Showing posts with label ddd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ddd. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Domain Models - Early Abstractions and Polymorphic Domain Behaviors

Let's talk genericity or generic abstractions. In the last post we talked about an abstraction Money, which, BTW was not generic. But we expressed some of the operations on Money in terms of a Money[Monoid], where Monoid is a generic algebraic structure. By algebraic we mean that a Monoid

  1. is generic in types
  2. offers operations that are completely generic on the types
  3. all operations honor the algebraic laws of left and right identities and associativity

But when we design a domain model, what does this really buy us ? We already saw in the earlier post how law abiding abstractions save you from writing some unit tests just through generic verification of the laws using property based testing. That's just a couple of lines in any of the available libraries out there.

Besides reducing the burden of your unit tests, what does Money[Monoid] buy us in the bigger context of things ? Let's look at a simple operation that we defined in Money ..

Just to recapitulate, here's the definition of Money

class Money (val items: Map[Currency, BigDecimal]) { //..

object Money {
  final val zeroMoney = new Money(Map.empty[Currency, BigDecimal])

  def apply(amount: BigDecimal, ccy: Currency) = new Money(Map(ccy -> amount))

  // concrete naive implementation: don't
  def add(m: Money, n: Money) = new Money(
    (m.items.toList ++ n.items.toList)
      .map { case (k, v) => 


add is a naive implementation though it's possibly the most frequent one that you will ever encounter in domain models around you. It picks up the Map elements and then adds the ones with the same key to come up with the new Money.

Why is this a naive implementation ?

First of all it deconstructs the implementation of Money, instead of using the algebraic properties that the implementation may have. Here we implement Money in terms of a Map, which itself forms a Monoid under the operations defined by Monoid[Map[K, V]]. Hence why don't we use the monoidal algebra of a Map to implement the operations of Money ?

object Money {


  def add(m: Money, n: Money) = new Money(m.items |+| n.items)


|+| is a helper function that combines the 2 Maps in a monoidal manner. The concrete piece of code that you wrote in the naive implementation is now delegated to the implementation of the algebra of monoids for a Map in a completely generic way. The advantage is that you need (or possibly someone else has already done that for you) to write this implementation only once and use it in every place you use a Map. Reusability of polymorphic code is not via documentation but by actual code reuse.

On to some more reusability of generic patterns ..

Consider the following abstraction that builds on top of Money ..

import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import Money._

import cats._
import cats.implicits._

object Payments {
  case class Account(no: String, name: String, openDate: OffsetDateTime, 
    closeDate: Option[OffsetDateTime] = None)
  case class Payment(account: Account, amount: Money, dateOfPayment: OffsetDateTime)

  // returns the Money for credit payment, zeroMoney otherwise
  def creditsOnly(p: Payment): Money = if (p.amount.isDebit) zeroMoney else p.amount

  // compute valuation of all credit payments
  def valuation(payments: List[Payment]) = payments.foldLeft(zeroMoney) { (a, e) =>
    add(a, creditsOnly(e))

valuation gives a standard implementation folding over the List that it gets. Now let's try to critique the implementation ..

1. The function does a foldLeft on the passed in collection payments. The collection only needs to have the ability to be folded over and List can do much more than that. We violate the principle of using the least powerful abstraction as part of the implementation. The function that implements the fold over the collection only needs to take a Foldable - that prevents misuse on part of a user feeling like a child in a toy store with something more grandiose than what she needs.

2. The implementation uses the add function of Money, which is nothing but a concrete wrapper over a monoidal operation. If we can replace this with something more generic then it will be a step forward towards a generic implementation of the whole function.

3. If we squint a bit, we can get some more light into the generic nature of all the components of this 2 line small implementation. zeroMoney is a zero of a Monoid, fold is a generic operation of a Foldable, add is a wrapper over a monoidal operation and creditsOnly is a mapping operation over every payment that the collection hands you over. In summary the implementation folds over a Foldable mapping each element using a function and uses the monoidal operation to collapse the fold.

Well, it's actually a concrete implementation of a generic map-reduce function ..

def mapReduce[F[_], A, B](as: F[A])(f: A => B)
  (implicit fd: Foldable[F], m: Monoid[B]): B = 
    fd.foldLeft(as, m.empty)((b, a) => m.combine(b, f(a)))

In fact the Foldable trait contains this implementation in the name of foldMap, which makes our implementation of mapReduce even simpler ..

def mapReduce1[F[_], A, B](as: F[A])(f: A => B)
  (implicit fd: Foldable[F], m: Monoid[B]): B = fd.foldMap(as)(f)

And List is a Foldable and our implementation of valuation becomes as generic as ..

object Payments {

  // generic implementation
  def valuation(payments: List[Payment]): Money = {
    implicit val m: Monoid[Money] = Money.MoneyAddMonoid

The implementation is generic and the typesystem will ensure that the Money that we produce can only come from the list of payments that we pass. In the naive implementation there's always a chance that the user subverts the typesystem and can play malice by plugging in some additional Money as the output. If you look at the type signature of mapReduce, you will see that the only way we can get a B is by invoking the function f on an element of F[A]. Since the function is generic on types we cannot ever produce a B otherwise. Parametricity FTW.

mapReduce is completely generic on types - there's no specific implementation that asks it to add the payments passed to it. This abstraction over operations is provided by the Monoid[B]. And the abstraction over the form of collection is provided by Foldable[F]. It's now no surprise that we can pass in any concrete operation or structure that honors the contracts of mapReduce. Here's another example from the same model ..

object Payments {

  // generic implementation
  def maxPayment(payments: List[Payment]): Money = {
    implicit val m: Monoid[Money] = Money.MoneyOrderMonoid

We want to compute the maximum credit payment amount from a collection of payments. A different domain behavior needs to be modeled but we can think of it as belonging to the same form as valuation and implemented using the same structure as mapReduce, only passing a different instance of Monoid[Money]. No additional client code, no fiddling around with concrete data types, just matching the type contracts of a polymorphic function.

Looks like our investment on an early abstraction of mapReduce has started to pay off. The domain model remains clean with much of the domain logic being implemented in terms of the algebra that the likes of Foldables and Monoids offer. I discussed some of these topics at length in my book Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling. In the next instalment we will explore some more complex algebra as part of domain modeling ..

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Domain models, Algebraic laws and Unit tests

In a domain model, when you have a domain element that forms an algebraic abstraction honoring certain laws, you can get rid of many of your explicitly written unit tests just by checking the laws. Of course you have to squint hard and discover the lawful abstraction that hides behind your concrete domain element.

Consider this simple abstraction for Money that keeps track of amounts in various currencies.

scala> import Money._
import Money._

// 1000 USD
scala> val m = Money(1000, USD)
m: laws.Money = (USD,1000)

// add 248 AUD
scala> val n = add(m, Money(248, AUD))
n: laws.Money = (AUD,248),(USD,1000)

// add 230 USD more
scala> val p = add(n, Money(230, USD))
p: laws.Money = (AUD,248),(USD,1230)

// value of the money in base currency (USD)
scala> p.toBaseCurrency
res1: BigDecimal = 1418.48

// debit amount
scala> val q = Money(-250, USD)
q: laws.Money = (USD,-250)

scala> val r = add(p, q)
r: laws.Money = (AUD,248),(USD,980)

The valuation of Money is done in terms of its base currency which is usually USD. One of the possible implementations of Money is the following (some parts elided for future explanations) ..

sealed trait Currency
case object USD extends Currency
case object AUD extends Currency
case object JPY extends Currency
case object INR extends Currency

class Money private[laws] (val items: Map[Currency, BigDecimal]) {
  def toBaseCurrency: BigDecimal = 
    items.foldLeft(BigDecimal(0)) { case (a, (ccy, amount)) =>
      a + Money.exchangeRateWithUSD.get(ccy).getOrElse(BigDecimal(1)) * amount

  override def toString = items.toList.mkString(",")

object Money {
  final val zeroMoney = new Money(Map.empty[Currency, BigDecimal])

  def apply(amount: BigDecimal, ccy: Currency) = new Money(Map(ccy -> amount))
  def add(m: Money, amount: BigDecimal, ccy: Currency) = ???

  final val exchangeRateWithUSD: Map[Currency, BigDecimal] = 
    Map(AUD -> 0.76, JPY -> 0.009, INR -> 0.016, USD -> 1.0)

Needless to say we will have quite a number of unit tests that check for addition of Money, including the boundary cases of adding to zeroMoney.

It's not very hard to see that the type Money forms a Monoid under the add operation. Or to speak a bit loosely we can say that Money is a Monoid under the add operation.

A Monoid has laws that every instance needs to honor - associativity, left identity and right identity. And when your model element needs to honor the laws of algebra, it's always recommended to include the verification of the laws as part of your test suite. Besides validating the sanity of your abstractions, one side-effect of verifying laws is that you can get rid of many of your explicitly written unit tests for the operation that forms the Monoid. They will be automatically verified when verifying the laws of Monoid[Money].

Here's how we define Monoid[Money] using Cats ..

val MoneyAddMonoid: Monoid[Money] = new Monoid[Money] {
  def combine(m: Money, n: Money): Money = add(m, n)
  def empty: Money = zeroMoney

and the implementation of the previously elided add operation on Money using Monoid on Map ..

object Money {

  def add(m: Money, amount: BigDecimal, ccy: Currency) = 
    new Money(m.items |+| Map(ccy -> amount))



Now we can verify the laws of Monoid[Money] using specs2 and ScalaCheck and the helper classes that Cats offers ..

import cats._
import kernel.laws.GroupLaws
import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen }
import Arbitrary.arbitrary

class MoneySpec extends CatsSpec { def is = s2"""

  This is a specification for validating laws of Money

  (Money) should
     form a monoid under addition    $e1 

  implicit lazy val arbCurrency: Arbitrary[Currency] = Arbitrary { 
    Gen.oneOf(AUD, USD, INR, JPY) 

  implicit def moneyArbitrary: Arbitrary[Money] = 
    Arbitrary {
      for {
        i <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]]
      } yield new Money(i)

  def e1 = checkAll("Money", GroupLaws[Money].monoid(Money.MoneyAddMonoid))

and running the test suite will verify the Monoid laws for Monoid[Money] ..

[info] This is a specification for validating laws of Money
[info] (Money) should
[info] form a monoid under addition monoid laws must hold for Money
[info] + monoid.associativity
[info] + monoid.combineAll
[info] + monoid.combineAll(Nil) == id
[info] + monoid.combineAllOption
[info] + monoid.combineN(a, 0) == id
[info] + monoid.combineN(a, 1) == a
[info] + monoid.combineN(a, 2) == a |+| a
[info] + monoid.isEmpty
[info] + monoid.leftIdentity
[info] + monoid.rightIdentity
[info] + monoid.serializable

In summary ..
  • strive to find abstractions in your domain model that are constrained by algebraic laws
  • check all laws as part of your test suite
  • you will find that you can get rid of quite a few explicitly written unit tests just by checking the laws of your abstraction
  • and of course use property based testing for unit tests
In case you want to take a look at the full code base, it's there on my Github repo. In the next post we will take the next step towards modeling with generic algebraic code using the Monoid pattern from this example. Code written in parametric form without depending on specialized concrete types can be more robust, easier to test and easier to reason about. I have also discussed this at length in my book Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling. I plan to supplement the materials covered there with more examples and code patterns ..

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - Composing a domain workflow with statically checked invariants

I have been doing quite a bit of domain modeling using functional programming mostly in Scala. And as it happens when you work on something for a long period of time you tend to identify more and more patterns that come up repeatedly within your implementations. You may ignore these as patterns the first time, get a feeling of mere coincidence the next time, but third time really gives you that aha! moment and you feel like documenting it as a design pattern. In course of my learnings I have started blogging on some of these patterns - you can find the earlier ones in the series in:

  • Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - The Specification Pattern

  • Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - Immutable Aggregates and Functional Updates

  • Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - Anemic Models and Compositional Domain Behaviors

  • In this continuing series of functional patterns in domain modeling, I will go through yet another idiom which has been a quite common occurrence in my explorations across various domain models. You will find many of these patterns explained in details in my upcoming book on Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling, the early access edition of which is already published by Manning.

    One of the things that I strive to achieve in implementing domain models is to use the type system to encode as much domain logic as possible. If you can use the type system effectively then you get the benefits of parametricity, which not only makes your code generic, concise and polymorphic, but also makes it self-testing. But that's another story which we can discuss in another post. In this post I will talk about a pattern that helps you design domain workflows compositionally, and also enables implementing domain invariants within the workflow, all done statically with little help from the type system.

    As an example let's consider a loan processing system (simplified for illustration purposes) typically followed by banks issuing loans to customers. A typical simplified workflow looks like the following :-

    The Domain Model

    The details of each process is not important - we will focus on how we compose the sequence and ensure that the API verifies statically that the correct sequence is followed. Let's start with a domain model for the loan application - we will keep on enriching it as we traverse the workflow.

    case class LoanApplication private[Loans](
      // date of application
      date: Date,
      // name of applicant
      name: String,
      // purpose of loan
      purpose: String,
      // intended period of repayment in years
      repayIn: Int,
      // actually sanctioned repayment period in years
      actualRepaymentYears: Option[Int] = None,
      // actual start date of loan repayment
      startDate: Option[Date] = None,
      // loan application number
      loanNo: Option[String] = None,
      // emi
      emi: Option[BigDecimal] = None

    Note we have a bunch of attributes that are defined as optional and will be filled out later as the loan application traverses through the sequence of workflow. Also we have declared the class private and we will have a smart constructor to create an instance of the class.

    Wiring the workflow with Kleisli

    Here are the various domain behaviors modeling the stages of the workflow .. I will be using the scalaz library for the Kleisli implementation.

    def applyLoan(name: String, purpose: String, repayIn: Int, 
      date: Date = today) =
      LoanApplication(date, name, purpose, repayIn)
    def approve = Kleisli[Option, LoanApplication, LoanApplication] { l => 
      // .. some logic to approve
        loanNo = scala.util.Random.nextString(10).some,
        actualRepaymentYears = 15.some,
        startDate = today.some
    def enrich = Kleisli[Option, LoanApplication, LoanApplication] { l => 
      //.. may be some logic here
      val x = for {
        y <- l.actualRepaymentYears
        s <- l.startDate
      } yield (y, s)
      l.copy(emi = { case (y, s) => calculateEMI(y, s) }).some

    applyLoan is the smart constructor that creates the initial instance of LoanApplication. The other 2 functions approve and enrich perform the approval and enrichment steps of the workflow. Note both of them return an enriched version of the LoanApplication within a Kleisli, so that we can use the power of Kleisli composition and wire them together to model the workflow ..

    val l = applyLoan("john", "house building", 10)
    val op = approve andThen enrich
    op run l

    When you have a sequence to model that takes an initial object and then applies a chain of functions, you can use plain function composition like h(g(f(x))) or using the point free notation, (h compose g compose f) or using the more readable order (f andThen g andThen h). But in the above case we need to have effects along with the composition - we are returning Option from each stage of the workflow. So here instead of plain composition we need effectful composition of functions and that's exactly what Kleisli offers. The andThen combinator in the above code snippet is actually a Kleisli composition aka function composition with effects.

    So we have everything the workflow needs and clients use our API to construct workflows for processing loan applications. But one of the qualities of good API design is to design it in such a way that it becomes difficult for the client to use it in the wrong way. Consider what happens with the above design of the workflow if we invoke the sequence as enrich andThen approve. This violates the domain invariant that states that enrichment is a process that happens after the approval. Approval of the application generates some information which the enrichment process needs to use. But because our types align, the compiler will be perfectly happy to accept this semantically invalid composition to pass through. And we will have the error reported during run time in this case.

    Remembering that we have a static type system at our disposal, can we do better ?

    Phantom Types in the Mix

    Let's throw in some more types and see if we can tag in some more information for the compiler to help us. Let's tag each state of the workflow with a separate type ..

    trait Applied
    trait Approved
    trait Enriched

    Finally make the main model LoanApplication parameterized on a type that indicates which state it is in. And we have some helpful type aliases ..

    case class LoanApplication[Status] private[Loans]( //..
    type LoanApplied  = LoanApplication[Applied]
    type LoanApproved = LoanApplication[Approved]
    type LoanEnriched = LoanApplication[Enriched]

    These types will have no role in modeling domain behaviors - they will just be used to dispatch to the correct state of the sequence that the domain invariants mandate. The workflow functions need to be modified slightly to take care of this ..

    def applyLoan(name: String, purpose: String, repayIn: Int, 
      date: Date = today) =
      LoanApplication[Applied](date, name, purpose, repayIn)
    def approve = Kleisli[Option, LoanApplied, LoanApproved] { l => 
        loanNo = scala.util.Random.nextString(10).some,
        actualRepaymentYears = 15.some,
        startDate = today.some
    def enrich = Kleisli[Option, LoanApproved, LoanEnriched] { l => 
      val x = for {
        y <- l.actualRepaymentYears
        s <- l.startDate
      } yield (y, s)
      l.copy(emi = { case (y, s) => calculateEMI(y, s) })[LoanEnriched])

    Note how we use the phantom types within the Kleisli and ensure statically that the sequence can flow only in one direction - that which is mandated by the domain invariant. So now an invocation of enrich andThen approve will result in a compilation error because the types don't match. So once again yay! for having the correct encoding of domain logic with proper types.

    Monday, November 03, 2014

    Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling

    Manning has launched the MEAP of my upcoming book on Domain Modeling.

    The first time I was formally introduced to the topic was way back when I played around with Erik Evans' awesome text on the subject of Domain Driven Design. In the book he discusses various object lifecycle patterns like the Factory, Aggregate or Repository that help separation of concerns when you are implementing the various interactions between the elements of the domain model. Entities are artifacts with identities, value objects are pure values while services model the coarse level use cases of the model components.

    Traditionally we followed the recommendations of Erik in our real world implementations and used the object oriented paradigm for modeling all interactions. We started talking about rich domain models and anemic domain models. The rich model espoused a richer agglomeration of state and behavior within the model, while the anemic model preferred to keep them decoupled. Martin Fowler sums this up in his post on Anemic Domain Models ..
    "The basic symptom of an Anemic Domain Model is that at first blush it looks like the real thing. There are objects, many named after the nouns in the domain space, and these objects are connected with the rich relationships and structure that true domain models have. The catch comes when you look at the behavior, and you realize that there is hardly any behavior on these objects, making them little more than bags of getters and setters. Indeed often these models come with design rules that say that you are not to put any domain logic in the the domain objects. Instead there are a set of service objects which capture all the domain logic. These services live on top of the domain model and use the domain model for data."

    Go Functional

    In Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling I look at the problem with a different lens. The primary focus of the book is to encourage building domain models using the principles of functional programming. It's a completely orthogonal approach than OO and focuses on verbs first (as opposed to nouns first in OO), algebra first (as opposed to objects in OO), function composition first (as opposed to object composition in OO), lightweight objects as ADTs (instead of rich class models).

    The book starts with the basics of functional programming principles and discusses the virtues of purity and the advantages of keeping side-effects decoupled from the core business logic. The book uses Scala as the programming language and does an extensive discussion on why the OO and functional features of Scala are a perfect fit for modelling complex domains. Chapter 3 starts the core subject of functional domain modeling with real world examples illustrating how we can make good use of patterns like smart constructors, monads and monoids in implementing your domain model. The main virtue that these patterns bring to your model is genericity - they help you extract generic algebra from domain specific logic into parametric functions which are far more reusable and less error prone. Chapter 4 focuses on advanced usages like typeclass based design and patterns like monad transformers, kleislis and other forms of compositional idioms of functional programming. One of the primary focus of the book is an emphasis on algebraic API design and to develop an appreciation towards ability to reason about your model.

    Go Reactive

    The term "reactive" has recently become quite popular in describing systems that are responsive, scalable and adaptive. In implementing complex domain models, we find many areas which can be made more responsive by implementing them as non blocking operations instead of the standard blocking function calls. Using higher level concurrency primitives like actors, futures and data flow based computing we can compose asynchronous operations and increase the net throughput of your model. The second part of the book discusses how you can combine the principles of functional programming with the reactive way of implementing behaviors. The paradigm of application design using the principles of functional programming together with an asynchronous non-blocking mode of communication between the participating entities promises to be a potent combination towards developing performant systems that are relatively easy to manage, maintain and evolve. But designing and implementing such models need a different way of thinking. The behaviors that you implement have to be composable using pure functions and they can form building blocks of bigger abstractions that communicate between them using non-blocking asynchronous message passing.

    Functional meets Reactive

    Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling takes you through the steps teaching you how to think of the domain model in terms of pure functions and how to compose them to build larger abstractions. You will start learning with the basics of functional programming principles and gradually progress to the advanced concepts and patterns that you need to know to implement complex domain models. The book demonstrates how advanced FP patterns like algebraic data types, typeclass based design and isolation of side-effects can make your model compose for readability and verifiability. On the subject of reactive modeling, the book focuses on the higher order concurrency patterns like actors and futures. It uses the Akka framework as the reference implementation and demonstrates how advanced architectural patterns like event sourcing and command-query-responsibility-segregation can be put to great use while implementing scalable models. You will learn techniques that are radically different from the standard RDBMS based applications that are based on mutation of records. You’ll also pick up important patterns like using asynchronous messaging for interaction based on non blocking concurrency and model persistence, which delivers the speed of in-memory processing along with suitable guarantees of reliability.

    Looking forward to an exciting journey with the book. I am sure you will also find interest in the topics that I discuss there. And feel free to jump on to AuthorOnline and fire questions that we all can discuss. I am sure this will also lead to an overall improvement in the quality of the book.

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - Anemic Models and Compositional Domain Behaviors

    I was looking at the presentation that Dean Wampler made recently regarding domain driven design, anemic domain models and how using functional programming principles help ameliorate some of the problems there. There are some statements that he made which, I am sure made many OO practitioners chuckle. They contradict popular beliefs that encourage OOP as the primary way of modeling using DDD principles.

    One statement that resonates a lot with my thought is "DDD encourages understanding of the domain, but don't implement the models". DDD does a great job in encouraging developers to understand the underlying domain model and ensuring a uniform vocabulary throughout the lifecycle of design and implementation. This is what design patterns also do by giving you a vocabulary that you can heartily exchange with your fellow developers without influencing any bit of implementation of the underlying pattern.

    On the flip side of it, trying to implement DDD concepts using standard techniques of OO with joined state and behavior often gives you a muddled mutable model. The model may be rich from the point of view that you will find all concepts related to the particular domain abstraction baked in the class you are modeling. But it makes the class fragile as well since the abstraction becomes more locally focused losing the global perspective of reusability and composability. As a result when you try to compose multiple abstractions within the domain service layer, it becomes too much polluted with glue code that resolves the impedance mismatch between class boundaries.

    So when Dean claims "Models should be anemic", I think he means to avoid this bundling of state and behavior within the domain object that gives you the false sense of security of richness of the model. He encourages the practice that builds domain objects to have the state only while you model behaviors using standalone functions.

    One other strawman argument that I come across very frequently is that bundling state and behavior by modeling the latter as methods of the class increases encapsulation. If you are still a believer of this school of thought, have a look at Scott Meyer's excellent article which he wrote as early as 2000. He eschews the view that a class is the right level of modularization and encourages more powerful module systems as better containers of your domain behaviors.

    As continuation of my series on functional domain modeling, we continue with the example of the earlier posts and explore the theme that Dean discusses ..

    Here's the anemic domain model of the Order abstraction ..

    case class Order(orderNo: String, orderDate: Date, customer: Customer, 
      lineItems: Vector[LineItem], shipTo: ShipTo, 
      netOrderValue: Option[BigDecimal] = None, status: OrderStatus = Placed)

    In the earlier posts we discussed how to implement the Specification and Aggregate Patterns of DDD using functional programming principles. We also discussed how to do functional updates of aggregates using data structures like Lens. In this post we will use these as the building blocks, use more functional patterns and build larger behaviors that model the ubiquitous language of the domain. After all, one of the basic principles behind DDD is to lift the domain model vocabulary into your implementation so that the functionality becomes apparent to the developer maintaining your model.

    The core idea is to validate the assumption that building domain behaviors as standalone functions leads to an effective realization of the domain model according to the principles of DDD. The base classes of the model contain only the states that can be mutated functionally. All domain behaviors are modeled through functions that reside within the module that represents the aggregate.

    Functions compose and that's precisely how we will chain sequence of domain behaviors to build bigger abstractions out of smaller ones. Here's a small function that values an Order. Note it returns a Kleisli, which essentially gives us a composition over monadic functions. So instead of composing a -> b and b -> c, which we do with normal function composition, we can do the same over a -> m b and b -> m c, where m is a monad. Composition with effects if you may say so.

    def valueOrder = Kleisli[ProcessingStatus, Order, Order] {order =>
      val o = orderLineItems.set(
      ) match {
        case Some(_) => right(o)
        case _ => left("Missing value for items")

    But what does that buy us ? What exactly do we gain from these functional patterns ? It's the power to abstract over families of similar abstractions like applicatives and monads. Well, that may sound a bit rhetoric and it needs a separate post to justify their use. Stated simply, they encapsulate effects and side-effects of your computation so that you can focus on the domain behavior itself. Have a look at the process function below - it's actually a composition of monadic functions in action. But all the machinery that does the processing of effects and side-effects are abstracted within the Kleisli itself so that the user level implementation is simple and concise.

    With Kleisli it's the power to compose over monadic functions. Every domain behavior has a chance of failure, which we model using the Either monad - here ProcessingStatus is just a type alias for this .. type ProcessingStatus[S] = \/[String, S]. Using the Kleisli, we don't have to write any code for handling failures. As you will see below, the composition is just like the normal functions - the design pattern takes care of alternate flows.

    Once the Order is valued, we need to apply discounts to qualifying items. It's another behavior that follows the same pattern of implementation as valueOrder.

    def applyDiscounts = Kleisli[ProcessingStatus, Order, Order] {order =>
      val o = orderLineItems.set(
      ) match {
        case Some(_) => right(o)
        case _ => left("Missing discount for items")

    Finally we check out the Order ..

    def checkOut = Kleisli[ProcessingStatus, Order, Order] {order =>
      val netOrderValue = order.lineItems.foldLeft(BigDecimal(0).some) {(s, i) => 
        s |+| (i.value |+| => Tags.Multiplication(BigDecimal(-1)) |+| Tags.Multiplication(d)))
      right(orderNetValue.set(order, netOrderValue))

    And here's the service method that composes all of the above domain behaviors into the big abstraction. We don't have any object to instantiate. Just plain function composition that results in an expression modeling the entire flow of events. And it's the cleanliness of abstraction that makes the code readable and succinct.

    def process(order: Order) = {
      (valueOrder andThen 
         applyDiscounts andThen checkOut) =<< right(orderStatus.set(order, Validated))
    In case you are interested in the full source code of this small example, feel free to take a peek at my github repo.

    Sunday, April 06, 2014

    Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - Immutable Aggregates and Functional Updates

    In the last post I looked at a pattern that enforces constraints to ensure domain objects honor the domain rules. But what exactly is a domain object ? What should be the granularity of an object that my solution model should expose so that it makes sense to a domain user ? After all, the domain model should speak the language of the domain. We may have a cluster of entities modeling various concepts of the domain. But only some of them can be published as abstractions to the user of the model. The others can be treated as implementation artifacts and are best hidden under the covers of the published ones.

    An aggregate in domain driven design is a published abstraction that provides a single point of interaction to a specific domain concept. Considering the classes I introduced in the last post, an Order is an aggregate. It encapsulates the details that an Order is composed of in the real world (well, only barely in this example, which is only for illustration purposes :-)).

    Note an aggregate can consist of other aggregates - e.g. we have a Customer instance within an Order. Eric Evans in his book on Domain Driven Design provides an excellent discussion of what constitutes an Aggregate.

    Functional Updates of Aggregates with Lens

    This is not a post about Aggregates and how they fit in the realm of domain driven design. In this post I will talk about how to use some patterns to build immutable aggregates. Immutable data structures offer a lot of advantages, so build your aggregates ground up as immutable objects. Algebraic Data Type (ADT) is one of the patterns to build immutable aggregate objects. Primarily coming from the domain of functional programming, ADTs offer powerful techniques of pattern matching that help you match values against patterns and bind variables to successful matches. In Scala we use case classes as ADTs that give immutable objects out of the box ..

    case class Order(orderNo: String, orderDate: Date, customer: Customer, 
      lineItems: Vector[LineItem], shipTo: ShipTo, netOrderValue: Option[BigDecimal] = None, 
      status: OrderStatus = Placed)

    Like all good aggregates, we need to provide a single point of interaction to users. Of course we can access all properties using accessors of case classes. But what about updates ? We can update the orderNo of an order like this ..

    val o = Order( .. )
    o.copy(orderNo = newOrderNo)

    which gives us a copy of the original order with the new order no. We don't mutate the original order. But anybody having some knowledge of Scala will realize that this becomes pretty clunky when we have to deal with nested object updation. e.g in the above case, ShipTo is defined as follows ..

    case class Address(number: String, street: String, city: String, zip: String)
    case class ShipTo(name: String, address: Address)

    So, here you go in order to update the zip code of a ShipTo ..

    val s = ShipTo("abc", Address("123", "Monroe Street", "Denver", "80233"))
    s.copy(address = s.address.copy(zip = "80231"))

    Not really pleasing and can go off bounds in comprehensibility pretty soon.

    In our domain model we use an abstraction called a Lens for updating Aggregates. In very layman's terms, a lens is an encapsulated get and set combination. The get extracts a small part from a larger whole, while the set transforms the larger abstraction with a smaller part taken as a parameter.

    case class Lens[A, B](get: A => B, set: (A, B) => A)

    This is a naive definition of a Lens in Scala. Sophisticated lens designs go a long way to ensure proper abstraction and composition. scalaz provides one such implementation out of the box that exploits the similarity in structure between the get and the set to generalize the lens definition in terms of another abstraction named Store. As it happens so often in functional programming, Store happens to abstract yet another pattern called the Comonad. You can think of a Comonad as the inverse of a Monad. But in case you are more curious, and have wondered how lenses form "the Coalgebras for the Store Comonad", have a look at the 2 papers here and here.

    Anyway for us mere domain modelers, we will use the Lens implementation as in scalaz .. here's a lens that helps us update the OrderStatus within an Order ..

    val orderStatus = Lens.lensu[Order, OrderStatus] (
      (o, value) => o.copy(status = value),

    and use it as follows ..

    val o = Order( .. )
    orderStatus.set(o, Placed)

    will change the status field of the Order to Placed. Let's have a look at some of the compositional properties of a lens which help us write readable code for functionally updating nested structures.

    Composition of Lenses

    First let's define some individual lenses ..

    // lens for updating a ShipTo of an Order
    val orderShipTo = Lens.lensu[Order, ShipTo] (
      (o, sh) => o.copy(shipTo = sh),
    // lens for updating an address of a ShipTo
    val shipToAddress = Lens.lensu[ShipTo, Address] (
      (sh, add) => sh.copy(address = add),
    // lens for updating a city of an address
    val addressToCity = Lens.lensu[Address, String] (
      (add, c) => add.copy(city = c),

    And now we compose them to define a lens that directly updates the city of a ShipTo belonging to an Order ..

    // compositionality FTW
    def orderShipToCity = orderShipTo andThen shipToAddress andThen addressToCity

    Now updating a city of a ShipTo in an Order is as simple and expressive as ..

    val o = Order( .. )
    orderShipToCity.set(o, "London")

    The best part of using such compositional data structures is that it makes your domain model implementation readable and expressive to the users of your API. And yet your aggregate remains immutable.

    Let's look at another use case when the nested object is a collection. scalaz offers partial lenses that you can use for such composition. Here's an example where we build a lens that updates the value member within a LineItem of an Order. A LineItem is defined as ..

    case class LineItem(item: Item, quantity: BigDecimal, value: Option[BigDecimal] = None, 
      discount: Option[BigDecimal] = None)

    and an Order has a collection of LineItems. Let's define a lens that updates the value within a LineItem ..

    val lineItemValue = Lens.lensu[LineItem, Option[BigDecimal]] (
      (l, v) => l.copy(value = v),

    and then compose it with a partial lens that helps us update a specific item within a vector. Note how we convert our lineItemValue lens to a partial lens using the unary operator ~ ..

    // a lens that updates the value in a specific LineItem within an Order 
    def lineItemValues(i: Int) = ~lineItemValue compose vectorNthPLens(i)

    Now we can use this composite lens to functionally update the value field of each of the items in a Vector of LineItems using some specific business rules ..

    (0 to lis.length - 1).foldLeft(lis) {(s, i) => 
      val li = lis(i)
      lineItemValues(i).set(s, unitPrice(li.item).map(_ * li.quantity)).getOrElse(s)

    In this post we saw how we can handle aggregates functionally and without any in-place mutation. This keeps the model pure and helps us implement domain models that has sane behavior even in concurrent settings without any explicit use of locks and semaphores. In the next post we will take a look at how we can use such compositional structures to make the domain model speak the ubiquitous language of the domain - another pattern recommended by Eric Evans in domain driven design.

    Monday, March 31, 2014

    Functional Patterns in Domain Modeling - The Specification Pattern

    When you model a domain, you model its entities and behaviors. As Eric Evans mentions in his book Domain Driven Design, the focus is on the domain itself. The model that you design and implement must speak the ubiquitous language so that the essence of the domain is not lost in the myriads of incidental complexities that your implementation enforces. While being expressive the model needs to be extensible too. And when we talk about extensibility, one related attribute is compositionality.

    Functions compose more naturally than objects and In this post I will use functional programming idioms to implement one of the patterns that form the core of domain driven design - the Specification pattern, whose most common use case is to implement domain validation. Eric's book on DDD says regarding the Specification pattern ..
    It has multiple uses, but one that conveys the most basic concept is that a SPECIFICATION can test any object to see if it satisfies the specified criteria.
    A specification is defined as a predicate, whereby business rules can be combined by chaining them together using boolean logic. So there's a concept of composition and we can talk about Composite Specification when we talk about this pattern. Various literature on DDD implement this using the Composite design pattern so commonly implemented using class hierarchies and composition. In this post we will use function composition instead.

    Specification - Where ?

    One of the very common confusions that we have when we design a model is where to keep the validation code of an aggregate root or any entity, for that matter.
    • Should we have the validation as part of the entity ? No, it makes the entity bloated. Also validations may vary based on some context, while the core of the entity remains the same.
    • Should we have validations as part of the interface ? May be we consume JSON and build entities out of it. Indeed some validations can belong to the interface and don't hesitate to put them there.
    • But the most interesting validations are those that belong to the domain layer. They are business validations (or specifications), which Eric Evans defines as something that "states a constraint on the state of another object". They are business rules which the entity needs to honor in order to proceed to the next stage of processing.
    We consider the following simple example. We take an Order entity and the model identifies the following domain "specifications" that a new Order must satisfy before being thrown into the processing pipeline:

    1. it must be a valid order obeying the constraints that the domain requires e.g. valid date, valid no of line items etc.
    2. it must be approved by a valid approving authority - only then it proceeds to the next stage of the pipeline
    3. customer status check must be passed to ensure that the customer is not black-listed
    4. the line items from the order must be checked against inventory to see if the order can be fulfilled
    These are the separate steps that are to be done in sequence by the order processing pipeline as pre-order checks before the actual order is ready for fulfilment. A failure in any of them takes the order out of the pipeline and the process stops there. So the model that we will design needs to honor the sequence as well as check all constraints that need to be done as part of every step.

    An important point to note here is that none of the above steps mutate the order - so every specification gets a copy of the original Order object as input, on which it checks some domain rules and determines if it's suitable to be passed to the next step of the pipeline.

    Jumping on to the implementation ..

    Let's take down some implementation notes from what we learnt above ..

    • The Order can be an immutable entity at least for this sequence of operations
    • Every specification needs an order, can we can pull some trick out of our hat which prevents this cluttering of API by passing an Order instance to every specification in the sequence ?
    • Since we plan to use functional programming principles, how can we model the above sequence as an expression so that our final result still remains composable with the next process of order fulfilment (which we will discuss in a future post) ?
    • All these functions look like having similar signatures - we need to make them compose with each other
    Before I present more of any explanation or theory, here are the basic building blocks which will implement the notes that we took after talking to the domain experts ..

    type ValidationStatus[S] = \/[String, S]
    type ReaderTStatus[A, S] = ReaderT[ValidationStatus, A, S]
    object ReaderTStatus extends KleisliInstances with KleisliFunctions {
      def apply[A, S](f: A => ValidationStatus[S]): ReaderTStatus[A, S] = kleisli(f)

    ValidationStatus defines the type that we will return from each of the functions. It's either some status S or an error string that explains what went wrong. It's actually an Either type (right biased) as implemented in scalaz.

    One of the things which we thought will be cool is to avoid repeating the Order parameter for every method when we invoke the sequence. And one of the idioamtic ways of doing it is to use the Reader monad. But here we already have a monad - \/ is a monad. So we need to stack them together using a monad transformer. ReaderT does this job and ReaderTStatus defines the type that somehow makes our life easier by combining the two of them.

    The next step is an implementation of ReaderTStatus, which we do in terms of another abstraction called Kleisli. We will use the scalaz library for this, which implements ReaderT in terms of Kleisli. I will not go into the details of this implementation - in case you are curious, refer to this excellent piece by Eugene.

    So, how does one sample specification look like ?

    Before going into that, here are some basic abstractions, grossly simplified only for illustration purposes ..

    // the base abstraction
    sealed trait Item {
      def itemCode: String
    // sample implementations
    case class ItemA(itemCode: String, desc: Option[String], 
      minPurchaseUnit: Int) extends Item
    case class ItemB(itemCode: String, desc: Option[String], 
      nutritionInfo: String) extends Item
    case class LineItem(item: Item, quantity: Int)
    case class Customer(custId: String, name: String, category: Int)
    // a skeleton order
    case class Order(orderNo: String, orderDate: Date, customer: Customer, 
      lineItems: List[LineItem])

    And here's a specification that checks some of the constraints on the Order object ..

    // a basic validation
    private def validate = ReaderTStatus[Order, Boolean] {order =>
      if (order.lineItems isEmpty) left(s"Validation failed for order $order") 
      else right(true)

    It's just for illustration and does not contain much domain rules. The important part is how we use the above defined types to implement the function. Order is not an explicit argument to the function - it's curried. The function returns a ReaderTStatus, which itself is a monad and hence allows us to sequence in the pipeline with other specifications. So we get the requirement of sequencing without breaking out of the expression oriented programming style.

    Here are a few other specifications based on the domain knowledge that we have gathered ..

    private def approve = ReaderTStatus[Order, Boolean] {order =>
    private def checkCustomerStatus(customer: Customer) = ReaderTStatus[Order, Boolean] {order =>
    private def checkInventory = ReaderTStatus[Order, Boolean] {order =>

    Wiring them together

    But how do we wire these pieces together so that we have the sequence of operations that the domain mandates and yet all goodness of compositionality in our model ? It's actually quite easy since we have already done the hard work of defining the appropriate types that compose ..

    Here's the isReadyForFulfilment method that defines the composite specification and invokes all the individual specifications in sequence using for-comprehension, which, as you all know does the monadic bind in Scala and gives us the final expression that needs to be evaluated for the Order supplied.

    def isReadyForFulfilment(order: Order) = {
      val s = for {
        _ <- validate
        _ <- approve
        _ <- checkCustomerStatus(order.customer)
        c <- checkInventory
      } yield c

    So we have the monadic bind implement the sequencing without breaking the compositionality of the abstractions. In the next instalment we will see how this can be composed with the downstream processing of the order that will not only read stuff from the entity but mutate it too, of course in a functional way.

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    Property based testing for domain models

    One of the challenges that we face building a non trivial domain model is to write proper tests that verify the domain rules that the model implements. The domain rules can be quite complex, may have a number of edge cases which the developer himself may fail to take care of. When you use an implementation language that supports a decent type system, many of the rules and invariants can be encoded statically within the type system itself. This makes it impossible for the programmer to write any code that violates those constraints. But you can only encode some of the domain rules as part of your static type based constraints - you need to complement them with a testing procedure that validates the semantic behavior of the model.

    If you are doing testing manually, you are doing it wrong. And if you use xUnit based testing procedures, there's enough scope for you to grow up towards better frameworks that offer true automation not only with respect to executing your tests, but generating the data as well.

    Frameworks like QuickCheck in Haskell or ScalaCheck in Scala allows you to write property specifications that the model should satisfy and then generate data to guide evaluation of test executions for correctness as well as completeness. Here's what Bryan O'Sullivan et al mentions when discussing property based testing in their book Real World Haskell ..

    Property-based testing encourages a high level approach to testing in the form of abstract invariants functions should satisfy universally, with the actual test data generated for the programmer by the testing library. In this way code can be hammered with thousands of tests that would be infeasible to write by hand, often uncovering subtle corner cases that wouldn't be found otherwise.

    I have been doing lots of domain modeling on securities trading system. The model is a quite complex one and like the most of us, I started with xUnit based testing to verify some of the invariants and constraints that the system needs to honor. But very quickly I found that properties offer a more succinct way to abstract the constraints and invariants of my model. Hence using a tool like ScalaCheck makes it much simpler once I give it a proper data generator as input. Consider the simple property in the following example ..

    A trade needs to be enriched in its lifecycle with tax/fee values and other attributes. We can then compute its net value which should be a positive numeric quantity.

    property("Enrichment of a trade should result in netvalue > 0") {
      forAll((a: Trade) =>
        enrichTrade(a).netAmount.get should be > (BigDecimal(0)))

    Here I don't need to construct concrete data by hand (in fact this is what makes xUnit based frameworks a sophisticated manual testing system - it only automates the execution part of your testing). Instead what I supply is a trade generator which gives ScalaCheck enough information based on which it can generate loads of trades. A typical simplified version of the trade generator is the following ..

    implicit lazy val arbTrade: Arbitrary[Trade] =
      Arbitrary {
        for {
          a <- Gen.oneOf("acc-01", "acc-02", "acc-03", "acc-04")
          i <- Gen.oneOf("ins-01", "ins-02", "ins-03", "ins-04")
          r <- Gen.oneOf("r-001", "r-002", "r-003")
          m <- arbitrary[Market]
          u <- Gen.oneOf(BigDecimal(1.5), BigDecimal(2), BigDecimal(10))
          q <- Gen.oneOf(BigDecimal(100), BigDecimal(200), BigDecimal(300))
        } yield Trade(a, i, r, m, u, q)

    I can make more sophisticated properties and ask the system to check whether the model satisfies the property or not ..

    property("Enrichment should mean netValue equals principal + taxes") {
      forAll((a: Trade) => {
        val et = enrichTrade(a)
        et.netAmount should equal (, b) => a + b._2)))

    This is a direct encoding of the business rule, which the domain model needs to satisfy. And using properties we can encode the verification in a more declarative fashion, and that too without bothering about how to generate concrete data for all the test cases.

    Crosscutting Property Verification

    When we talk about properties of the model, we can go all the way and write specifications for properties at all levels of granularity. It can be a local property limited to one module or it can be a system wide property, an invariant that holds good across multiple components. What I want to say is that property based testing can be very effective in system testing (or integration testing) as well.

    In our system, we have Client Orders coming in that get executed in the stock exchanges resulting in broker side executions, which then get allocated to client accounts resulting in client trades. A succinct implementation of this entire flow can be the following ..

    def tradeGeneration(market: Market, broker: Account, clientAccounts: List[Account]) =
      // client orders           executed at market by broker        & allocated to client accounts
      kleisli(clientOrders) >=> kleisli(execute(market)(broker)) >=> kleisli(allocate(clientAccounts))

    We can use property based specification to test this entire lifecycle using ScalaCheck. Let's check for one of the invariants in this entire process -

    Invariant: "The total quantity of order will be equal to the total quantity traded"

    and here's the specification of the property in ScalaCheck ..

    property("Client trade allocation in the trade pipeline should maintain quantity invariant") {
      forAll { (clientOrders: List[ClientOrder], args: (Market, Account, List[Account])) =>
        whenever (clientOrders.size > 0 && args._2.size > 0 && args._3.size > 0) {
          val trades = tradeGeneration(args._1, args._2, args._3)(clientOrders)
          trades.size should be > 0
          (trades.sequence[({type λ[a]=Validation[NonEmptyList[String],a]})#λ, Trade]) match {
            case Success(l) => {
              val tradeQuantity =
              val orderQuantity = fromClientOrders(clientOrders).map(_.items)
              tradeQuantity should equal(orderQuantity)
            case _ => fail("should get a list of size > 0")
    The properties are the domain rules and these can be prepared by the domain experts. I am a firm believer in collaborative involvement of domain experts in building the model. I have advocated the use of domain specific languages as a thin linguistic abstraction on top of a domain model that should be built iteratively with the domain experts. Property based testing is the third piece that completes the solution framework of developing complete domain models. Property based testing strengthens this view of increased involvement of the domain people in building the software. At the end of the day, leave everything to the respective experts - the domain people specifies properties and invariants, the developer implements the specification and the underlying test framework does the heavy lifting of generating enough data and automate the execution process.

    Sunday, January 15, 2012

    Event Sourcing, Akka FSMs and functional domain models

    I blogged on Event Sourcing and functional domain models earlier. In this post I would like to share more of my thoughts on the same subject and how with a higher level of abstraction you can make your domain aggregate boundary more resilient and decoupled from external references.

    When we talk about a domain model, the Aggregate takes the centerstage. An aggregate is a core abstraction that represents the time invariant part of the domain. It's an embodiment of all states that the aggregate can be in throughout its lifecycle in the system. So, it's extremely important that we take every pain to distil the domain model and protect the aggregate from all unwanted external references. Maybe an example will make it clearer.

    Keeping the Aggregate pure

    Consider a Trade model as the aggregate. By Trade, I mean a security trade that takes place in the stock exchange where counterparties exchange securities and currencies for settlement. If you're a regular reader of my blog, you must be aware of this, since this is almost exclusively the domain that I talk of in my blog posts.

    A trade can be in various states like newly entered, value date added, enriched with tax and fee information, net trade value computed etc. In a trading application, as a trade passes through the processing pipeline, it moves from one state to another. The final state represents the complete Trade object which is ready to be settled between the counterparties.

    In the traditional model of processing we have the final snapshot of the aggregate - what we don't have is the audit log of the actual state transitions that happened in response to the events. With event sourcing we record the state transitions as a pipeline of events which can be replayed any time to rollback or roll-forward to any state of our choice. Event sourcing is coming up as one of the potent ways to model a system and there are lots of blog posts being written to discuss about the various architectural strategies to implement an event sourced application.

    That's ok. But whose responsibility is it to manage these state transitions and record the timeline of changes ? It's definitely not the responsibility of the aggregate. The aggregate is supposed to be a pure abstraction. We must design it as an immutable object that can respond to events and transform itself into the new state. In fact the aggregate implementation should not be aware of whether it's serving an event sourced architecture or not.

    There are various ways you can model the states of an aggregate. One option that's frequently used involves algebraic data types. Model the various states as a sum type of products. In Scala we do this as case classes ..

    sealed abstract class Trade {
      def account: Account
      def instrument: Instrument
    case class NewTrade(..) extends Trade {
    case class EnrichedTrade(..) extends Trade {

    Another option may be to have one data type to model the Trade and model states as immutable enumerations with changes being effected on the aggregate as functional updates. No in place mutation, but use functional data structures like zippers or type lenses to create the transformed object in the new state. Here's an example where we create an enriched trade out of a newly created one ..

    // closure that enriches a trade
    val enrichTrade: Trade => Trade = {trade =>
      val taxes = for {
        taxFeeIds      <- forTrade // get the tax/fee ids for a trade
        taxFeeValues   <- taxFeeCalculate // calculate tax fee values
      yield(taxFeeIds ° taxFeeValues)
      val t = taxFeeLens.set(trade, taxes(trade))
      netAmountLens.set(t,, b) => a + b._2)))

    But then we come back to the same question - if the aggregate is distilled to model the core domain, who handles the events ? Someone needs to model the event changes, effect the state transitions and take the aggregate from one state to the next.

    Enter Finite State Machines

    In one of my projects I used the domain service layer to do this. The domain logic for effecting the changes lies with the aggregate, but they are invoked from the domain service in response to events when the aggregate reaches specific states. In other words I model the domain service as a finite state machine that manages the lifecycle of the aggregate.

    In our example a Trading Service can be modeled as an FSM that controls the lifecycle of a Trade. As the following ..

    import TradeModel._
    class TradeLifecycle(trade: Trade, timeout: Duration, log: Option[EventLog]) 
      extends Actor with FSM[TradeState, Trade] {
      import FSM._
      startWith(Created, trade)
      when(Created) {
        case Event(e@AddValueDate, data) =>
, Created, Some(data), e))
          val trd = addValueDate(data)
          goto(ValueDateAdded) using trd forMax(timeout)
      when(ValueDateAdded) {
        case Event(StateTimeout, _) =>
        case Event(e@EnrichTrade, data) =>
, ValueDateAdded, None,  e))
          val trd = enrichTrade(data)
          goto(Enriched) using trd forMax(timeout)
      when(Enriched) {
        case Event(StateTimeout, _) =>
        case Event(e@SendOutContractNote, data) =>
, Enriched, None,  e))
          sender ! data

    The snippet above contains a lot of other details which I did not have time to prune. It's actually part of the implementation of an event sourced trading application that uses asynchronous messaging (actors) as the backbone for event logging and reaching out to multiple consumers based on the CQRS paradigm.

    Note that the FSM model above makes it very explicit about the states that the Trade model can reach and the events that it handles while in each of these states. Also we can use this FSM technique to log events (for event sourcing), notify listeners about the events (CQRS) in a very much declarative manner as implemented above.

    Let me know in the comments what are your views on this FSM approach towards handling state transitions in domain models. I think it helps keep aggregates pure and helps design domain services that focus on serving specific aggregate roots.

    I will be talking about similar stuff, Akka actor based event sourcing implementations and functional domain models in PhillyETE 2012. Please drop by if this interests you.

    Wednesday, December 01, 2010

    Composable domain models using scalaz

    I have been having some solid fun working through scalaz - it's possibly as close you can get to Haskell with a postfunctional language like Scala, which also supports object oriented paradigms. One of the ways I do learn languages is by developing domain models using the idioms that the language offers and try to make the model as expressive as possible. I pick up domains on which I have worked before - so I have an idea of how much I can gain in epressivity using the new language compared to implementations in older languages.

    Securities trading is a domain on which I have been working since the last 10 years. I have implemented domain models of securities trading back office systems in Java and Scala. It's time to add scalaz to the mix and see how much more functional my model turns out to be. I have created a playground for this - tryscalaz is a repository on my github that hosts some of my experiments with scalaz. I have started building a domain model for trading systems. It's far from being a realistic one for production use - its main purpose is to make myself more conversant with scalaz.

    Scalaz is a wonderful experiment - it's definitely what functional Scala programs should look like. It has a small but wonderful community - Jason (@retronym) and Runar (@runarorama) always help me proactively both on the mailing list and on Twitter.

    I am not going into every detail of how my trade domain model shapes up with Scalaz. I implemented a similar domain model in Haskell very recently and documented it here, here and here on my blog. If nothing else, it will help you compare the various aspects of both the implementations.

    In this post let me go through some of the features of Scalaz that I found wonderfully expressive to model your domain constraints. You can get a lot out of using Scala only. But with Scalaz, you can take your composition at a much higher level through the various combinators that it offers as part of implementing typeclasses for functors, applicatives, monads and arrows. I haven't yet explored all of these abstractions - yet many of those are already very useful in making your domain models concise, yet expressive.

    Here's some example of composition using the higher order functions that Scalaz offers ..

    Note how we can compose the functions much like the Haskell way that I described in the earlier posts. In the above composition, I used map, which we can do in Scala for lists or options which explicitly support a map operation that maps a function over the collection. With scalaz we can use mapping of a function over any A of kind *->* for which there exists a Functor[A]. Scala supports higher kinds and scalaz uses it to make map available more generally than what you get in the Scala standard library.

    Now let's infuse some more Scalaz magic into it. Frequently we need to do the same operations on a list of trades, which means that instead of just a map, we need to lift the functions through another level of indirection. Much like ..

    Note how the functions forTrade, taxFees etc. get lifted into the List of Options.

    Another nice feature that becomes extremely useful with scalaz in a domain model is the use of non-breaking error handling. This is made elegant by designing the Validation[] abstraction as an applicative functor. You can design your validation functions of the domain model as returning an instance of Validation[]. They can then be wired together in a variety of ways to implement accumulation of all failures before reporting to the user .. Here's a simple example from the Trade domain model ..

    Validation[] in scalaz works much like Either[], but has a more expressive interface that specifies the success and error types explicitly ..

    You can use Validation[] in comprehensions or as an applicative functor and wire up your domain validation logic in a completely functional way. Here's how our above validations work on the REPL ..

    When we have invalid trade arguments all validation errors are accumulated and then reported to the user. If all arguments are valid, then we have a valid Trade instance as success. Cool stuff .. a recipe that I would like to have as part of my domain modeling everytime I start a new project ..

    Monday, November 01, 2010

    Domain Modeling in Haskell - Applicative Functors for Expressive Business Rules

    In my last post on domain modeling in Haskell, we had seen how to create a factory for creation of trades that creates Trade from an association list. We used monadic lifts (liftM) and monadic apply (ap) to chain our builder that builds up the Trade data. Here's what we did ..

    makeTrade :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> Maybe Trade
    makeTrade alist =
        Trade `liftM` lookup1 "account"                      alist
                 `ap` lookup1 "instrument"                   alist
                 `ap` (read `liftM` (lookup1 "market"        alist))
                 `ap` lookup1 "ref_no"                       alist
                 `ap` (read `liftM` (lookup1 "unit_price"    alist))
                 `ap` (read `liftM` (lookup1 "quantity"      alist))

    lookup1 key alist = case lookup key alist of
                          Just (Just s@(_:_)) -> Just s
                          _ -> Nothing

    Immediately after the post, I got some useful feedback on Twitter suggesting the use of applicatives instead of monads. A Haskell newbie, that I am, this needed some serious explorations into the wonderful world of functors and applicatives. In this post let's explore some of the goodness that applicatives offer, how using applicative style of programming encourages a more functional feel and why you should always use applicatives unless you need the special power that monads offer.

    Functors and Applicatives

    In Haskell a functor is a typeclass defined as

    class Functor f where
      fmap :: (-> b) -> f a -> f b

    fmap lifts a pure function into a computational context. For more details on functors, applicatives and all of typeclasses, refer to the Typeclassopedia that Brent Yorgey has written. In the following text, I will be using examples from our domain model of securities trading. After all, I am trying to explore how Haskell can be used to build expressive domain models with a very popular domain at hand.

    Consider the association list rates from our domain model in my last post, which stores pairs of tax/fee and the applicable rates as percentage on the principal.

    *Main> rates

    We would like to increase all rates by 10%. fmap is our friend here ..

    *Main> fmap (\(tax, amount) -> (tax, amount * 1.1)) rates

    This works since List is an instance of the Functor typeclass. The anonymous function gets lifted into the computational context of the List data type. But the code looks too verbose, since we have to destructure the tuple within the anonymous function and thread the increment logic manually within it. We can increase the level of abstraction by making the tuple itself a functor. In fact it's so in Haskell and the function gets applied to the second component of the tuple. Here's the more idiomatic version ..

    *Main> ((1.1*) <$>) <$> rates

    Note how we lift the function across 2 levels of functors - a list and within that, a tuple. fmap does the magic! The domain model becomes expressive through the power of Haskell's higher level of abstractions.

    Applicatives add more power to functors. While functors lift pure functions, with applicatives you can lift functions from one context into another. Here's how you define the Applicative typeclass.

    class Functor f => Applicative f where
      pure :: a -> f a
      (<*>) :: f (-> b) -> f a -> f b

    Note pure is the equivalent of a return in monads, while <*> equals ap.

    Control.Applicative also defines a helper function <$>, which is basically an infix version of fmap. The idea is to help write functions in applicative style.

    (<$>) :: Applicative f => (-> b) -> f a -> f b

    Follow the types and see that f <$> u is the same as pure f <*> u.

    Note also the following equivalence of fmap and <$> ..

    *Main> fmap (+3) [1,2,3,4]

    *Main> (+3) <$> [1,2,3,4]

    Using the applicative style our makeTrade function becomes the following ..

    makeTrade :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> Maybe Trade
    makeTrade alist =
        Trade <$> lookup1 "account"                   alist
                 <*> lookup1 "instrument"             alist
                 <*> (read <$> (lookup1 "market"      alist))
                 <*> lookup1 "ref_no"                 alist
                 <*> (read <$> (lookup1 "unit_price"  alist))
                 <*> (read <$> (lookup1 "quantity"    alist))

    Can you figure out how the above invocation works ? As I said before, follow the types ..

    Trade is a pure function and <$> lifts Trade onto the first invocation of lookup1, which is a Maybe functor. The result is another Maybe, which BTW is an Applicative functor as well. Then the rest of the chain continues through partial application and an applicative lifting from one context to another.

    Why choose Applicatives over Monads ?

    One reason is that there are more applicatives than monads. Monads are more powerful - using (>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b you can influence the structure of your overall computation, while with applicatives your structure remains fixed. You only get sequencing of effects with an applicative functor. As an exercise try exploring the differences in the behavior of makeTrade function implemented using monadic lifts and applicatives when lookup1 has some side-effecting operations. Conor McBride and Ross Paterson has a great explanation in their functional pearl paper Applicative Programming with Effects. Applicatives being more in number, you have more options of abstracting your domain model.

    In our example domain model, suppose we have the list of tax/fees and the list of rates for each of them. And we would like to build our rates data structure. ZipList applicative comes in handy here .. ZipList is an applicative defined as follows ..

    instance Applicative ZipList where  
      pure x = ZipList (repeat x)  
      ZipList fs <*> ZipList xs = ZipList (zipWith (\f x -> f x) fs xs)  

    *Main> getZipList $ (,) <$> ZipList [TradeTax, Commission, VAT] <*> ZipList [0.2, 0.15, 0.1]

    ZipList is an applicative and NOT a monad.

    Another important reason to choose applicatives over monads (but only when possible) is that applicatives compose, monads don't (except for certain pairs). The McBride and Paterson paper has lots of discussions on this.

    Finally programs written with applicatives often have a more functional feel than some of the monads with the do notation (that has an intrinsically imperative feel). Have a look at the following snippet which does the classical do-style first and then follows it up with the applicative style using applicative functors.

    -- classical imperative IO
    notice = do
      trade <- getTradeStr
      forClient <- getClientStr
      putStrLn $ "Trade " ++ trade ++ forClient

    -- using applicative style
    notice = do
      details <- (++) <$> getTradeStr <*> getClientStr
      putStrLn $ "Trade " ++ details

    McBride and Paterson has the final say on how to choose monads or applicatives in your design .. "The moral is this: if you’ve got an Applicative functor, that’s good; if you’ve also got a Monad, that’s even better! And the dual of the moral is this: if you want a Monad, that’s good; if you only want an Applicative functor, that’s even better!"

    Applicative Functors for Expressive Business Rules

    As an example from our domain model, we can write the following applicative snippet for calculating the net amount of a trade created using makeTrade ..

    *Main> let trd = makeTrade [("account", Just "a-123"), ("instrument", Just "IBM"), 
                       ("market", Just "Singapore"), ("ref_no", Just "r-123"), 
                       ("unit_price", Just "12.50"), ("quantity", Just "200" )]
    *Main> netAmount <$> enrichWith . taxFees . forTrade <$> trd
    Just 3625.0

    Note how the chain of functions get lifted into trd (Maybe Trade) that's created by makeTrade. This is possible since Maybe is an applicative functor. The beauty of applicative functors is that you can abstract this lifting into any of them. Let's lift the chain of invocation into a list of trades generating a list of net amount values for each of them. Remember List is also another applicative functor in Haskell. For a great introduction to applicatives and functors, go read Learn Yourself a Haskell for Great Good.

    *Main> (netAmount <$> enrichWith . taxFees . forTrade <$>) <$> [trd2, trd3]
    [Just 3625.0,Just 3375.0]

    Look how we have the minimum of syntax with this applicative style. This makes business rules very expressive and not entangled into a maze of accidental complexity.