We LOVE you guys... but we're thinking you have NO IDEA how many emails we receive on a daily basis
(which we really do love receiving) but please, READ ON-
Hey Everyone! First, our apologies if this letter doesn't come off as intended but if you received this link in response to an email question you wrote us, then it may apply to you.
D'Angelo and myself have worked extremely hard over the last 5 years to provide information for folks interested in traveling and/or living in Costa Rica. Yup, literally thousands and thousands of man hours (
well, only 2 men actually) to produce hundreds of pages of written text and videos- with very little monetary reward and mostly at our own expense. And if you've seen
this video of how we live here in Costa Rica, I think it pretty much confirms the fact we haven't made shit doing what we do. If it sounds like we're complaining, trust me, we're NOT. We wouldn't change this
'adventure' for ANYTHING in the world- we LOVE what we do and feel blessed everyday we're able to do it. But....
this cartoon kinda says it-
Ok, let me get to the point. We love, Love, LOVE your emails-
comments, words of encouragement, feedback, perspective etc. Believe me, it's much appreciated, because without you we'd be talking to ourselves and we've always loved a little back and forth. And you have our word we will continue to put out videos, blog posts, website articles etc. in order to continue to provide YOU relevant and useful information about traveling and living in Costa Rica.
But we have a
Travel Agency NOW and we can't do it for FREE anymore.
Plus, you probably wouldn't believe how many emails we get DAILY. Seriously guys, we need to start making a little money for our work. So, if you're thinking about emailing questions to us about YOUR travel plans you have 3 options if you want a response. Without one of these monetary responses, we won't.
1. If you want us to set up your
Costa Rica Travel Package, obviously we'll be talking.
2. If you want our recommendations about what you should do or where to go in Costa Rica based on your likes and dislikes, but you want to book everything yourself, no problem, but you have to
DONATE $150. for our expertize of knowing the country and sharing it with you. IN other words, we'll set the itinerary, you'll just BOOK it yourself. Believe me, we have no problem if you have the time to do your OWN homework and really, a LOT of it can be done on OUR sites,
so have at it and save your money. But we don't give
stamps of approval anymore.
3. General
Donation to show some appreciation of what we do and get a few of your questions answered as well.
Please, please... and
pretty please don't begin your email telling us how much you like our videos and then go on and on telling us every detail of your travel plans and expect us to answer the 20+ questions you have concerning them. You
'liking' our videos doesn't do shit for paying the rent and seriously, we get too many emails to respond to them all anyway with NO motivation to do so. It's not personal, it's business, because for awhile, we did answer them all and donations weren't exactly rolling in.
We're hoping you understand where we're coming from on this and also hope our hard work thus far kinda speaks for itself about our reasons for writing this post. If nothing else, we try to be up front and honest.
If you'd like to start on your homework, start with these videos. ENjoY! and hope they help:
TONS of Costa Rica Travel Info and VIDEOS on our website:
Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel:
iCostaRica24 ENjoY!