Thursday, January 30, 2025

Metropolitan prophet

I said it before and I can say it again: for me winter is best period to paint oldie Warzone stuff. No idea why but that's the fact, and another proof after Cartel agents death squad is Semai's favorite saboteur: metropolitan prophet.

This model is based on one of Paul Bonner's amazing mutant chronicles artworks (you see if on the bottom of the post). It's gaming rules were posted in the third supplement (Casaulties of war) so it's part of "new wave" of miniatures. New wave of Warzone 1st ed. stuff that is. Sculpt is just damn cool and much better quality of most of early miniatures. I had lots of fun painting this beautie but now I think it's time to work on some WW2 stuff for a change, to get proper perspective from all that candy stuff.

So here it is - dominating my painting station:

And here about to be arrested by NBC suit squad:

And the original artwork - amazing, ain't it? 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Cartel agents: Crockett, Tubbs and Broccoli

It's been a while but somehow X-mas / new year's eve period was devastating for the hobby. At the end of every year there's more work to be done asap and mostly it drained my life force which I could spend on something more pleasant. Besides I've been thinking a lot (again... 🙄) and conclusion is I am just tired. Got to get my shit together fast.

Since the last post I was deeply hoping for annual (bi-annual actually) Warzone game which would be base for battle report. but somehow me and my opponent couldnt match out calendars. Not mentioning the fact my opponent sold his Cybertronic force, so I had to paint some do-gooders which could face forces of Darkness.  

So far I had solid squad of Cartel Agents but I've found some more of them on the bottom of shame-bucket: agents Crockett, Tubbs and Broccoli. Plus re-animated Bauhaus hussar. These models were casted ~1996 but they are still lots of fun to paint. Bring back lots of memories. I read somewhere when you are starting living your past you just got old. 
That might me true.

So here's the whole team. Must check if there's any other corporate team on the bottom of one of the buckets, so I can field something decend against hordes of Darkness:

Here the agents are trying to arrest pitiful undead legionnaire:

And here's Agent Broccoli. Painting this one with olive and green made it perfect field agent. That combined with deadly eye gaze and plasma cannon is all you need when heretics leave their lairs!
