Showing posts with label Nagash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nagash. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Undead army - current state

Oldhammer Weekend Poland 2022 project is nearly done - just a few characters left to be painted and replaced. Among them there is a wraith champion. 
I really like those floating housecoats, but I have dilemma about choosing color scheme:
should it be 90's color combo or maybe ghostly-white - for strong contrast with the army.

I posted short poll on Middlehammer FB group to help me make that crucial decision and I was asked to show the rest of the army to make voting easier. So here it is.

I have no idea how to take decent pics of such size - I think large backdrop sure would be helpful. But photos give overall impression what is under command of my Lords of the Dead. There's still a lot to be painted to finish WHOLE army: 
cavalry, another screaming skull catapult, metal skellies, more zombies, wights, wraiths, wight lord on wyvern, Dieter Helsnicht on manticore and more characters... 😨

Lots of fun for long winter evenings 🧛‍♂️

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Mummies - finished!

The most expensive unit in the Undead Army project is finished!
Most expensive at this point of course, because there are still some wraiths waiting for paintjob and each of those floating bed sheets cost like half more then a single mummy! 😳

Anyway I am very glad to see this regiment finished. Also of all mummies done so far I am most satisfied of the three just finished. I think it's just because after painting 10 models I finally achieved more - less the effect I wanted. Besides on the last trio there was almost no "useless" painting, like shading / highlighting which turned out barely seen or not seen at all in the end. Only few necessary layers on each element. The simplier - the better as always.
It's should become my life motto or something... 🤔

And also there's a little story behind two models wearing crowns (which in my opinion are the very best sculpts of all Gary Morley's mummies). These two were the first mummies I got second hand at the beginning of my Warhammer adventure. Yet in high school I think.
These were the only mummies I had so I couldn't even form a unit of them 😔
But since this was still Undead era (and not Vampire Counts crap) I could field Mummy Tomb King hero - and the model with crown and flail definitely looks like a character! He's even carrying magic items: Flail of Skulls and Crown of Something Else! 🤩 
It was really tough character but also really slow. So I decided tu put him on skeleton steed. Legs of the other mummy (one with 3 spikes-crown) fitted undead horse just right so I chopped both models waist down and switched their legs.

I've never glued new character onto it's mount. Never seen it in combat either and until now - never gave it any paintjob. In fact shortly after performing that morbid surgery Vampite Counts army appeared so my damaged mummies have fallen into oblivion.

Until now. 

It turned out I was able to switch back legs of the models, fill the gaps and add some missing bandages so now they're fine and frisky. For ancient and reanimated cadavers that is. 
Whole that living the past events is worrying me. The longer I'm here the more often I turn back from looking into the future, looking into the past instead. Anyway - here they are:

And whole unit - ready to invade The Old World in the name of Nagash!


Saturday, December 30, 2017

NAGASH the ball breaker

Hello again,

It's been a while since I had anything (hobby-related that is...) to present, but recently it's been quite a busy period here: 
exams after first year of legal training, running two jobs and becoming daddy for the second time as cherry on top of the cake. Phew!

But since hobby-god demands constant devotion for the last model in 2017 I chose something rather special: Nagash. Yup, Lord of the Dead himself!
But not that recent placcy version for sissies, but the one and only version that matters, Gary Morley's metal sculpt straight from the early 90's! 
That's right - Oldhammer time! (or maybe Middlehammer?)

I've never seen this character in action when I was still playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle. In fact back days we used to play without special characters at all. Too bad really:
with such a terrifying profile, skills and magic gear Nagash could easily deal with such enemies like dragons (probably) not mentioning anything smaller.

Anyway I wanted to paint it bit less candy than official ("Bozo") version so decision was made to use violet/purple for the gown (it's just great color both for wizards and burials...), dark metalics and bone. Tested. well working combination.
By the way if you want to see really cool version of oldie Nagash - check buriedunderlead bloggy, Rochie did really great work on his model!
Had no idea how to treat the blade so ti was turned into "Frostblade" - blue works nice together with gems and it's strong contrast to overall dark look.

Must admit working on this model was fun, it was pleasure to paint piece of Warhammer history.

So looks like that's it for Nagash and for 2017. 
Hope you like it!


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tank & bone

Hey again,

This time it's only quick update - since the last post I've only managed to finish another piece of armour for my Bolt Action US force:

M3A1 Stuart, light tank.

Initially I didn't plan to add this bit to my collection but while purchasing some paints I spotted it in the store and checked gaming profile. Dependable on version it:
- is rather cheap,
- has 2 MMGs + light AT gun,
- has recce special rule,
- can exhange recce and front MMG for flamethrower (!),
- not mentioning it's Italeri's production which always means top quality. 

There are several assembly options but I decided the basic one: no extra fuel tanks and early type of turret. Let's be frank: all I care about is that puker on the front...

Painting is no surprise:
exactly the same, well tested color scheme. Didn't even try to test anything new - it must fit well what's already painted. The only modification is some extra varnish protection:
before sealing it with matt model was sprayed with gloss varnish to keep dry pigments where I want them and also to prevent paint from scraping off during transportation. 
Here's the result: 

And some handicraft, or rather: "bonicraft".
Last summer I got section of some animal's (most probably) backbone found in a forest. Apart from dirt it was cleam piece. It was partially covered with greenish, pale olive moss.
First idea was to use if on scenic base (Plain of Bones in the Old World) but then I thought to make something more practical: pen holder.

All in all it was pretty quick job.
First the bone got chemical bath just to be sure it's safe for everyday use. Sadly that lovely olive color vanished revealing nice aged bone. It was varnished for easier cleaning.
Then I got ~10cm diameter round, wooden plith which was also covered with gloss sealer.
These were assembled with 1mm thick rod and voila!, already in use:

And since it's about old bones:
last week there was small discussion about oldie Nagash model, from Undead range.
Remember Bozo, the clown?

Veteran Warhammer players probably do, this model causes lots of emotions, mostly negative. But long story short - it turned out before it was released there was other version of that stupid skull, WAY better.
Anyway I realised back days I've never seen it in action and didn't manage to get the model until like a year ago? Somehow it looks like more fun and challenge that new placcy version.
Model is now being washed off so expect news from the grave coming with the next post.
And to make waiting more pleasant - have a look at brilliant Mark Gibbons' offical artwork...


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Warzone Death Angel


It's July so it's high time to paint old Warzone stuff.
Last year it started in July, but it's kind of tradition that every summer I move some Warzone models from ye pyle ov humiliation to the bright and colorful side, side of the painted ones.

There are lots or WZ oldies I'd just love to see painted but this time I chose Death Angel - Brotherhood combat buggy. Back days, when we were still into Warzone gaming, I thought this unit was pretty ok: 
- fast
- well armed
- useful special rule.

In fact I didn't even mind the sculpt itself. But none of my opponents actually had this piece in the army. I got this one last year from my one, true wargaming foe so painting the piece was just fun and pleasure.

To make the task easier model was painted in parts: first cart on base, then hmg, statue and the last - inquisitor. I think the best part is the statue - it's nothing fancy: drubrush, some glazing and dry pigment but the final effect is much convincing than I was expecting initially. What I learnt is I must practice painting red more - I like the color on cart but I was hoping to get really bright and striking red on inquisitor (like on original Bonner's art). Maybe next time I'll do better. There'll be occasion - there's old culexus assassin in the bucket ov shame waiting to be taken care, it'll be Necromunda special character called Red Death.

So here it is - Warzone pr0n. Hope you like it and hope there are still painters working on old Warzone junk. Little bit more Warzone oldies should appear shortly:

But there's more!
Recently I managed to expand collection of hobby stuff a bit. This time there are Warhammer 40000 2ed army books, Oldhammer rulebook, Nagash annnd Bolt Action stuff.

I just love 90's period in wargaming - there was the time I was getting into the hobby so I think it's the reason of fondness for this "era". And artwork of Mark Gibbons, Paul Bonner, Wayne England and others is just mindfuckingblowing.
Old army books are full of great drawings so I am trying to get all of 2ed codexes: so far I got 4 of 10. Hoping for some more.

Nagash is also piece of history - I didn't have it when we were still into WFB but I always wanted to field this monster. Also wanted to check, is it possible to paint is the way it's head doesn't look just ridiculous (not the best piece I've seen, let's be frank about it). But I am damn far from naming it the worst model ever or anything like that - Nagash has some (deeply hidden) character and for me is breath of fresh from all those 3D designed models and non-GW rip offs in every second wargaming olnine store.

Bolt Action is not much oldhammer, but we decided to give this game a chance - demos I've seen were quite promising, rules seem to be quite easy and game is fast. Besides I like "Saving private Ryan" and "Band of brothers" and haven't painted anything from WWII range for a long time.

The haul:
