Showing posts with label Emily Pinkerton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emily Pinkerton. Show all posts

December 25, 2015


For Claire, Aged Six

You smelled sweet, like whistling
prairie grass and peat loam.
Little meadow, autumn-lit,
spun sunlight hair, big brown eyes
shining bright from the chase.
You ran the turkeys back to their pen
& when I had my back turned
you bounded back for a kiss
and a hug that made joy seem easy. 

EMILY PINKERTON is a technologist and poet. Previously an editor at Twitter, she is currently an MFA candidate at San Francisco State University. Her writing has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Noble/Gas Qtrly, Transfer, Gravel, LEVELER, Electric Cereal, Lemon Hound, and The Bold Italic, among others. She can be found online on Twitter at @neongolden and at Her favorite color is fog.