their FACEBOOK pages:
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