Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Friday, July 8, 2016

just another day at the beach

smell the salt air
Hear the crashing of the waves
hear the seagulls in flight
feel the warm sun on your face
yes its a crazy world out there but for now its just another day at the beach
take it in and enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm continueing to have fun with my new camera!

Monday, February 3, 2014

praying for spring

oh snow
please go away some day
real soon
I would like to get back on my bike
or take a stroll
and listen to the Rock N Roll
on my ipod
Oh Dear God
make this snow go
away real soon
oh please
I'd like to see
birds in the tress
and the flower bloom
How much longer will it be till I get back to my
outdoor photography or a video of the sea
crashing on the shore
and other things
that I have in store
for my camera and me
and I also pray this day
that I continue to be a good DJ
   Poem by Trish Mullins

Friday, August 23, 2013

Oh beautiful day

One very quiet sunny day I did something I haven't done in a while
I wrote a poem

Original written on August 14th

The sun shines upon the ocean and you get into a devotion
and you get a sot of notion
its going to be a beautiful day.
Sounds of rebuilding in the distance
there's no feeling of resistance
as you hear waves hit the shore
the feeling hits you more
it will be a beautiful day
the sky is so glue
and the waving of the red, white and blue
yeah its so true.
The summer sun hits by face
oh Mr. sun keep up the warmth on my face.
Keep on shining.

  original Poem by Trish Mullins

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Let Go Of Hate

Let go of Hate Replace it with love Thats a command from God Above Get Rid of anger Learn to forgive its a better way to live Take les Give More a better life is in in store Be kind to each other smile and lift a hurting soul Let the healing take its roll

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January update

Well my friends as you can see im getting aquanted with my Camera.I enjoy sharing my pictues and videos with you. Don't think its getting in the way of my mixmaking and DJing.Music is my first love and photography is my second.I was asked to DJ an even this friday and am going for it.details to follow. Im thinking of another playlist and will call it Winter 2012 or something like that. This time of the year is a tad rought for me.My mom Died on January 16th 2003.I want to make a poem for her but its just to emotional.I miss her.I miss my dad too! To all you folks out there that still have your Parents Pay attention to what they say Tell them you love them every day Respect and honor the lessons they teach you One day you'll be out in the world wishing you had heeded their warning Cause one day you too will me mourning You'll wish they could come back To tell you about peace love and understanding about leaving your bartender ten percent Make the world a better place Look them in the face and tell them to love them Help them when it is needed great teamwork is never defeated cause your a winner in the end they keep it real its not pretend OK lame poetry aside.I wish you all a great weekend.

Friday, November 25, 2011

tis the season.A Poem

Tis the season
Be of good Cheer
Each person in my life
is so dear
In my heart you are near
I love my music
The beat within
Let the fun begin
The shiney bright things
and Christmas Cheer
makes me happy to be here
So enjoy these days
don't be a grinch
Be happy
its a cinch!
My poetry maybe lame
its from my heart
just the same
Let the festivities begin
and feel the joy of the season within!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

another shout out

a man of many talents Texas Hobart is a mixmaker,poet and Photographer.
Tex and I have been trading mixes for over a year.He has inspired to to explore Bluegrass and early American music and I've been sending him world music and Rock N roll.Now Im a little more country and he's a little more Rock N Roll.Hes on my follower list.
While Im on the subject of shout outs also check out my friend Breas site
They have an open mic night on Sundays from 6pm till 10pm with music and poetry.The coffee and food is great.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One song

It Takes one song
To calm your Soul
To Move your feet
Rock & Roll
It takes one song
My dear
To produce a smile
Ear To Ear
Let the music
left you from your seat
to your feet
Dance away dance away
all the worries of the day
The one song
Takes all the bad feelings of the day
Listen to the one song today
Original Poem by DJ Trish

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We all have the Power

God Above gave us all a talent
Use yours
to make this world a
better place
put a smile on someones face
Change the world for the better
put thoughts of war and violance in the shredder
Help make gangs a things of the past
Work for peace and make it last!

Monday, June 6, 2011

chin up

I wanna have a few drinks
I wanna get drunk
thats how I feel when Im
In a blue funk
Turn on the music
it will be OK
and all those feeling do go away
my heart is heavy
my brains on the run
Look to the Lord above
for real love
Let him lead the way
and you know
he won't lead you astray
-original poetry by Trish

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Friends- a Poem

They will lift you up when you are low
They will respect you
don't you know
They wont always agree with your views
but they help you
pay some dues
They will bring sunshine when you feel blue
celebrate and laugh with me
Good friends are more precious than Diamonds
don't you see
Some are seldom seen
In Dark times they can be seen
Love them
Appreciate those who are close
hold them near
let no one part
good friends
near to your heart
Good friends
can last forever!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

So Long Summer

One More Summer we bid goodbye.
It went past way to fast.
Hot days are just a memory now.
We await falling leaves and then a snow plow.
Glasses of cold water will be replaced by soup and hot Tea.
Summer 2010 Is now a Memory!
An Original Poem
By Trish