Showing posts with label dao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dao. Show all posts

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Generic Repository and DDD - Revisited

Greg Young talks about the generic repository pattern and how to reduce the architectural seam of the contract between the domain layer and the persistence layer. The Repository is the contract of the domain layer with the persistence layer - hence it makes sense to have the contract of the repository as close to the domain as possible. Instead of a contract as opaque as Repository.FindAllMatching(QueryObject o), it is always recommended that the domain layer looks at something self revealing as CustomerRepository.getCustomerByName(String name) that explicitly states out the participating entities of the domain. +1 on all his suggestions.

However, he suggests using composition, instead of inheritance to encourage reuse along with encapsulation of the implementation details within the repository itself .. something like the following (Java ized)

public class CustomerRepository implements ICustomerRepository {
  private Repository<Customer> internalGenericRepository;

  public IEnumerable<Customer> getCustomersWithFirstNameOf(string _Name) {
      new CustomerFirstNameOfQuery(_Name)); //could be hql or whatever

Quite some time ago, I had a series of blogs on DDD, JPA and how to use generic repositories as an implementation artifact. I had suggested the use of the Bridge pattern to allow independent evolution of the interface and the implementation hierarchies. The interface side of the bridge will model the domain aspect of the repository and will ultimately terminate at the contracts that the domain layer will use. The implementation side of the bridge will allow for multiple implementations of the generic repository, e.g. JPA, native Hibernate or even, with some tweaking, some other storage technologies like CouchDB or the file system. After all, the premise of the Repository is to offer a transparent storage and retrieval engine, so that the domain layer always has the feel that it is operating on an in-memory collection.

// root of the repository interface
public interface IRepository<T> {
  List<T> read(String query, Object[] params);

public class Repository<T> implements IRepository<T> {

  private RepositoryImpl repositoryImpl;

  public List<T> read(String query, Object[] params) {
    return, params);


Base class of the implementation side of the Bridge ..

public abstract class RepositoryImpl {
  public abstract <T> List<T> read(String query, Object[] params);

One concrete implementation using JPA ..

public class JpaRepository extends RepositoryImpl {

  // to be injected through DI in Spring
  private EntityManagerFactory factory;

  public <T> List<T> read(String query, Object[] params) {

Another implementation using Hibernate. We can have similar implementations for a file system based repository as well ..

public class HibernateRepository extends RepositoryImpl {
  public <T> List<T> read(String query, Object[] params) {
    // .. hibernate based implementation

Domain contract for the repository of the entity Restaurant. It is not opaque or narrow, uses the Ubiquitous language and is self-revealing to the domain user ..

public interface IRestaurantRepository {
  List<Restaurant> restaurantsByName(final String name);

A concrete implementation of the above interface. Implemented in terms of the implementation artifacts of the Bridge pattern. At the same time the implementation is not hardwired with any specific concrete repository engine (e.g. JPA or filesystem). This wiring will be done during runtime using dependency injection.

public class RestaurantRepository extends Repository<Restaurant>
  implements IRestaurantRepository {

  public List<Restaurant> restaurantsByEntreeName(String entreeName) {
    Object[] params = new Object[1];
    params[0] = entreeName;
    return read(
      "select r from Restaurant r where like ?1",
  // .. other methods implemented

One argument could be that the query string passed to the read() method is dependent on the specific engine used. But it can very easily be abstracted using a factory that returns the appropriate metadata required for the query (e.g. named queries for JPA).

How does this compare with Greg Young's solution ?

Some of the niceties of the above Bridge based solution are ..

  • The architecture seam exposed to the domain layer is NOT opaque or narrow. The domain layer works with IRestaurantRepository, which is intention revealing enough. The actual implementation is injected using Dependency Injection.

  • The specific implementation engine is abstracted away and once agian injected using DI. So, in the event of using alternative repository engines, the domain layer is NOT impacted.

  • Greg Young suggests using composition instead of inheritance. The above design also uses composition to encapsulate the implementation within the abstract base class Repository.

However in case you do not want to have the complexity or flexibility of allowing switching of implementations, one leg of the Bridge can be removed and the design simplified.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How do you model a Domain Entity ?

Steve Freeman recommends using an interface for every domain entity in order to have a clean layering in architecture and no dependency between the domain and the persistence model of implementation. He does not mind if there is a single implementation for every interface and recommends his paradigm for expressing the needs of the domain code more clearly by limiting its dependency to an interface that defines just the services it needs from other parts of the system.

I am not sure if I agree to his principles. While not being a fanboy of interfaces-even-for-single-implementations club, I do not think using concrete classes for domain entities will incur any dependency between the domain layer and the persistence services. Standards like JPA backed up by ORM implementations like Hibernate provide transparent persistence services today, which can be plugged in non-intrusively into your domain model. I have indicated the same in the comments to his post, but just thought of having a separate post to make my point more clear.

Regarding data access using JPA, Repositories provide a great abstraction to encapulate them. While repositories belong to the domain services layer, they use domain entities and value objects to transport data across the layers of your model. Repositories also abstract away specific query languages like EJB QL or Hibernate HQL behind intention-revealing interfaces, keeping your domain entities free of any such dependencies. I had blogged about generic repository implementations to abstract away transparent data access code from domain models using the Bridge design pattern. All configuration parameters including EntityManagerFactories can be injected into your repository implementations through DI containers like Spring, keeping the domain model clean from these dependencies.

And JPA provides a nice standardized set of contracts to map your relational data model into your object-oriented domain entity class. All the annotations are from JPA, where you do not have to import any non-standard stuff into your codebase - all imports are from javax.persistence.*. And if you think annotations couple your code with the data model, go ahead and use XML for a completely transparent and decoupled model mapping. I have talked about the virtues of JPA based domain modeling and repository abstraction some time back.

Using transparent data persistence backing up your domain model, I tend to follow the policy of having one concrete class for every domain entity. I use JPA annotations for mapping domain model to the relational data model. This way the implementation adheres to the standards, and I have one clean artifact as my domain entity abstraction.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Domain Driven Design : Use ORM backed Repository for Transparent Data Access

In my last post, I had discussed about having Repositories as a higher level of abstraction in domain driven design than vanilla DAOs. Many people have questioned about how the getOutstationEmployees() method in EmployeeRepositoryImpl could have been more performant using plain old SQL instead of having it abstracted behind the layers of DAOs and Repositories. Actually, the main idea behind the post was to establish the fact that Repositories are a more natural way to interface domain Aggregates with the underlying database than DAOs. Let us see why ..

  • The Data Access Object pattern evolved as part of the core J2EE design patterns as a means of handling bean managed persistence, where every business object was mapped to a DAO. And for relational databases, every DAO had a natural mapping to the database table. Hence the DAO pattern enforced a stronger coupling with the underlying database structure. This strategy encourages the Transaction Script pattern of modeling a domain, which is definitely not what DDD preaches.

  • Repository provides a more domain centric view of data access, where the client uses the Ubiquitous Language to access the data source. The DAOs, OTOH, provide a more database centric view, which is closer to the implementation than the domain.

  • Repositories provide controlled access to the underlying data in the sense that it exposes only the Aggregate roots of the model, which the clients should be using. When we model an Order domain entity, it makes sense to expose LineItems only in the context of the Order, and not as separate abstractions. Repositories are mapped to the Aggregate root level and ensure that the client gets a coherent view of the Order entity.

Using ORM solutions with DDD

DDD advocates a strong domain model and ORM encourages transparent persistence of domain objects. In case of an RDBMS backed application, both the paradigms aim towards decoupling the relational data layer from the object oriented domain layer. Hence it is more natural that they will complement each other when we think of scalable application architectures with a strong domain model. And when we consider the combination of DDD and ORM, the DAO paradigm looks deprecated, because the domain layer is no longer concerned about bean level persistence - it deals with Aggregate level persistence. We talk about persisting an Order as a whole, not individual LineItems. Hence we talk about data access and persistence in terms of Repositories, which is a higher level of abstraction than DAOs. And when we talk about transaction control, synchronization of a unit of work and transparent persistence of domain entities, naturally we think of Hibernate Sessions or JPA Entity Managers. So, the concept of a Repository fits this deal like a glove - suddenly you feel like programming at your domain level, relational tables are something that can be managed by the DBA.

Towards a Generic Repository Implementation

How would you like to design a Repository, which can participate in multiple implementations across various ORMs, exposing domain contracts in the Ubiquitous Language ? Clearly the design needs to be extensible on both sides -

  • On the abstraction side, we need to have extensibility for the domain. All domain repositories will be part of this hierarchy.

  • On the implementation side, we need to have extensibility for multiple implementations, e.g. JPA, Hibernate etc.

Think Bridge design pattern, which allows us to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.

On the abstraction side we have

public interface IRepository<T> {
  List<T> read(String query, Object[] params);

and a base class, which delegates to the implementation ..

public class Repository<T> implements IRepository<T> {

  private RepositoryImpl repositoryImpl;

  public List<T> read(String query, Object[] params) {
    return, params);

  public void setRepositoryImpl(RepositoryImpl repositoryImpl) {
    this.repositoryImpl = repositoryImpl;

On the implementation side of the Bridge, we have the following base class

public abstract class RepositoryImpl {
  public abstract <T> List<T> read(String query, Object[] params);

and an implementation based on JPA ..

public class JpaRepository extends RepositoryImpl {

  // to be injected through DI in Spring
  private EntityManagerFactory factory;

  public <T> List<T> read(String query, Object[] params) {
    JpaTemplate jpa = new JpaTemplate(factory);

    if (params == null) {
      params = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;

    try {
      List<T> res = jpa.executeFind(new GenericJpaCallback(query, params));
      return res;
    } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) {
      throw new DataAccessException(e);

Similarly we can have a Hibernate based implementation ..

public class HibernateRepository extends RepositoryImpl {
  public <T> List<T> read(String query, Object[] params) {
    // .. hibernate based implementation

But the client can work based on the contract side of the Bridge, with the implementation being injected through Spring ..
Here's a sample client repository contract based on the domain model of Richardson in POJOs in Action ..

public interface IRestaurantRepository {
  List<Restaurant> restaurantsByName(final String name);
  List<Restaurant> restaurantsByStreetName(final String streetName);
  List<Restaurant> restaurantsByEntreeName(final String entreeName);
  List<Restaurant> restaurantsServingVegEntreesOnly();

for the aggregate root Restaurant having the following model :

public class Restaurant {
   * The id.
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
  private long id;

   * The name.
  private String name;

   * The {@link Address}.
  @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
  private Address address;

   * Set of {@link Entree}.
  @JoinTable(inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "ENTREE_ID"))
  private Set<Entree> entrees;

  // all getters and setters removed for clarity

It uses JPA annotations for the object relational mapping. Note the one-to-one relationship with Address table and the many-to-many relationship with Entree. Clearly, here, Restaurant is the Aggregate root, with Entree and Address being part of the domain entity. Hence the repository is designed from the Aggregate root, and exposes the collections of Restaurants based on various criteria.

Provide an implementation of IRestaurantRepository using the abstraction side of the Bridge ..

public class RestaurantRepository extends Repository<Restaurant>
  implements IRestaurantRepository {
  public List<Restaurant> restaurantsByEntreeName(String entreeName) {
    Object[] params = new Object[1];
    params[0] = entreeName;
    return read(
      "select r from Restaurant r where like ?1",
  // .. other methods implemented

finally the Spring beans configuration, that injects the implementation ..

<bean id="repoImpl"
  <property name="factory" ref="entityManagerFactory"/>

<bean id="restaurantRepository"
  <property name="repositoryImpl" ref="repoImpl"/>

Here is the complete implementation model of the Repository pattern :

Note how the above design of RestaurantRepository provides access to the Aggregate root Restaurant as collections without exposing the other entities like Entree and Address. Clearly the Repository pattern, if implemented properly, can actually hide the underlying database structure from the user. Here RestaurantRepository actually deals with 3 tables, but the client is blissfully unaware of any of them. And the underlying ORM makes it even more transparent with all the machinery of automatic synchronization and session management. This would not have been possible with the programming model of DAOs, which map naturally 1:1 with the underlying table. This is what I mean when I say that Repositories allow us to program the domain at a higher level of abstraction.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Domain Driven Design - Inject Repositories, not DAOs in Domain Entities

There are some discussions in Spring forum, of late, regarding injection of repositories in the domain objects. And in the context of the data access layer, there appears to be some confusion regarding the difference between DAOs and repositories. A data access object(DAO) is the contract between the relational database and the OO application. A DAO belongs to the data layer of the application, which encapsulates the internals of CRUD operations from the Java application being developed by the user using OO paradigms. In the absence of an ORM framework, the DAO handles the impedance mismatch that a relational database has with OO techniques.

A Look at the Domain Model

In the domain model, say, I have an entity named Organization, which needs to access the database to determine statistics regarding its employees ..

class Organization {

  private String name;
  private Address corporateOffice;
  // .. other members

  public long getEmployeeCount() {
    // .. implementation

  public List<Employee> getOutstationEmployees() {
    // .. access Employee table and Address table in database
    // .. and find out employees who are in a diff city than corporate office

and I need access to the employee details deep down in my database to get the above details mandated by the Organization entity. A typical EmployeeDao will look like the following :

public interface EmployeeDao {
  List<Employee> getAllEmployees();
  Employee getEmployeeById(long id);
  List<Employee> getEmployeesByAddress(Address address);
  List<Employee> getEmployeesByName(String name);
  // .. other methods

Using this DAO definition and an appropriate implementation, we can have the method getOutstationEmployees() as follows :

class Organization {

  // implementation needs to be injected
  private EmployeeDAO employeeDao;

  // ..
  // ..

  public List<Employee> getOutstationEmployees() {
    List<Employee> emps = employeeDao.getEmployeesByAddress(corporateOffice);
    List<Employee> allEmps = employeeDao.getAllEmployees();
    return CollectionUtils.minus(allEmps, emps);
  // ..

Note the usage of the Spring annotation @Configurable to ensure dependency injection of the employeeDao into the domain object during instantiation. But how clean is this model ?

Distilling the Domain Model

The main problem with the above model is that we have lots of unrelated concerns polluting the domain. In his book on Domain Driven Design, Eric Evans says in the context of managing the sanctity of the domain model :
An object should be distilled until nothing remains that does not relate to its meaning or support its role in interactions

In the above design, the code snippet that prepares the list of outstation employees contains lots of logic which deals with list manipulations and data fetching from the database, which do not appear to belong naturally to the domain abstraction for modeling an Organization. This detailed logic should be part of some other abstraction which is closer to the data layer.

This is the ideal candidate for being part of the EmployeeRepository, which is a separate abstraction that interacts with the data accessors (here, the DAOs) and provides "business interfaces" to the domain model. Here we will have one repository for the entire Employee aggregate. An Employee class may collaborate with other classes like Address, Office etc., forming the entire Aggregate, as suggested by Eric in DDD. And it is the responsibility of this single Repository to work with all necessary DAOs and provide all data access services to the domain model in the language which the domain understands. So the domain model remains decoupled from the details of preparing collections from the data layer.

public interface EmployeeRepository {
  List<Employee> getOutstationEmployees(Address address);
  // .. other business contracts

public class EmployeeRepositoryImpl implements EmployeeRepository {

  private EmployeeDAO employeeDao;

  public List<Employee> getOutstationEmployees(Address address) {
    List<Employee> emps = employeeDao.getEmployeesByAddress(corporateOffice);
    List<Employee> allEmps = employeeDao.getAllEmployees();
    return CollectionUtils.minus(allEmps, emps);

The main differences between the Repository and the DAO are that :

  • The DAO is at a lower level of abstraction than the Repository and can contain plumbing codes to pull out data from the database. We have one DAO per database table, but one repository per domain type or aggregate.

  • The contracts provided by the Repository are purely "domain centric" and speak the same domain language.

Repositories are Domain Artifacts

Repositories speak the Ubiquitous Language of the domain. Hence we contracts which the repositories publish must belong to the domain model. OTOH the implementation of a Repository will conatin many plumbing codes for accessing DAOs and their table specific methods. Hence it is recommended that the pure domain model should depend *only* on the Repository interfaces. Martin Fowler recommends the Separated Interface pattern for this.

Injecting the Repository instead of the DAO results in a much cleaner domain model :

class Organization {
  private String name;
  private Address corporateOffice;
  // .. other members

  // implementation needs to be injected
  private EmployeeRepository employeeRepo;

  // ..
  // ..

  public List<Employee> getOutstationEmployees() {
    return employeeRepo.getOutstationEmployees(corporateOffice);
  // ..

In the next part, I will have a look at the Repository implementations while using an ORM framework like Hibernate. We do not need DAOs there, since the object graph will have transparent persistence functionality backed up by the ORM engine. But that is the subject for another discussion, another day ..