Showing posts with label Tamarindo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamarindo. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

David Gimelfarb and Michael Dixon MY THOUGHTS

David Gimelfarb and Michael Dixon are both missing in Costa Rica. David’s been missing from the Rincon de la Vieja area since mid-August and Michael Dixon who was (supposedly) last seen with swim trunks and towel leaving his hotel in Tamarindo on October 19th and hasn't been seen since.

I’ve written about David Gimelfarb numerous times since he went missing and took some serious ‘HITS’ for my last post: David Gimelfarb- What's the STORY? It was not intended to be offensive, on the contrary, it was meant to raise questions, raise awareness about the situation and keep David in the forefront of people’s thoughts. I stand by the post but see why MANY people took offense.

That said, the Gimelfarb situation is still somewhat perplexing to me. It appears, or at least hoped; he’s roaming the area, somewhat living off the land but confused, possibly from some sort of head trauma. I can’t help wonder about David. It’s said this would “not fit his personality” from the people closest to him.

So I have a few ‘new’ questions.

*Was there any indication David was not happy with his life before he left for Costa Rica?

* Is David a survivoralist of some sort, is he even CAPABLE of ‘living off the land’ so to speak… and in Costa Rica where the terrain and rain forest etc can be unforgiving?

* Is there any reason David would want to fall off the grid?

* Same question, sort of, if David is ‘confused or frightened’ does he have the survival skills to stay 2-steps ahead of his rescuers indefinitely?

* Has some sort of amnesia been considered?

I BELIEVE some pieces are missing from the David Gimelfarb STORY, something just feels 'wrong' and I’m sorry, I can’t help it, I think he's dead, but of course I would love to be WRONG, but as one commenter pointed out about my opinions after my last ‘frustrated’ post about David:
“Boy, are you a narcissistic douchebag that believe the world revolves around you or what? Who gives a shit if you are "frustrated"- especially in light of the emotions his family and friends are feeling….”
So, I realize my ‘2-cents worth’ is exactly that.

And I SWEAR, I’m not being *glib* but if David Gimelfarb is in fact found ALIVE, it would be one hell of a ‘Movie of the Week’…… just sayin.

I fear the worst for Michael Dixon, the evidence, or lack thereof, seems to point to only ONE likely outcome- probably a causality of a riptide or some other type of bizarre swimming accident, but I wouldn’t necessarily rule-out a random act of violence yet either. If the latter, friends and family must have the HELP of local law enforcement, without them it will be near impossible to get answers. The family, along with help from the British government or any other outside influence, may have to apply serious PRESSURE to receive more than lip-service from local officials. Costa Rica is all about perception. They do not like their country coming across as having ‘any’ problems and will do or say just about anything to guard the ‘paradise’ perception. If you don’t live here you may not understand just how far Tioc’s are capable of sticking their heads in the SAND. *We got hate mail for this video about the driving conditions in Costa Rica because they thought if people really ‘knew’, they wouldn’t want to VISIT. Like a few bad roads would keep us from such a beautiful and diverse country.

I like what the folks at, ‘Help Find Michael Dixon’ are doing. I’m certain they ‘understand’ the reality of the situation, but nonetheless are leaving no stone unturned - getting the WORD out, keeping the WORD out, enlisting volunteers, raising money and awareness; and hopefully ‘applying’ pressure to local Costa Rican officials.

I hope both the David Gimelfarb family and the Michael Dixon family find the answers they deserve.

*Not really appropriate for an entire post at this time, but David's and Michael's stories should be a WAKE-UP call for people considering traveling to foreign countries alone. Not saying you shouldn't, just saying you need to be doubly AWARE of your surroundings at all times and have an understanding of the potential dangers.

For up-to-date INFO about David and Michael and how you can HELP, visit their FACEBOOK pages:
Help Find David Gimelfarb
Help Find Michael Dixon

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Costa Rica- SLOW DOWN

I’m fairly certain I have no right to bitch (don’t think bitch is the right word here) as I’ve only been in the country a little over 3 years; which really only makes me a ‘guest with a few benefits,’ but, am I the only one that can read the writing on the wall?

How do you stop a toddler from running senselessly onto a busy street?

I don’t really recall how I felt when I realized my tiny little legs could take me to all kinds of interesting places, but I’m sure it provided a false sense of cocky self-confidence in my tiny toddler brain to believe the other side of the road looked so much sweeter than the side I was on. And when I learned running could get me across the street quicker, well, that’s probably the time my mom decided I needed to be a Ritalin (if ONLY a pill WERE the answer). It took me exactly 27 years and 14 days to realize my mom was on to something (not about the Ritalin- about looking both ways before crossing the street).

Costa Rica’s running out onto a busy street and appears oblivious to the oncoming traffic. Hell, they’re not even using the crosswalk. I know we chatted about this. I distinctly remember sitting down after ‘Latin Idol’ and discussing the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street. Although, now that I think about it, as I was pontificating over the possible consequences of crossing the street without looking both ways, I recall the silent, yet defiant face peering back at me- Costa Rica didn’t say a word. I believe I looked at my mom much the same way, thinking, “Yeah, easy for you to say, you’ve been to the other side of the street, hell, you lived there for awhile and now you’re lecturing me….the arrogance, the hypocrisy.” ‘Hell’, ‘arrogance’ and ‘hypocrisy’ were used solely for dramatic effect.

So yeah, I understand Costa Rica’s thinking. I ‘GET IT.’ The 'other side' appears sweeter- and they want their lick. Can you say, "Pavlov's Dog?" But what don’t they get? Can’t they see the future consequences, or are they akin to a 17-year olds way of thinking – that somehow they’re the exception to the rules, that miraculously, things will work out differently and they’ll arrive at the other side unscathed?

Let Jacó, Manuel Antonio, Tamarindo (to name a few) be the Daytona Beach-like places they were obviously destined to be- they’ve crossed the street and they’re not coming back… nor do I expect they want too. But please, for the sake of everything PUrA ViDa, slow the f*** down. The reason people come here (mostly) is for the biodiversity of things, the nature, the charm, the Pura Vida- the opposite of everything that’s wrong with the ‘more is better attitude’ of every major tourist destination in the States—New FLASH—we already have a Daytona Beach. Let the likes of Jacó and Tamarindo fore fill the needs of the fat ass tourist who cares more about their tan lines than the fate of Monteverde’s Golden Toad.

Like a mother hopes for a child, I also hold out hope for Costa Rica, so please learn ‘sooner’ rather than ‘later,’ don’t let the consequences be so bad that the results are irreversible. Listen to your mother, she was right all along- ‘outside influences’ DON’T have your best interest at heart and money isn’t everything, and of course, look both ways before crossing the street.

The writing on the Costa Rican wall is a bit out of focus, but it appears as if it’s beginning to say ‘FOR SALE.’

Costa Rica is old enough to know better, and has had plenty of examples over the years to learn from, and I KNOW without a doubt, they at LEAST see the writing on the wall. So….

…forget the lectures, forget the Ritalin, maybe what Costa Rica needs is a trip to the obligatory woodshed.

*This little rant was brought on by a 3-day excursion to Manuel Antonio. This Blog is personal; the video below is for the fat ass tourist. I realize my hypocrisy.

Sharks, Cocos Islands, animals galore, vacation and music videos, educational, informative, adventure etc. We have all the videos you WANT to see at the Costa Rica Travel Channel and loads of information about Costa Rica at Travel Costa Rica Now EnJoY!