Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ms. Macy

And our new addition to the family came quite unexpectedly Thursday as we were notified our friend was giving away his yellow lab pup. Months ago I had decided my next dog would be a female yellow lab (or mix), house-broken and crate-trained, because our schedule doesn't allow for every-two-hours puppy potty breaks. And this little girl fit the bill. She is eight months old, born Christmas day. So far so good. She is smart, sweet and happy. Bosley and Abbey seem to be accepting her very well. ...Someday I'd love to get a picture of the three of them. She knows some commands and we are working on getting control during a walk. Just need to get her comfortable in the vehicle. She becomes a bit of a drool-box when she goes for a ride...


Monday, August 31, 2009

Another trip to Maine and a new addition

Bosley successfully navigated another trip to Maine. No jet ski ride but he does enjoy having his nose in the wind on the boat. He's actually become quite confident on the boat and dock. He got to play with a friendly Boxer named Brewsky and got thumped twice by a huge puppy Great Dane named Annie. He is an awesome traveler, much like his sista was when she was younger.

And our new addition to the family came quite unexpectedly Thursday as we were notified our friend was giving away his yellow lab pup. Months ago I had decided my next dog would be a female yellow lab (or mix), house-broken and crate-trained, because our schedule doesn't allow for every-two-hours puppy potty breaks. And this little girl fit the bill. She is eight months old, born Christmas day. So far so good. She is smart, sweet and happy. Bosley and Abbey seem to be accepting her very well. ...Someday I'd love to get a picture of the three of them. She knows some commands and we are working on getting control during a walk. Just need to get her comfortable in the vehicle. She becomes a bit of a drool-box when she goes for a ride...


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Another trip to Maine.

He might be pushing 100 lbs. but he still thinks he's a lapdog...

He got on the jet ski, but didn't take it for a spin yet...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oh what fun...

Strange things have been happening lately... Lots of talk about packing, water, checking the weather. Well Friday night I got loaded up in the backseat of dad's truck and there is my fuzzy bed and my favorite kong??? What's going on? Abbey got to go in Grandma's truck and away we all went.

We traveled for a few hours, which my parents tell me I did wonderful. I got to get out and pee and all that stuff... surprise, surprise since daddy isn't happy with mom when she has to go... And I got water and food breaks, but pretty much I slept. After a loonnggg nap we pulled into the driveway of a great little house. I think they were a little more excited than I was. I don't appreciate being woke up... BUT... There were so many new smells and textures under my pads. They walked me down to the lake to sniff and explore. The moon was out shining on the lake and unfortunately so were the bugs, mom and dad needed to get some sleep anyways so we retired for what was left of the night.

Saturday we woke up and did some chores... but I was getting restless. Mom took me down to play ball. Wow, off I went like a butt-tuckin, teeth-showin, ears-flappin wild man after the ball and with it a mouth full of gritty, native Maine sand. Didn't slow me down though. Next I decided to discover the lake, even though mom was a little apprehensive. A bit chilly, but I took take of that by scootchin around on my back in the warm sand.

I'm not sure why they were so clueless if I would like it or not... I am a lab. Next I discovered this amazing creature the humans were calling butterflies. I was enthralled by the big black and yellow fluttering bugs dancing around all over the beach, they entertained my curiosity for hours, ... and my hunger (mom said I shouldn't have).

Then they put this big metal thing in the water called a dock, or warf. I could get on top of the water a look down to see fish. I could stand on it to get a big drink of water. I had more area to chase butterflies!!!

That was a big day for me. I need my nap time.

During our vacation I also got to meet some other critters that mom and dad were calling dinner.

I even got to sniff their shells.

We did also take a journey into town to get dad a new toy. I was curious. The neighbor dog, Jake, rides with his daddy. I think maybe next time in July, I will try it out. I have to get one of those snazzy float jackets first.

Oh how relaxing Maine is. No wonder mom and dad were so happy all weekend!

I enjoyed my first vacation with my furever parents. Mom and dad said they could not have asked me to be any better. I was pooped and slept the whole way home yesterday, but I did hear them say we area going back up in July. Yeah.

And Abbey was "a peach" for grandma and grandpa. She even alerted them to a cat and ground hog invasion!. Good work sista!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


My friends from Two Goldens and a Wannabe are having a contest to celebrate Daisy's birthday.
We are to introduce her to a new friend.

Rules are as follows....................
This is how it works. We all have lots of blog friends, and often make new friends by looking at each other's blogs. But sometimes there are so many, it's hard to pick. So to enter our contest, we want you to put a post on your blog about one of your friends or group of friends, and why they are special. We are encourging you to pick someone who is not as well know, so we can meet some new friends, but you don't have to. If you want to let us know about some special friends, that is alright too. When you make your post, please link back to our blog so anyone that wants to get in on the contest can find us. Also, please leave us a comment about your post, or drop us a pee-mail at Mommy is not really technical with the computer, so she can't make a cute button, but feel free to copy the contest photo. Entries will close at noon Eastern time on May 10th, my birthday. We don't want to say that anyone's friend is nicer than someone else's friend, so soon after the 10th we will have a drawing from all the contestants to pick the winner. Mommy will then send a prize to the contest winner and their friend(s). We will also do a post to show all the entries and the friends they suggested.

Check Out Gus & Waldo

Their pictures are enough to make any dog lover smile and Mom really needs that lately.

Friday, May 01, 2009

It's been long April

We've been away from our blog for a while. The weather has gotten better and the dust has gotten thicker on the laptop lately...

Boz helped plant in the vegetable garden. Dirt up the nose and all. Abbey had been serving as the local pest deterrent. She LOOKS scary huh...
The weather had been pretty warm and the humans are curious if Boz has an interest in water. They are trying to prepare him for the place called "Maine" that they go to a few times each year. There must be a lake and sand... (not my thing) but I'm sure Bosley might enjoy it. So they got him this...
But for right now he just thinks it a giant water bowl. Occasionally walking through it too. (Ya think I'm gonna drink after that...)

He has also found he enjoys lounging on the patio (not in the grass...)

We had a scrub-down too last weekend. And Mom decided to prepare me for warmer weather. I'm sure most humans could say they never got a two hour hair cut, but I did. Mom has the blisters from the scissors to prove it. I overheard that tonight we will be taking a trip to get our nails clipped... Oh joy. Boz's obedience trainer will be performing the task because Mom is too much of a fraidy-cat and won't cut them short enough for Dad's liking. At least we get to go for a ride, right.

Have a good weekend.
Abbey & Bosley

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

check up

I went to the vet tonight. Good news, I lost some weight... I guess my new brother has been helpful with that. My teeth look good. But my cataracts have gotten worse, not to worry, the doc said it not too bad for a thirteen year old. Oh, yeah I got a prick in my side, but these new distemper shots are for three years...

Soccer practice has started for one of the human kids, so we get to go walk the park and sniff the numerous smells. I really enjoy going for the car ride too!


Monday, March 16, 2009

pictures as requested

Well here's the latest photo shoot of my new hair cut. It's hard to realize the drastic difference it made... (please try to ignore the burgundy carpet) I got trimmed all over. Mom thinks she might go shorter when the weather warms up.

Here's my tailored tail and trimmed legs.

My paws and pads are trimmed up, no more "elf feet"

Also, we'd like thank Chester's Mom & Chester for making us these great bandanas. Although we weren't cooperating very well for the photos.

-Abbey & Bosley

Road Trip...

Us dogs, Mom, Dad, and one of the human kids went to this fabulous fest Sunday. There were fellow four-leggers of all sizes. I heard Mom and Dad saying the money raised at Pawsabilities went to a good cause for Susquehanna Service Dogs.

Bosley: Wow all the smells. My sister sprang into action. See, she is not quiet as lady-like on a leash as she should be...

Abbey: I heard that, you just wait, you're not too smart for a youngin'

Anyway we spent four glorious hours inhaling the dog smells everywhere. We got some frozen treats.

Abbey: Excuse me!!!!???, WE, I believe YOU got TWO because I was not interested in taking a break!

Bosley: ANYWAYS, We each got these neat things called the Ultimate leash. Mom & Dad were impressed and got us the matching collars. We got (but have yet to sample) bacon & cheddar treats. Mom was on a mission for vanilla rawhides too. She found 10 inch braided vanilla donuts, but now she realized she got ripped after looking at the prices on white dog bone company's website. There were also free samples of some doggie bologna and food. The human kid even made us a special peanut butter doggie treat! There were dogs chasin' frisbies and some jumpin' into a pool and others gettin' pictures taken.

I don't remember much of the ride home from Harrisburg either. My eyes were getting droopy and I could see the human kid and Abbey were already "lights-out".

What a great doggie day!

- Bosley & Abbey

Monday, March 09, 2009

Primped and manicured pups

Mom decided to take advantage of the nice weather this weekend. We got our nails cut, baths, and Abbey got a hair cut.

I have no idea why it is such a big deal to the humans for us to smell good. And I positively hate getting my nails done. Come on, can't I just bite them off myself?

How may of you fury creatures get groomed at home?

If so you got any good tips for mom?
That's the first time she ever gave Abbey a full haircut like that. Dad called her chicken legs and mom laughs cause you can see her butt cheeks. She's got hair kinda like an Australian shepherd (with a tail) or similar to a golden retriever.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm so SMART

I graduated! and I got a wonderful vanilla rawhide (and one for my sister Abbey) too!. They tried to take a picture but I wasn't in the mood for pavarazzi last night. I've learned I can be a good boy and my human parents are great at giving me treats when I do those stupid things they want me to do. Mom & Dad say they might take me back after soccer season for my Canine Good Citizen. Oh boy.

Now if I can only stay of trouble during the day...

You know that Kong peanut butter that comes in the spray can? Well I found out where they hide it. I punctured the can, ate the WHOLE can and flattened it like a pancake. Boy was it good. But now I have a case of stinky butt.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dog, cat, rat... peace

Here's a great video for all the fur lovers. He makes a great point... why can't we all get along.? (Yeah, I know that will never happen.)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My Intentions

Well when I first started this blog I was really looking for an outlet for the daily B.S. that overwhelms me.

Step parenting is far less rewarding than parenting, but the same amount of hard work and gray hair. After thinking about it, having an open blog of such rants and pure honestly might rock the boat called "the ex."

And being a designer, is being a designer... Having talent and creative abilities are great. Pulling a show-stopping design out of my a$$ is rewarding. All the headaches come from the know-it-all clients or sales people who want to destroy the composition, balance, or color scheme just because. It's out there, everywhere. It surrounds all designers because in design nothing is set in stone, nothing is absolute. I was given the ability to see color, contrast, composition... obviously others were not. So design rants would be like chasing my own tail...

Anyway I am thoroughly enjoying all the doggy humor and fur stories... Instead of finding a place to release my groans and gripes I have found a place to escape to. A place where a few dozen people openly express the same love of dogs/animals that I have. I find it entertaining that we all give our pets a voice, mannerisms, expression.

I have always been a dog person, always will be. I think there is something different inside each of us that allows us to open our hearts widest to these furry creatures.

So anyway... it's THANKFUL THURSDAY
Thank you for sharing. Hug your pet!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

No more crate!

Yep. We got that lovely big metal jail cell out of the house. Yeah! Miss Abbey and Mr. Bosley are loving the daily couch time. Only one little slip up. I think he was trying to help us get rid of some of our duplicate cds...

I took the advice of several others and made Bosley a peanut butter/banana frozen kong. It kept him occupied in the morning. Now that the ice has finally gone away, we've gotten more outside time to play ball or sniff around. He was very disappointed to find out his class was canceled last week due to the ice storm we had. I'm sure he's excited to show everyone tonight that he knows how to hi-five and will down-stay and sit-stay for at least 30 seconds.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hey - it's me Bosley

See me, huh? Do you see me? Huh? Huh? I'm singing the good boy song...

Oh, it was wonderful. I got to hang out with my sister all day. The sweet taste of freedom!
Mom & Dad are so proud of me. They say we are going to let the crate up, just in case today was a fluke, but come on, look at me... I'm a big boy now.

you have to wonder...

Ok, today is Bosley's house test... See we haven't been able to trust him "loose" in the house since we got him in October. We've tried... but when your dog gets GALLONS of water and carries them around with him, you have to wonder. We are against the crate for the most part but when your dog is able to drag and dump a 30 lb. wooden storage truck by the tiestrap (which was installed because he learned how to open it) you have to wonder. When your dog goes into a storage closest and drags out old deer antlers, you have to wonder. When a dog is able to search and destroy an entire room full of strange items in 15 minutes (previous test), which takes you at least an hour to clean up, you have to wonder...

Since we know nothing about his history we have very little to go on. He was housebroken when we got him, and has been very good learning his yard boundaries. He's just so very curious.

I can only think what goes through Abbey's head when he's getting into stuff... "Wait till Mom & Dad see what you've done" or "That was Dad's only pair of sneakers" or "You youngin, when are you going to learn how good we've got it"

Here goes... I made an attempt to "Bosley-proof" before I left this morning.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bosley's Second Class

Well I got stuck reporting on Bosley's second class. He's in "shut down mode." That's what mom & dad call it when he passes out... They tell me he did very well with the clicker, sit-stay, walking, down-stay. Thankfully he did not pee during class tonight. I hung out at home and caught up on some sleep. Gotta run, time for my beauty sleep.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bath Time

As I saw on a few blogs, this weekend was a popular time for doggie baths. Abbey and Bosley are having a hard time this winter with dry skin. We were using oatmeal shampoo but that didn't seem to help. We bought some new shampoo that is medicated with aloe and got all lathered up. It worked well, pertaining to the itching, buy now they smell like sulphur (one of the ingredients). Don't know what is worse, stinky dogs or sulfur dogs... I have also have been giving them a teaspoon of fish oil every morning and Abbey takes Hip & joint vitamins. And we do run the humidifier at night.

Does anyone out there have any other suggestions?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dog Logic

Got this in an email. Thought it was neat. Food for thought on a Sunday evening...

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
-Ben Williams

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
-Andy Rooney

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
- Franklin Jones

If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.
-Joe Weinstein

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
- Mark Twain

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.
-Phil Pastoret