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Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Friday, 16 December 2011

Time Goes By But We Stay Still...

We finally come to the end of 2011...few more weeks come the year 2012..the final circle of the earth as what the Mayans' Calender predicted..

Friday, 16th Dec 2011 is my last day in office for the year 2011 and resume work 9th Jan 2012...3 weeks of holiday and the longest ever (so far) in my career... It's about time!!

What did I do in 2011???

1. Sick Leave - None
2. Emergency Leave - None
3. Promotion - no comment
4. Salary Increment - no comment

Travel & Living
1. Marathon Runs - Energizer Night Race (11 Km), Malakof Run (8 Km), Unity Run (6 Km), Penang Hill Climb, Beach Run (6 Km) and the highlight was Penang Bridge International Marathon (21 Km)
2. Fishing Trips - Kerachut Beach (Penang), Teluk Nipah Beach (Pangkor) and Under The Penang Bridge
3. Travel - Langkawi and Pangkor Islands
4. Lifestyle - Beer Fest (weekend after weekend)
5. Accident - 3cm diameter mark on forehead

I'm now thinking of a little twist to the Travel & Living for the year 2012...I'm going for fishing! Running has been fun yet fishing is much more relaxing...I get to drink beer whilst fishing but not running!! I may as well join local fishing one knows where your luck is until you try..kan..kan...moreover fishing prizes are known as pricy! kalau dapat pancing ikan karuk di laut mungkin buli menang 1st prize juga :-O

Right, don't ask how I got the 3cm diameter mark on was shit that happened

I can't remember when was the last time I felt excited about going back to Sabah...I never did but this time I think there's something to look forward... it'll be a little different because I've got a task of being my Bro's best man...I guess I'd be his bodyguard?? saves for drinking?? Let's hope everyone enjoy...

Lastly, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012

Friday, 17 December 2010

Farewell 2010 and Season Greetings

8 days to Christmas and counting...most people are excited about Christmas but for me it’s just a normal day in a Calendar every year...the only different is I’d usually be in my home town Sabah..I may celebrate the Christmas with families or friends but this year...I’m sorry I’ll be celebrating Christmas with long-lost friends back in Sandakan...10 years of my life was spent in Sandakan and I had plenty of crazy friends back after 11 years I’m going back to memory lane..honestly, I’m a bit excited about the idea of visiting Sandakan than others this year...the idea of not knowing what to expect is part of the excitement I guess...I’ve heard lot of stories about how Sandakan has interesting places..I could not resist the chances to meet up with long-lost friends as well as visiting my previous primary & secondary schools...I’m game for this!!

Looking back is one hell of a and downs are just part of the life cycle so don’t complain...I’d be lying if I do not have a moment I was worried about my life, career and future but I went through with open heart and huge hope I’d be just fine...I’ve got few highlights of 2010 but let’s just put them into one category- financial stability. I’m not rich as if I receive RM5000 monthly salary but I love to have an idea that life isn’t just about having lots of money or new stuffs...for me being ‘rich’ is being able to support yourself with your own expense without feeling guilty or regret of spending (spend wisely la ba..)

I was pretty cautious about work in the beginning of 2010...most probably it was just because previous year experience but I did quite well...gone through every obstacles as if I do not know what the word ‘give-up’ means to challenge myself to be better than previous year is always the motivation to me although I do not have a ‘to-do/achieve list’ like most people...sometimes I felt I’m just a care-free kind of person and selfish but I love the idea of ‘mind your own business’...I had a conversation over this with a friend and I’m quite sure the friend may not able to digest this huge part of me into practice...I do not care things when they don’t matter and relate to me at all (as long as I’m fine and not disturbed) and as a reflector I will not do things that may affect people around me...fair game? helping others is different if you already knew it's not too much of help but taking care of others due to their own inability to reason life is just a waste of my time...

I do not hope for any big upheaval in 2011 but as always I will do the best of me to get the best for me...I’m pretty excited about my new mobile phone as it is so expensive for me yet due to its features, I believe it is timely to change and it's affordable for me...need to buy instant noodles supply of 3 months starting next Jan 2011..huhu..I’m flying back to Sabah on 18 Dec 2010, at 19:40 and expected to arrive at about 22:30 on the same day....will be in KK for few days before going back to Ranau then off to Sandakan just a day before Christmas also to attend friend’s wedding and etc..I’ll be back to KK for sure on 27 Dec 2010 to attend friend’s wedding and go to Tambunan as final place to visit...will decide in Tambunan either going back to Ranau or direct to KK before flying back to Penang on 2 Jan 2011...

I’d like to wish everyone a very wonderful Christmas celebration and a blast New Year 2011 party!!

May God Bless You

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year 2010

Hi Chaps...

Just so you know...

I'll be on holiday (Sabah) for about 2 weeks from 18th Dec onwards and I hope every one had a great time during Christmas and new year celebrations...

I'll missed the engagement day of my ex-school mate in Penang (19th Dec) but I met him the day before (18th Dec)...spent some time with his families coming all the way from Sandakan earlier that day...Sorry but I will not miss your wedding day in the coming year!

I'll be attending a wedding ceremony of my dearest friend Helga+Norman some where in KK on 26th Dec...perhaps a perfect time to catch up with others (ex-USM) ; expecting to see those faces again (after 2-4 years) on that wonderful day!

I'll be spending my time with relatives in Tambunan during the first quarter of my holiday then Ranau with families during Christmas celebration then of course before leaving Land Below The Wind, I'll definitely be in KK...

I'll be flying back to Penang on 3rd Jan 2010...

I wish you wonderful Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year 2010

* Drive carefully and aramaitee!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Middle of Year 2009..Party Time!!

Hi chaps!

It’s been quite a while huh….

Workplace is pretty much ‘calm’ at the moment when there are only me and manager working….rotating shift although sometimes I kind of felt that I’m the victim to his role by swapping couple of shifts when he fells like doing it…thankfully I’m not much of a fussy person at this kind of responsibility…at least I knew I’ll get paid at the end of the month with ‘extra’…hehe..

My colleague who was supposed to get 3 weeks unpaid leave ended up with 6 weeks unpaid leave (will be back on 29th June)….I couldn’t blame her though after knowing the story behind all the problem she has to endure…at least at this moment, me and the manager are able to ‘neutralize’ couple of bad impressions towards Penang office…

My part time so called business is not good since last month….well, I’ve been busy swapping/rotating work shift without proper pattern of work to accommodate unattended shifts….I’m currently looking for a ‘runner’ and believe me when I say that I have problem with trust…I had couple of candidates but they were not quite right for the job….

Friends…couple of weeks ago, a shocking news hits me….I wasn’t surprised yet it wasn’t expected to be this soon when all seemed to work out pretty good for them…they were one of the known name in Penang music scene since years ago but hey…even world class musicians could have their own agenda…no more “I’m with the band”..ha.ha…

I might be a little too late to share this great news…close friends have finally making their way to the aisle in near time soon…they have been together for couple of years and had just brought their relationship to another level (engagement) on 24th May 2009...look forward to their wedding day next year!! Congratulation!!

Another great news…I’ve just bought flight tickets back to Sabah for this coming Christmas…I had not planned to buy this soon but a day before, I was thinking of another close friend who’s having her wedding ceremony at KDCA at the end 2009 and I don’t prefer to miss this one at all…. Having said that I decided to apply leave and got it approved on the same day!!! So…I’ll be around from 19th Dec 2009 – 3rd Jan 2010….

I’ve been looking and planning at a possibility of another holiday this year…Me, Mr. Jew and Mr. Brandon are planning to go ‘out’ for a short holiday in Italy but so many things have came up without notice...Italy?? You guys really believe that??? I wish I can afford to go there…haha….the truth is, we are planning somewhere around SEA…since Mr Jew has a new pangakosayo colleague…we might go Philippines kan Jew?? Ha.ha…options: Vietnam, Philippines and Singapore…harap-harap Mr Jew sponsor la (FYI: Mr Jew’s wedding budget is RM10 million as he wants to beat the big spender, Tom-Kate’s wedding of USD2.7 million)

Mr. Brandon is coming over to Penang today…Mr. Jew is coming home as well and he has arrived….I have not met Mr. Brandon since Christmas 2008 and Mr. Jew since middle of last month…we are going to have a very small Kaamatan-Gawai belated celebration this Saturday…the event is scheduled to kick off as early as 5:00pm and expected to finish the next morning…we’ll be having BBQ and of course an event organizer, hope there will be enough supply of beer (depending on how much we manage to collect for ‘dana kehausan’).....Have fun!


Monday, 1 December 2008

Welcome December!

First of all, I would like to wish all my fellow blogger as well as my dear friends a very warm season greetings of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009. I’d also love take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and never ending visit…cheers to that!

In my previous post of “Holiday Mood”…I’ve revealed my days off and availability...last week, the management had decided to employ 2 new staffs and they will be coming in today, 1st December 2008…my manager was worried who’s going to train them as I would be on leave for couple of times in this month onwards… we discussed and decided to reschedule my shift for the whole month…having said that, I will be working for Oz’s shift to accommodate the training…means that I will be busy for the training, support and development…

Again huh...after what happened to our come-and-gone colleagues, I really hope the incident will not be repeated…I’ve gone through their past working experience (resume) and I can tell, they have a very impressive experience in the customer support line of work...years of experience with big companies like Dell and Intel certainly meant something to their characteristic…well, I can only hope..

With the new recruitment and in conjunction with the plan to expand the Malaysia branch, the management had reviewed our employment agreement and it is very interesting to know that there will be a big changes in next year…I’m sure you guys have that one thing in mind…Yes! More money in my account! That would me help a lot to clear some of my debt...speaking of debt…one thing comes into our mind…credit card! Anybody that owns a credit card would understand…hehe…once that's done, I'm free to fly to anywhere around South East Asia during weekend...kehaa...hahaha...

The management had also decided to downgrade the priority of having Senior Developers until we find better candidates…I have met most of them; I took part in the interview myself (some) and my personal review, I found most of them have an impressive resume…tones of experience but when they were interviewed on the skill that they should have been familiar with (as per resume)…some of them were lost…too bad huh…good on papers could be the case here….

Back to the new support colleagues, I have 3 weeks period to train them up to the point where they are considerably able to provide moderate support to UK's customers…I don’t think they would have problem in providing support to Oz’s customers although there could be some tricky problems that sometimes, myself will need to perform tests in order to rectify and resolve the issue…it’s a software and most of us knew there always a bug somewhere in a software….even the great Windows system itself..hehe..

I think I haven’t wrote much about my workplace for over a month already this could be one of many about new colleagues..hehe..I really hope my next post about them would be a positive feedback….

We do what we have to do…we hope for things that what we can contribute to get the outcome…