Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy times on a gloomy day

                On gloomy days like todayI look at this Book from Bob Krist and look forward to warm summer days!

Monday, October 24, 2011

why this time of the year is tough for me

This year October was bearable for me.The many cards and gifts and outpouring of love from Family and friends helped me ease into the big 5 0!
There are a few folks I think of this time of year simply because I miss them like crazy.My parents!Oh but I know they are watching from heaven.
My friend Tom Hall!He would take me to the Stone Pony or the Saint for a show.He didnt drink but he didnt mind if I had one.He was so cool that way.In return I didn't complain about his smoking.It didn't bother me.I've been around smokers all my life!
My little Joy!My faithful companion for 13 years.She died in early november right in front of me.Poor Dog had an enlarged heart.oh there are others but those are the ones that immediatly come to mind this time of year.
Sometimes when I see a dark blue pick up truck that looks like his I think Tom?
OK now some lighter stuff.I started reading the book soul surfer.Yes I know Im supposed to read the book and then see the movie but I got the movie from the library for 2 days so I had to watch it asap.My fines were up to $13.00 and I paid up a few bucks so the library mafia wouldn't hunt me!
OK back to cleaning my room!
looking forward to November..I think!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 more days

# more days of work at the school.Completed volume 2 of my summer series.then perhaps another jazz mix will be in the works.Then I'll crank out some patriotic mixes for the 4th of July!So Many ideas running through my more imput as far as music in the computer unless some is deleted.
Now I'll focus and reading.
Book review I hope will be added this summer.stay tuned and stay cool.
Summer Playlists will be added soon.
Stay Tuned and remain cool.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

random thoughts

Last night I thought to myself.Why am I complaing about being stuck inside?Days eh hem weeks like this provide time to relax and go through old mixtapes and relax.
Many good songs have I forgot about.
Speaking of Memories I watched the first episode of Starsky and Hutch Tonight on DVD.
Starsky and Hutch was a Popular cop show in the mid to late 70s.
I found I book in my closet titles Jazz 101.Aha something to read.I love jazz and want to learn more about its history althought years ago I watched Ken Burns series on Jazz on Channel 13.
I might watch thats again on DVD too.
The first grade is doing a survey on whether the groundhog will see his shadow or not.Frank and I said no.I think that groundhog stuff is just malarkey but I go along with it at work.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

back to the books

Each Year after new years when the holiday Busyness fades and life slows down I try to get back into reading some books and catch on on good flicks on DVDs.Any recommendations on either or both?