Showing posts with label demeter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demeter. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Domain Modeling - What exactly is a Rich Model ?

It is possibly an understatement to emphasize the usefulness of making your domain model rich. It has been reiterated many times that a rich domain model is the cornerstone of building a scalable application. It places business rules in proper perspective to wherever they belong, instead of piling stuffs in the form of a fat service layer. But domain services are also part of the domain model - hence when we talk about the richness of a domain model, we need to ensure that the richness is distributed in a balanced way between all the artifacts of the domain model, like entities, value objects, services and factories. In course of designing a rich domain model, enough care should be taken to avoid the much dreaded bloat in your class design. Richer is not necessarily fatter and a class should only have the responsibilities that encapsulates its interaction in the domain with other related entities. By related, I mean, related by the Law of Demeter. I have seen instances of developers trying to overdo the richness thing and ultimately land up with bloated class structures in the domain entities. People tend to think of a domain entity as the sole embodiment of all the richness and often end up with an entity design that locks itself up in the context of its execution at the expense of reusability and unit testability. One very important perspective of architecting reusable domain models is to appreciate the philosophical difference in design forces amongst the various types of domain artifacts. Designing an entity is different from designing a domain service, you need to focus on reusability and a clean POJO based model while designing a domain entity. OTOH a domain service has to interact a lot with the context of execution - hence it is very likely that a domain service needs to have wiring with infrastructure services and other third party functionalities. A value object has different lifecycle considerations than entities and we need not worry about its identity. Hence when we talk of richness, it should always be dealt with the perspective of application. This post discusses some of the common pitfalls in entity design that developers face while trying to achieve rich domain models.

Entities are the most reusable artifacts of a domain model. Hence an entity should be extremely minimalistic in design and should encapsulate only the state that is required to support the persistence model in the Aggregate to which it belongs. Regarding the abstraction of the entity's behavior, it should contain only business logic and rules that model its own behavior and interaction with its collaborating entities.

Have a look at this simple domain entity ..

class Account {
    private String accountNo;
    private Customer customer;
    private Set<Address> addresses;
    private BigDecimal currentBalance;
    private Date date;

    //.. other attributes

    //.. constructors etc.

    public Account addAddress(final Address address) {
        return this;

    public Collection<Address> getAddresses() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(addresses);

    public void debit(final BigDecimal amount) {

    public void credit(final BigDecimal amount) {

    //.. other methods

Looks ok ? It has a minimalistic behavior and encapsulates the business functionalities that it does in the domain.

Question : Suppose I want to do a transfer of funds from one account to another. Will transfer() be a behavior of Account ? Let's find out ..

class Account {
    //.. as above

    // transfer from this account to another
    public void transfer(Account to, BigDecimal amount) {
    //.. other methods

Looks cool for now. We have supposedly made the domain entity richer by adding more behaviors. But at the same time we need to worry about transactional semantics for transfer() use case. Do we implant transactional behavior also within the entity model ? Hold on to that thought for a moment, while we have some fresh requirements from the domain expert.

In the meantime the domain expert tells us that every transfer needs an authorization and logging process through corporate authorization service. This is part of the statutory regulations and need to be enforced as part of the business rules. How does that impact our model ? Let us continue adding to the richness of the entity in the same spirit as above ..

class Account {
    //.. as above

    // dependency injected
    private AuthorizationService auth;

    public void transfer(Account to, BigDecimal amount) {
        auth.authorize(this, to, amount);
    //.. other methods

Aha! .. so now we start loading up our entity with services that needs to be injected from outside. If we use third party dependency injection for this, we can make use of @Configurable of Spring and have DI in entities which are not instantiated by Spring.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable;
class Account {
    //.. as above

    // dependency injected
    private AuthorizationService auth;


How rich is my entity now ?

Is the above Account model still a POJO ? There have already been lots of flamebaits over this, I am not going into this debate. But immediately certain issues crop up with the above injection :

  • The class Account becomes compile-time dependent on a third party jar. That import lying out there is a red herring.

  • The class loses some degree of unit-testability. Of course, you can inject mocks through Spring DI and do unit testing without going into wiring the hoops of an actual authorization service. But still, the moment you make your class depend on a third party framework, both reusability and unit testability get compromised.

  • Using @Configurable makes you introduce aspect weaving - load time or compile time. The former has performance implications, the latter is messy.

Does this really make my domain model richer ?

The first question you should ask yourself is whether you followed the minimalistic principle of class design. A class should contain *only* what it requires to encapsulate its own behavior and nothing else. Often it is said that making an abstraction design better depends on how much code you can remove from it, rather than how much code you add to it.

In the above case, transfer() is not an innate behavior of the Account entity per se, it is a use case which involves multiple accounts and maybe, usage of external services like authorization, logging and various operational semantics like transaction behavior. transfer() should not be part of the entity Account. It should be designed as a domain service that uses the relationship with the entity Account.

class AccountTransferService {
    // dependency injected
    private AuthorizationService auth;

    void transfer(Account from, Account to, BigDecimal amount) {
        auth.authorize(from, to, amount);

Another important benefit that you get out of making transfer() a service is that you have a much cleaner transactional semantics. Now you can make the service method transactional by adding an annotation to it. There are enough reasons to justify that transactions should always be handled at the service layer, and not at the entity layer.

So, this takes some meat out of your entity Account but once again gives it back the POJO semantics. Taking out transfer() from Account, also makes Account decoupled from third party services and dependency injection issues.

What about Account.debit() and ?

In case debit() and credit() need to be designed as independent use cases under separate transaction cover, then it definitely makes sense to have service wrappers on these methods. Here they are ..

class AccountManagementService {
    // dependency injected
    private AuthorizationService auth;

    public void debit(Account from, BigDecimal amount) {
    public void credit(Account to, BigDecimal amount) {;
    public void transfer(Account from, Account to, BigDecimal amount) {

Now the Account entity is minimalistic and just rich enough ..

Injection into Entities - Is it a good idea ?

I don't think there is a definite yes/no answer, just like there is no definite good or bad about a particular design. A design is a compromise of all the constraints in the best possible manner and the goodness of a design depends very much on the context in which it is used. However, with my experience of JPA based modeling of rich domain models, I prefer to consider this as my last resort. I try to approach modeling an entity with a clean POJO based approach, because this provides me the holy grail of complete unit-testability that I consider to be one of the most important trademarks of good design. In most of the cases where I initially considered using @Configurable, I could come up with alternate designs to make the entity decoupled from the gymnastics of third party weaving and wiring. In your specific design there may be cases where possibly you need to use @Configurable to make rich POJOs, but make a judgement call by considering other options as well before jumping on to the conclusion. Some of the other options to consider are :

  • using Hibernate interceptors that does not compromise with the POJO model

  • instead of injection, use the service as an argument to the entity method. This way you keep the entity still a pure POJO, yet open up an option to inject mocks during unit testing of the entity

Another point to consider is that @Configurable makes a constructor interception, which means that construction of every instance of that particular entity will be intercepted for injection. I do not have any figures, but that can be a performance overhead for entities which are created in huge numbers. A useful compromise in such cases may be to use a getter injection on the service, which means that the service will be injected only when it is accessed within the entity.

Having said all these, @Configurable has some advantages over Hibernate interceptors regarding handling of serialization and automatic reconstruction of the service object during de-serialization.

For more on domain modeling using JPA, have a look at the mini series which I wrote sometime back. And don't miss the comments too, there are some interesting feedbacks and suggestions ..

Friday, March 30, 2007

Making Classes Unit-Testable

I had been working on the code review of one of our Java projects, when the following snippet struck me as a definite smell in one of the POJOs :

class TradeValueCalculator {
  // ..
  // ..

  public BigDecimal calculateTradeValue(final Trade trade, ..) {
    // ..
    BigDecimal tax = TradeUtils.calculateTax(trade);
    BigDecimal commission = TradeUtils.calculateCommission(trade);
    // .. other business logic to compute net value
  // ..
  // ..

What is the problem with the above two innocuous looking Java lines of code ? The answer is very simple - Unit Testability of the POJO class TradeValueCalculator ! Yes, this post is about unit testability and some tips that we can follow to design classes that can be easily unit tested. I encountered many of these problems while doing code review of a live Java project in recent times.

Avoid Statics

When it comes to testability, statics are definitely not your friends. In the above code snippet, the class TradeValueCalculator depends on the implementation of the static methods like TradeUtils.calculateTax(..) and TradeUtils.calculateCommission(..). Any change in these static methods can lead to failures of unit tests of class TradeValueCalculator. Hence statics introduce unwanted coupling between classes, thereby violating the principle of easy unit-testability of POJOs. Avoid them, if you can, and use standard design idioms like composition-with-dependency-injection instead. And while using composition with service components, make sure they are powered by interfaces. Interfaces provide the right level of abstraction for multiple implementations and are much easier to mock while testing. Let us refactor the above snippet to compose using service components for calculating tax and commission :

class TradeValueCalculator {

  // .. to be dependency injected
  private ITaxCalculator taxCalculator;
  private ICommissionCalculator commissionCalculator;

  // ..
  // ..

  public BigDecimal calculateTradeValue(final Trade trade, ..) {
    // ..
    BigDecimal tax = taxCalculator.calculateTax(trade);
    BigDecimal commission = commissionCalculator.calculateCommission(trade);
    // .. other business logic to compute net value
  // ..
  // ..

interface ITaxCalculator {
  BigDecimal calculateTax(..);

interface ICommissionCalculator {
  BigDecimal calculateCommission(..);

We can then have concrete instances of these service contracts and inject them into the POJO TradeValueCalculator :

class DefaultTaxCalculator implements ITaxCalculator {
  // ..

class DefaultCommissionCalculator implements ICommissionCalculator {
  // ..

Using standard IoC containers like Guice or Spring, we can inject concrete implementations into our POJO non-invasively through configuration code. In Guice we can define Modules that bind interfaces to concrete implementations and use Java 5 annotation to inject those bindings in appropriate places.

// define module to configure bindings
class TradeModule extends AbstractModule {

  protected void configure() {
  bind(ITaxCalculator .class)
      .to(DefaultTaxCalculator .class)

    bind(ICommissionCalculator .class)
      .to(DefaultCommissionCalculator .class)

and then inject ..

class TradeValueCalculator {

  // ..
  @Inject private ITaxCalculator taxCalculator;
  @Inject private ICommissionCalculator commissionCalculator;

  // ..
  // ..

How does this improve testability of our class TradeValueCalculator ?

Just replace the defined Module by another one for unit testing :

// define module to configure bindings
class TestTradeModule extends AbstractModule {

  protected void configure() {
    bind(ITaxCalculator .class)
      .to(MockTaxCalculator .class)

    bind(ICommissionCalculator .class)
      .to(MockCommissionCalculator .class)

What we have done just now is mocked out the service interfaces for tax and commission calculation. And that too without a single line of code being changed in the actual class! TradeValueCalculator can now be unit-tested without having any dependency on other classes.

Extreme Encapsulation

I have come across many abuses of FluentInterfaces, where developers use chained method invocations involving multiple classes. Take this example from this Mock Objects paper, which discusses this same problem :


The problem here is that the main class Dog is indirectly coupled with multiple classes, thereby violating the Law of Demeter and making it totally unsuitable for unit testing. The situation is typically called "The Train Wreck" and has been discussed extensively in the said paper. The takeway from this situation is to minimize coupling with neighbouring classes - couple only with the class directly associated with you. Think in terms of abstracting the behavior *only* with respect to the class with which you collaborate directly - leave implementation of the rest of the behavior to the latter.

Privates also need to be Unit-Tested

There is a school of thought which espouses the policy that *only* public api s need to be unit-tested. This is not true - I firmly believe that all your methods and behaviors need unit testing. Strive to achieve the maximum coverage of unit testing in your classes. Roy Osherove thinks that we may have to bend some of the rules of pure OOD to make our design implementations more testable e.g. by exposing or replacing private instances of objects using interfaces, injection patterns, public setters etc. Or by discouraging default sealing of classes allowing overriding in unit tests. Or by allowing singletons to be replaced in tests to break dependencies. I think, I agree to many of these policies.

Fortunately Java provides a useful access specifier that comes in handy here - the package private scope of access. Instead of making your implementation members *private*, make them *package private* and implement unit test classes in the same package. Doing this, you do not expose the private parts to the public, while allowing access to all unit test classes. Crazy Bob has more details on this. Another useful trick to this may be usage of AOP. As part of unit test classes, you can introduce additional getters through AOP to access the implementation artifacts of your class. This can be done through inter-type declarations, and the test classes can access all private data at gay abandon.

Look out for Instantiations

There are many cases where the class that is being unit tested needs to create / instantiate objects of the collaborating class. e.g.

class TradeController {

  // ..
  // ..

  public void doTrade(TradeDTO dto, ..) {
    Trade trade = new Trade(dto);
    // .. logic for trade
  // ..

Increase the testability of the class TradeController by separating out all creation into appropriate factory methods. These methods can then be overridden in test cases to inject creation of Mock objects.

class TradeController {
  TradeDTO dto;

  // ..
  // ..

  public void doTrade() {
    Trade trade = createTrade(dto);
    // .. logic for trade
  // ..

  protected Trade createTrade(TradeDTO dto) {
    return new Trade(dto);

and create MockTrade in test cases ..

class TradeControllerTest extends TestCase {

  // ..

  public void testTradeController(..) {
    TradeController tc = new TradeController() {
      protected Trade createTrade(TradeDTO dto) {
        return new MockTrade(dto);

The Factory Method pattern proves quite helpful in such circumstances. However, there are some design patterns like The Abstract Factory, which can potentially introduce unwanted coupling between classes, thereby making them difficult to unit-test. Most of the design patterns in GOF are built on composition - try implementing them using Interfaces in Java, so that they can be easily mocked out. Another difficult pattern is the Singleton - I usually employ the IoC container to manage and unit-test classes that collaborate with Singletons. Apart from static methods, which I have already mentioned above, static members are also problematic cases for unit testing. In many applicatiosn they are used for caching (e.g. ORMs) - hence an obvious problem child for unit testing.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Rails Applications and Law of Demeter

Jay Fields talks about Law of Demeter violations in Rails programs and suggests a fix using the Ruby module Forwardable, which allows you implement delegation without too much littering in your codebase. Along the same line Jeffrey Allan Hardy introduces the class method delegate in Ruby on Rails to automate delegation tasks. Both of these techniques allow syntax extensibility to keep your code clean from the manual delegate methods.

My question is .. does this really fix the violation of the Law of Demeter in Rails applications ?

The basic philosophy behind the concepts of Adaptive Programming or the Law of Demeter is to provide a better separation between the behavior and object structure in OO programs. A typical Rails application is tied strongly to the underlying ActiveRecord model. The domain model for a Rails application follows the same structure as the database model - hence the navigation of the object graph is a replica of the underlying relational table structure. To put it bluntly, there is no domain object model, which abstracts the behavior of the system. The constructs like Forwardable or class method delegate offer syntactic sugars that may help in code refactoring, but do not add to the reusability of the model. In fact the principle of least knowledge that LoD preaches is violated the moment you make your behavioral model knowledgable about the underlying persistence structure.

I am not an expert in Ruby or Rails - I would like to know what others feel about this ..