Ovo Lacto Vegetarian

So the girls (namely Kalaree and Kezri) asked if we could try to go vegetarian. I did a lot of research and decided that if they wanted to give it a try that we could, with some provisions of course. The first provision is that I would not give up my milk and eggs and cheese. Thus the Ovo Lacto vegetarian. Most protein can be gained from eating the milk and eggs that otherwise would be hard to get elsewhere. The second provision is that we are not totally giving up meat. I will not go without Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners but also we need our Vitamin B12 and that only comes from meat. So occasionally we will add meat to our dinners (oh come on who doesn't like a juicy hamburger.) Plus going vegetarian goes well with my living sustainably that I am trying. eating what we grow and eating mostly what is in season. We had our first meal last night that was totally meatless. It was actually not bad at all. I was slightly nervous since instead of just doing something like a meatless salad we went all out. So here is our menu for the next week:

Saturday: Butter Bean Burgers with roasted potato fries.
Sunday: Carrot soup with home made rolls
Monday: Vegetarian Quesadillas with rice and beans
Tuesday: Garlic Pasta with salad
Wednesday: Veggie Chili and Fry Bread
Thursday: Corn Chowder and Cheese Biscuits
Friday: Vegetarian Lasagna with bread and Salad

The girls loved the butter bean burgers. They were tasty and they had a nice texture to them too. I was nervous, as I never had Butter Beans before, but mashing them with shredded carrots was definitely worth the flavor, buttery and sweet. We had a guest last night and she was not as game as the girls. We heated up a hot dog for her. Wish us luck in this endeavor.


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