Yep. We got that lovely big metal jail cell out of the house. Yeah! Miss Abbey and Mr. Bosley are loving the daily couch time. Only one little slip up. I think he was trying to help us get rid of some of our duplicate cds...
I took the advice of several others and made Bosley a peanut butter/banana frozen kong. It kept him occupied in the morning. Now that the ice has finally gone away, we've gotten more outside time to play ball or sniff around. He was very disappointed to find out his class was canceled last week due to the ice storm we had. I'm sure he's excited to show everyone tonight that he knows how to hi-five and will down-stay and sit-stay for at least 30 seconds.
8 years ago
Go Bos-dog! You're making us dawgs look good! I bet you'll get stars on your homework papers this week!!
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