Showing posts with label Zealand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zealand. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Super Extended Pemi Loop in Winter - February 2014

Last weekend, I completed an overnight “Super Extended” Pemi Loop in winter. As part of my goal to hike the NE67 in winter, I decided to give this thing a go with good weather, and knowledge of a couple of key trails most likely being broken out. To make this version of the Pemi Loop, the “Super Extended “ Pemi Loop, I descended North Twin, and then used the Fire Warden’s Trail to Hale to continue the circuit, getting 13 of 48 4000-footers (Flume, Liberty, Lincoln, Lafayette, Garfield, Galehead, South Twin, North Twin, Hale, Zealand, West Bond, Bond, and Bondcliff).

The total distance was 43.8 miles and the elevation gain was 15,824 feet. I carried an approximately 35 lb pack including overnight gear (25 degree bag, inflatable air mattress, tarp, a couple of emergency blankets for ground tarp, cook set, and 1 can of gas with 2 oatmeal packets and 1 package of noodles for 2-3 meals beyond my few pounds of energy food) I had planned for a stop for wherever along the trail, Guyot Shelter, or whatever other opportunity.

This was an amazing hike featuring sunrises, sunsets, moonlight hiking, and great views, but lots of brutal trail breaking, cold temperatures, and frozen water. As insane as it was, I had good weather, and the amazing experiences along the way kept me going strong through the end.

I started around 2:30am on Saturday morning and hiked for about 18 hours. After breaking out the entire Lend-A-Hand Trail from Hale through the 9PM hour, I had to crash Zealand Hut. I showed up after 10pm, and found a spot in the dining area to lay out my sleeping bag. I cooked my noodle soup, and got a few winks in during my brief stay. I talked to the caretaker and explained what I was up to. I was up and out by the time breakfast was served, having no impact on anyone staying there. On Sunday, I hiked from sunrise until I finally made it out at twilight around 5:30pm.

Here is the story from this amazing adventure, broken down by trail sections:

Lincoln Woods, Osseo Trail & Franconia Ridge Traverse – The trail was broken out to the top of the ladders on the Osseo Trail. I broke trail from there to the summit of Liberty. I then broke trail from the Liberty Springs Trail all of the way to the ridge. I had a little glimpse of sunrise for Flume & Liberty, before it got very windy and cold for Lincoln and Lafayette. From Lincoln, I couldn't wait to get over the shoulders of Lafayette and out of the challenging conditions. I've hit the four Franconia Peaks over 10 times each, and this was probably the 2nd or 3rd most challenging traverse with the cold and wind that I dealt with.

Mt. Flume summit
Mt. Liberty summit

Mt. Lafayette
Garfield Ridge Trail (Lafayette to Garfield) – It was smooth finding the trail off the ridge, and as expected, I broke trail for the entire 3.5 miles to Garfield through snow about a foot deep. I hit a confusing spot in the col, causing a 20 minute delay, but I then continued and popped out onto the Garfield summit, where a large group of people were also arriving, and they were first people I had seen.

Mt. Garfield summit
Garfield Ridge Trail to Galehead – It was a big advantage having the next several miles of this difficult trail broken out, all of the way to the Hut and to the summit of Galehead.  I never, ever under estimate what I might get on the Garfield Ridge Trail in winter, but this time it was straight-forward and pretty quick.

Galehead summit
Galehead Mountain from the Hut
The Twinway, & Twins – Again, nicely broken out, and I made the steep ascent of South Twin arriving just in time for sunset over Franconia Ridge. Continuing on quickly, I arrived at North Twin just after dark, and made a rather laborious and tough descent on the North Twin Trail all of the way until I came to the start of the Firewarden Trail to Hale.

South Twin summit with nice colors
Sunrise behind Lafayette and Franconia Ridge
From South Twin
Firewarden's Trail to Hale – I had plugged the GPS coordinates in for the start of the unmaintained trail, and it was spot on. I was also extremely thrilled to see that, indeed, it was a highway of broken out awesomeness. This was my first time on this route to Mt. Hale, but I have to say that hiking it in the moonlight without the need for a headlamp was a pretty amazing (my first batteries were dying anyways). At this time I was on at least 15 hours of hiking and near 12,000 feet of gain, but the night time scene of this beautiful area was keeping my spirits up and my legs moving. I arrived to Mt. Hale where the moonlight light up the entire summit area. It was awesome.

Mt. Hale summit
Lend-A-Hand Trail & Calling it a Night at Zealand Hut – After the epic moonlight ascent, I faced a completely unbroken Lend-A-Hand Trail which is 2.7 miles to the Twinway. In the middle of the night, still with a beautiful and bright half moon, I trudged through a foot of snow, having no problem following this trail, which I had broken out once before. I had pondered setting up a camp in the preceeding hours, but after Lend-A-Hand, I quietly made my “crash” stop at Zealand Hut described above.

Twinway to Zealand – I left the hut as the sun was coming up. The trail was broken out to the first height of land before Zeacliff, where there was an amazing morning view. I then broke out the next one and half miles or so to Zealand. There were fox or coyote tracks from the Zealand Summit all of the way to Mt. Guyot. I followed those tracks and broke the rest of the 1.6 miles of trail to Guyot, which had stunning views.

Looking towards Zealand from where the broken trail stopped
Something was on Zealand before me! 
Zealand summit
Bondcliff Trail & Bonds - I was pleased to see from Guyot some inviting snow shoe tracks towards the Bonds.  Being on this remote stretch of trail in beautiful weather was uplifting.  I dropped the pack for West Bond, and made it out quickly.  This was my first time back to West Bond in winter since my winter finish last year.  It was actually a very similar morning.  I spent a good few minutes on the summit enjoying the views and checking in with family after no cell service since yesterday afternoon.  I was in good spirits, made my way up to Bond for more views, and things got better as I kept moving toward Bondcliff. The scene was pretty sweet heading to Bondcliff, my 13th and last peak on this epic adventure.

Mt. Guyot

Final push to West Bond
My 10th summit of West Bond in the 10th different month
The Bonds ridge

The Rest of the Way - To make things even sweeter, the Bondcliff Trail in the other direction was also broken out very nicely. THANK YOU! I was going to take a break around Bondcliff, but I motored on down to the last river crossing to take it instead.  I was getting very hungry again, so I stopped to cook my couple of oatmeal packets and drink some actual water to fuel up for the rest of the way.  After that, I was good. I put the snowshoes on the pack, and bare-booted it all of the way from that spot on the nicely packed trail. With daylight still around, and knowing I'd finish before dark, I was pumped. While on other Pemi Loops, I've walked this trail back practically limping, but this time everything was strong to the end.

The 3rd stream crossing on the descent
My nice meal break before the final push out!
A little under 3 miles to go!
Alas, I made it.
This was an awesome endeavor for a lot of reasons - mostly the views and experiencing the awesome fresh snow, but 11 of the 13 peaks counted to February for my grid, and most of these peaks counted for rounds 7 or higher.  After hiking 18 of 19 peaks in Maine and Vermont so far this winter (North Brother remains), I've done 20 NH 4000-footers in just five hiking days, bringing me to 38 of 67 this winter with only 10 or 11 more possible hiking days to try for 29 more (I only hike weekends). Two of those hiking days will be needed for North Brother.  It should be an exciting finish to the winter as I go for it and should pass a couple of more interesting milestones (4th round and all NE4Ks solo in winter). Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy reading about my craziness and excitement of going for the New England peak in winter!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

One Day Extended Pemi Loop - 6/1/13

On Saturday, June 1st, I challenged myself to complete my 2nd One Day Extended Pemi Loop. This variation of the Pemi Loop is 38.6 miles with 10,800 feet of elevation gain, and goes over twelve of the forty-eight White Mountain 4000-footers. The "Extended Pemi Loop", I call it, adds Zealand to what is known as the "Fancy Pemi Loop" as described oin David Albeck's guide to the Pemi Loop. Certainly, doing an overnight Pemi Loop in harsh conditions with a 35+ lb pack the weekend before did wonders for me on this one with the lighter pack, but by no means was either of these adventures easy.

In order to set up myself for a hike like this, my pack is completely ready to go Thursday night, minus water and my snacks. I drank about two liters of water on Friday at work, came home cooked some stuff up on the grill, and was in bed around 6:30pm for a few hours. I woke up at 10pm on the button, drove north, and at 12:10am, I was zooming into the Pemi Wilderness on the Lincoln Woods Trail, right on schedule. There's not a whole lot of time to spare on this hike in order to get it done in a day.

I was off flying with the lighter pack, and in the blink of an eye, the Osseo Trail was behind me and hit the summit of Flume once again in the dead of night two hours from the start. The birds were already chirping in the night as I reached the ridge, a sign of a beautiful day to come. The temperature at the start (and right over the Franconia Ridge) was comfortable, with that nice layer of perspiration forming on my skin.
Approaching the summit of Flume
Summit of Flume at night
The .6 mile section between Flume and Liberty now seems so short to me. A half hour later, I was on Liberty, snapped a quick foot-on-the-summit shot, and off I went.  There's really much else to do at this point other than take a sip of water, look down on the lights in Franconia Notch, and keep going to maintain a solid time.

By doing these back-to-back Pemi Loops, I was able to even more-so stamp in mind the trail features of certain sections along this hike, like the next section on the Franconia Ridge Trail. In the winter, a heavy-leaner can block the path and confuse you, and the Franconia Ridge trail after the junction with the Liberty Springs Trail has a few twists and turns that are really good to remember, especially for the winter for that reason. Despite that thought process going on my mind, I was still cruising this nice flat section, and in three hours and about 20 minutes, I was on Little Haystack. Here, I noticed the waning crescent moon had risen in the sky behind me.
Franconia Ridge Trail and Liberty Spring Trails junction
Little Haystack summit
Here I was, once again traversing the Franconia Ridge in the moonlight, like I did at the end of April. Now, as wee hours turned into morning, the light of day started to creep in from the east. All I could think of was that there is nothing better than watching the sunrise over the Pemigewasset Wilderness, something I've seen many times now. It's such a vast view, and when you have in your mind that you're going to traverse all of it in a day, climb all of those mountains, is extremely motivating (and fun!).
Mt. Lincoln's summit cairn as I approached (look closely) 

The moon over the Pemi
Increasing in elevation, I made my way over Lincoln, North Lincoln, and up the summit cone of Mt. Lafayette, still before actual sunrise. This was my 10th ascent of Mt. Lafayette, and it was just as rewarding as last weekend and my first time. The weather was beautiful, and the blue and purpl-ish color of the morning sky over the Pemi was awesome. I arrived at the summit to find a pair of hikers with a pair of dogs and a solo hiker on the summit. One of dogs was very friendly, but had a small cut, and on request, I provided an antiseptic wipe and band-aid from my first aid kit to her owner. I stood up on the highest point for a few minutes admiring the Pemi and chatting with one of the hikers. I opened up a snickers, and before I even finished eating it, I was snacking and skipping my way down Mt. Lafayette's northern shoulder.
Mt. Lafayette summit pre-sunrise 
My 10th time to Mt. Lafayette 
A plane's trail reflects brightly off the sun above Garfield and Twins 
A final look back at the morning moon over the Pemi
Now on the Garfield Ridge Trail, it is 2.9 miles to the next summit, Mt. Garfield. This part of the hike was probably the most peaceful part of the entire day. Birds greeted me at treeline, and it seemed like the woods were waking up for the day. However, its not an easy section - there is a ton of descent over rocky and rooty trail before a quick steep climb up to Garfield. The photo below is a great shot of what it looks like looking back at Mt. Lafayette, now close to 3 miles back.
Looking up to Lafayette on the Garfield Ridge Trail
I reached the vacant summit of Garfield where I had extensive views into Pemi and a look back at my route so far that day. The skies were crystal clear and blue at this time. It was beautiful. I sat next to the summit and had a quick snack here. Mornings are always great on Garfield.
Mt. Garfield Summit 
(Left to Right) Flume, Liberty, Lincoln, Lafayette 
Pemi Wilderness (Owl's Head on Right)
After my break, I began my trek along the next 3 miles of the Garfield Ridge Trail. This is the part of the Garfield Ridge Trail that holds all of those pointless up-and-downs, and side-sloping rocks en route to the Galehead Hut. The first quick stop was at the Garfield Ridge camp site spur, where there is a water source. Although my bladder was still pulling water, my stop here was to apply the awesome cold water on my face and arms a couple of times and continue. The temperature was very warm and humid, but at this point it was not yet oppressive or affecting me - it felt so refreshing, just like mountain water always does. On I went.
Garfield Ridge Trail towards Galehead Hut 
Garfield Ridge Campsite water source
Thankfully, this section is broken up by two trail junctions, otherwise it would feel like forever. Still, not much else to do then to push for the hut, and that's what I did without stopping. I arrived at the Galehead Hut, walked right past it, and continued right up to the summit of Galehead, which I've now reached 8 times, each time a different month.
The beautiful view from AMC's Galehead Hut 
Galehead Hut with Galehead summit in background 
Big smile for being on Galehead in about 8.5 hrs from Lincoln Woods
After getting down Galehead after a few short minutes of rest on the summit, I popped into the hut where the new caretakers where getting ready for the first full service evening of the season. I had stayed here the weekend before this hike when it was not in full-service. I filled my bladder, and also filled my water bottle with a little bit and mixed a Cytomax packet in. This stuff is kind of nasty. I'll stick to Gatorade mix, I think. I just had a couple left in my food stash. I gulped on that steadily all of the way to North Twin before getting into my full 2L of water again.

The hike up to South Twin was next - .8 miles and 1,100 feet of elevation gain, one of the steepest sections on the whole Pemi Loop. It has become second nature, almost, and I no longer dread it or complain about it. I think of it as a natural stairmaster, and just program myself to keep a steady pace, doing just that, one step after another without much stopping. Before I know it, I'm passing the North Twin sign on the way out there.
North Twin Spur
North Twin - a 2.6 mile out and back with 750 feet of extra gain
Just as I skirted around the rocks of South Twin's summit, something startled me, and I turn around, and there is a rabbit just a couple of feet in front of me! He poked around looking at me, approaching me, wondering if I was going to give him some of the nutter butters I just happened to have in my hand. He didn't take the piece I threw to him, but he did hop the heck outta there and down the North Twin Spur. I could see him hopping along the trail up for 50 or so yards along the trail corridor. It was like he was going to bag North Twin too! I scurried along, wondering if I'd see him again.

I made it to North Twin's summit outlook, and took about a 10 minute break here, with my boots off (which I did about 4 times on this loop, something I've never done before). This was because I kept getting dirt and twigs in my boots. I opted to keep my low gaiters off until later when I would put them on. A young couple was kind enough to take my photo at the outlook. The photo at the top of the post is from the North Twin summit outlook. It's a beautiful view, one that puts into perspective the varying elevation of peaks on the northern part of the loop.

I hiked back up the North Twin Spur and right over South Twin again and onto the Twinway. It would be 2 relatively easy miles (after the steep descent into the trees from South Twin) to the Bondcliff junction from here. At this point in time, you have to prepare the mind for one more pretty difficult out-and-back to Zealand, in terms of mileage and gain together, before you can think that your now on more direct path to the end. Up and over Guyot, one of the coolest spots in all of the White Mountains I went. The  Twinway en route to Zealand is quite rocky and gravel-y, and doesn't make this out-and-back and easier, especially at this point along this extended loop. Nothing to do but keep going, get there, take a picture, and turn around.
The Twinway leaving South Twin summit towards the Bonds
Owls Head in the foreground with Flume, Liberty, and Lincoln in the back 
Mt. Guyot Summit 
Zealand Summit sign
That I did. Zealand was my 9th 4000-footer of the day, and with just three more now not too far away, I was feeling pretty good. My feet were starting to get real sore by the time I reached the West Bond Spur. It was here that I bumped into a big group, which consisted of several folks from the 4000 footer group on Facebook, who were doing a Zealand-Bonds Traverse. While I past them on my way out to Zealand, it was this time we acquainted. Nice to meet Monica, Joe C., Michael B., and others in that group. Both myself and this group were on the look-out for another fellow hiker, Bill R., who was also attempting a Pemi Loop, starting approximately 3 hrs after I did. This would be around the location we'd expect to bump into him, but unfortunately, his journey turned out differently (but not disappointingly). You can read his well written account of how his journey ended up, by clicking here.

After a chat with the group, I headed out to West Bond, the very last out-and-back on this journey. What a different world it was here compared to the weekend before. Instead of a socked in view with rain and iced over trees, I was treated to a nice breeze, 360 degree view of the Pemi, and the always impressive view of the Bonds ridge line. 7 times, 7 months now to West Bond, one of the most remote and challenging peaks to get to in the White Mountains.
The Bond's ridge line from West Bond summit
Now, I was officially on a one-way path to my destination. Mt. Bond was next, the highest peak left before I started to finally descend in elevation. I quickly snapped a few photos and continued down the Bondcliff Trail towards the exposed ridge. This section is another tough-go with hopping over large rocks being required all of the way until it levels out about halfway across the ridge. This is very tough on the feet at this stage of the game, but being in the presence of such dramatic landscape such as the Bonds, it kept me going - one more peak, and then I'm outta here.
Mt. Bond summit 
View from Mt. Bond 
A black and white take on the view of Bondcliff from Bond 
Heading to Boncliff 
A little more slowly now, I made my way up the last bit of elevation gain to the Bondcliff summit. I just snapped this picture below and continued on. Now with all 12 peaks successfully reached, all that was left was my descent down the Bondcliff Trail, and then a long flat walk on the Wilderness Trail and Lincoln Woods Trail. Although sore at this point, I was still able to jog some of the clear and gradual descent sections leading to the bottom of the ravine at the sharp turn. At this point, it was starting to spit rain, but that's all it did, thankfully.
Bondcliff summit 
The walk along the Wilderness Trail back to the Pemigewasset Bridge near Franconia Falls was very pleasant despite the growing soreness in my feet, of course. It's really a different world with everything grown in compared to months ago. Finally, I reached the bridge, and with my feet pretty much screaming, I decided to head to the bank of the river, and relieve my feet. I took off the boots and dipped my feet in the ice cold river and instantly they were numb! After this, I dried them off, threw on a pair of fresh dry socks, back on the boots, and now just a few more miles to go and done!
Wilderness Trail
The Lincoln Woods Trail, now, was nothing like the Wilderness Trail. Although I had put on a long-sleeved shirt, I left my pant-legs off. Whether I walked as fast as I could or even jogged or ran, both mosquitos and black flies were taking chunks out of my legs. This was completely driving me insane, but it forced me to run, power walk, run, power walk, for 3 miles until finally the A-frame sign came into view, and then finally the suspension bridge. I was done - 38.6 miles, 10,800 feet of elevation gain, 12 4000-footers in just under 20 hours, matching the longest day hike I've ever done.
Lincoln Woods suspension bridge 
The Spot Track of the Extended Pemi Loop

Completing the Extended Pemi Loop is definitely a rewarding experience. Visiting one-quarter of the 48 4000-footers in a single day, and seeing the different views from all of those points along the way is certainly memorable. I reached every summit, each out-and-back, without removing my pack, which had the Spot Messenger attached to it. It was just under 20lbs including 2L of water). In total, I drank about 6 liters of water, and had several candy bars and snacks spaced out throughout the day - nutter butters, snickers bars, Slim Jims with cheese, crackers, and the Cytomax drink. After doing a counter-clockwise overnight Pemi Loop the weekend before, and this one being a clockwise loop, I am now even more confident in my knowledge of these trails. I did all of this without even needing to consult my map (although I would never go out without one). With this hike in the books, I've added 12 June peaks to my 48x12 Grid. No longer is June the month in which I've hiked the least 4000-footers!

Thanks for reading! Stayed tuned....another milestone is coming up in two weeks as my brother and I get ready to finish the New England 4000-footers on North Brother in Maine. It will be the first time we'll finish a list together, and what better way for us brothers to finish on North Brother.

Hike Stats
Trails: Lincoln Woods Trail, Osseo Trail, Franconia Ridge Trail, Garfield Ridge Trail, Frost Trail, Twinway, North Twin Spur, Bondcliff Trail, Wilderness Trail.
Distance: 38.9 mi.
Elevation Gain: 12,482 feet
Book Time: 19hrs 44min (12:10am to 7:54pm)