Blog neglect...

Yep I admit it I have neglected the blog these last few days. Usually I try to post daily. It makes me feel like I am keeping up with things rather than letting everything happen and I have to go back and fill in. But to be truthfully honest I am neglecting a lot of things in my life right now. While this entry will be a catch up on what is going on it will also be a vent. I figured it was only fair to warn ahead of time. I decided the other day that I am truly depressed. It is the time of year for it right. Well things are starting to pile up and I am starting to feel quite a bit alone. Metaphorically of course since there are always someone around. But lately with David working the opposite schedule as me and me not having made any real great friends here that I can call up to go do things, I feel that I am starting to like to wallow by myself up in my room. Thank goodness for ear phones, Iphones and good books. Oh don't get me wrong I do know that I am blessed but right now I just feel without. Partly because it is holiday season and I don't have family around and I can't go see family because of work schedules. I also have tried lately to invite people out to do things, hoping to make some friends and that is always quashed due to them having other plans with their friends. Man, to only break through that barrier. I know it will happen I just wonder how long it will take. Okay, pity party over now for the updates.

David spoke in church yesterday. I think it went well, I have to admit I didn't go to sacrament meeting, see above vent, and yes I know that not going isn't going to make it any easier to make friends. When I did get to church many people told me he did a great job so I assume he did.

Kalaree is working on another Young Women project. She is learning to sew and is making Santa hats for one of the teachers here at my school. It is a good project for her. Both a knowledge and a good work. Guess she will have to pick one to put it under but that is two projects this year. WOO HOO for her.

Thanksgiving was simple, both good and bad. Good because it was a nice immediate family gathering and bad because well it shouldn't just be your immediate family. I really think that is when the true depression started, when I realized it would be just me, David and the girls.

I didn't really do any black Friday shopping other than the one trip into Joanns to get the fabric for my nephews teepee. Figure it is safe to say it here since they can't read yet. Their mom and dad better keep it secret though.

Being back at work today has helped some with the depression. I really do love working here. I had the weirdest dream last night that I was actually both working here (long distance) and in Spokane because we hadn't moved here yet. But I didn't want to give up this job. I think that right now I am missing what I had and that is the Spokane part of the dream but not wanting to give up here either. Such a tug of war. But I never put much into dream analysis however I can see some things going on here with what is going on in my life and what I really feel like is missing. The tears haven't started yet but they are fast coming.

We are planning on getting out the Christmas stuff this next week. Hopefully Jake and Katie can come up to decorate the tree with us. I am sure once I can get some of the Christmas stuff going that I want then I will perk back up. Plus I do get to see some family after Christmas so it won't be that long, RIGHT?

Sorry this was such a pity me post. It is just where I am at right now. Figured it is only fair to keep this real.


Connie Lou said…
I hold you deep in my heart, beautiful daughter. You are never alone.
Anonymous said…
K so last night I went to comment on your blog... I found this cute little (possibly corny) "Jesus Loves you and so do I" Christmassy picture. Unfortunately blogger doesn't allow HTML comments :(. So just know that "Jesus loves you, and so do I":) Hang in there. Aren't you the one who always says, it'll get better, hang in there. Well, I love you! Have a good Tuesday. BTW: 14. :)
Mikaela said…
Life really sucks sometimes! I'm missing Spokane's so weird how we really do have parallel lives. I'm glad you're doing better today though...hope things get easier as you get into the christmas season!

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